Among the other captives I had rescued, not all were beastfolks. They were fairly powerful beings themselves to be locked in that type of facility.

Just a preliminary scan revealed that each was minimum level 40. Humans were included in this bunch. To my surprise, there was also one elf and two fey beings. As for the exact reason they were captured was likely because other facilities couldn't make the best use of them.

Anyway, in total, I counted thirty individuals.

One by one I healed the captives with diligence.

Since my subspace could be used as a temporary paradise, if they wanted, I had no problem allowing them to live here. In fact, I would be delighted. Having a small village here would make this place a lot more lively. Thus, after the healing session I began expanding the innermost subspace. Mountains, lakes, and rivers were formed. Although I could also add greeneries, I wasn't confident in my ability to do so.

Once I had completed in my preparations such as creating several meeting rooms, I woke them up altogether, the two intelligent fey beings included.

How should I greet them?

Since I could easily manipulate their state of consciousness, I didn't particularly care how they saw me. Though, speaking to all these strangers was no different from a public speaking event. Using my [hypnosis] ability, I made sure they remained calm, contrary to how they normally would have reacted. I would hate to have them take battle stances because of some grudges or racial conflicts.

With their gazes all on me, I couldn't help but be nervous.

Smoothie was just outside the hall, as if trying to eavesdrop on my fully improvised speech.

Oh Smoothie, why are you sneaking around? Don't be shy...!

"Ahem," I pretended to clear my throat.

"I am Berry, the person who took you out of that treacherous place. I don't know how much you can understand me. As you can see, you're currently in a safe place in a different world. I have healed all of your wounds and whatnot. Right now, I am giving you two choices. Your first choice is to stay here where food and shelter is provided. Your second choice is to go back. Of course, where you would like to be dropped off is your choice, and I'll do my best to accommodate. Any questions?"

A female elf asked, "What are you? Are you a guardian?"

I did notice she was staring intensely at me, likely to examine my status.

"No." I answered. Before she could ask again, I added, "I'm not a demon either. You can think of me as a mediator or administrator of the world."

As a side note, they were now all wearing same clothing. The stuff they wore in that facility was hardly pleasant to look at so I swapped them out with the clothes I synthesized from recycled material. Otherwise, they would go naked if they stepped out of my subspace.

There were a few humans who seemed to know each other. One of them, likely a leader, raised a question, although hesitantly, "I have a request."

Seeing how this might be related to the resistance group within the human country, I asked, "Do you wish to speak to me in private?"

"Yes, please."

I had one of my clones appear next to me. Despite my control on everyone's mental state, a few showed startled expression. Perhaps I still need to master my ability such that in the future I might be able to undo the indoctrinations in that human country, at least to some degree.

"Please do not be alarmed. I have many servants like her. She'll lead you to a private room."

I could have just teleported them but I felt that would be rude.

That group of humans, a total of 12, followed my clone and exited the room. A few humans that originally not part of that group seemed to have just gone with the flow. Some showed mild prejudice toward the other races present but because I was restraining them mentally, they didn't cause a ruckus.

I let out a sigh.

Why can't everyone just get along? Let go of the past and live in the moment.

The remaining group was consisted of two fey beings, one female elf, and nine beastfolks. Likely due to political reasons, there wasn't a single reptilian.

"I'm assuming you're all okay with being together?"

They all looked around one another.

"Can we get separate rooms?"

I see... Males and females are all sharing a single room now. I guess that's no good now that they're all awake. Still... I know I'm stabilizing your mental states... But at least... I mean... Whatever.

"If you plan to stay, then yes, I can grant that request. I'm going to speak to the humans. Please make your decision before I come back. If you decide to stay, you can always change your mind. But, once you leave, you won't be able to return. Bear that in mind."

With that, I left the room and caught Smoothie in my arms.


She seemed quite happy to be caught like a kid who was doing mischief.

"Your [sage] doesn't work on me. Keep an eye on them for me, won't you?"

"Okay! Do I get a reward for doing that?"

I passed her my official seal and card I got from Kanoko to her just in case. She understood what my intent was at a glance.

You're so smart! That's my girl for you!

"Hmm... Maybe! Now, off you go. Mother is busy with work."

Wow, I sounded like an actual parent! Nice. Now, where's my reward!?

In the meeting room, the atmosphere was tense and dead silent. How could it not? They had gone through more suffering than I had ever. And suddenly, some strange being rescued them without any reason whatsoever. Moreover, this being didn't ask for any compensations but rather gave them choices. On top of that, free food, free healing, and free shelter. That begged nothing but suspicion.

"Did you all want to discuss among yourself first? I don't mind giving you time. I don't plan on forcing any decisions on you, but please give me a reasonable timeframe."

I waited, but no one spoke up. Everyone was trying to gauge each other's reactions. Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, someone finally broke the ice.

"B-Berry if I may call you that, where exactly is this place?"

"Like I said, we're in a different world created via my ability. Whether you believe it or not, I don't care." I replied as a matter of fact.

Another one, a muscular guy, asked, "Do you know what happened to my family?"

I recalled that children and women were in another facility but I wasn't obligated to share that information. Because, I figured if I did, they'd beg me to rescue them or something. I was neither a hero nor a saint. In my eyes, rescuing people like that wouldn't resolve the root of the problem. If it did, I wouldn't have made an appointment with the Hero King in the first place.

"I have no clue. I'm assuming you're all from the Kingdom of Appallia. That's right, I have some questions for all of you. Why exactly were all of you in that place? It can't be because you all committed some horrible crimes, right? Because if you did, I might just send you all back there."

Many of them denied on the spot. Since that was the case, I selected a few to ask them of their circumstances, one of them being the person who requested a private meeting with me.

Because of my mind manipulation, they trusted me quite a bit and divulged information that normally would be considered top secret.

If I was a demon, you'd all just sold your soul. Be thankful that particular demon wasn't as capable of mind manipulation as I am.

Strictly speaking, mind manipulation, depending on severity could be considered interference under the Edict.

After listening to their circumstances, I understood the situation fairly well. Within the human country, there were three factions. The main faction was under the Hero King. The other two factions were secretly plotting to overthrow the current Hero King. One of them was the moderate faction that still wished for the current government system to exist while the other one wished for an overhaul. The former was the larger of the two.

No matter how much they trusted me or suspected me, they didn't disclose where their bases were located. It probably had to do with their trust in each other, and the fellow humans who didn't belong to any faction sitting in this room.

"By the way, how many heroes are there in your factions? I'm curious because there seemed to be a few participating in the Hero King selection tournament."

Personally, I didn't know. I just threw it out there to see their reactions.

The answer I got back was quite the news actually. The tournament was apparently rigged, which I already figured. As for the number of heroes out there, no one knew exactly. Though, just going by rumors, there were at least seven.

Eh, Echo, what's the criteria for becoming a hero again? There's no room to doubt he's involved in all these wrongdoings. I'm surprised he hasn't lost his qualifications already.

This was actually the moment I learned about heroes in detail. Someone seemed to have poorly designed the hero system. Once someone became a hero, they remained a hero until their death. This system would have been ideal in a perfect world, but unfortunately, this wasn't an ideal world.

At some point, if I could, I would rework that system.

[Insufficient access.]

I know, maybe in the future.

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