Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 11 – Not a Rabbit

Finding a good hire was tough. I hadn't even gotten to the interview part, and yet I was already losing so much sleep. Despite being a fey and originally part of a plant, I still required some rest in between my borderline workaholic tendencies.

At some point, out of frustration at my slow progress, I shouted aloud at the sky, "Give me a proper servant, damn it!"



I quickly looked around me.

There stood a black rabbit about my size dressed in fine black suit. His eyes were glowing red and his long canines were protruding from his thin smile. Despite him just standing there, I could feel a dense energy emanating from him into the surroundings.

[Level 70 Demon;

Species: Vahare;

Physical: 499/499;

Spiritual: 879/879;

Traits: Devious, Cunning, Gourmet, Enhanced Physical, Enhanced Spiritual, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Resistances, Immortality, Limit Breaker;

Abilities: Devourer, Evil Eyes, Transformation;

Description: A legendary being.]

"Yo, Mister Rabbit, aren't you hot dressed in black?"

That was my initial greeting, not a smart one if I knew what was good for me. But, I just had to point it out when we were under the blazing sun. That status though, I didn't even know where to start.

Oh wait, that's not a rabbit. Thank god. I'd be doomed if rabbits existed here. But still, [devourer] can't be a good thing.   

"My good client, I appreciate your concern," he gave a courteous smile.

Client? Is he talking to me? When did we enter a business relationship? And, why am I feeling cold all of a sudden?

"Client? Me?"

My elementary school teacher had taught me to never speak to strangers. This was one of those situations. Well, a teacher was no different than a stranger to me so there was that. Given Mister Rabbit had called me a "client", we weren't strangers! We must have been acquaintances or associates, right?

"Why, yes. You may refer to me as De Planck. I am here to negotiate some business matters with you," he bowed politely.

He was too professional for the likes of me.

Business? For real? He realized the potentials of my strawberries? Could this be, the start of my Strawberry Empire? Oh goodies!

I had to act business like and profession too, ad-libbing if necessary.

"Ahem. Yes, yes, business. That's right. What are your proposals?"

"As I am aware, you are in need of servants. I would like to offer you one of my underlings as a servant, and in return I will have your strawberries. Is this acceptable?"

Although I knew very little about demon kinds, I remembered hearing that they were very particular about contracts. Every minor detail had to be ironed out with no room for vagueness. Just based on the offer he provided, if I answered too quickly, that could have ended me! First of all, I didn't know what kind of underling he had nor the services this underling would perform. Second of all, he didn't specify the quantity and quality of strawberries. Plus, I didn't know what he would do with the strawberries. What if he tried to sprout tons of strawberry plants in a coup d'état to take over my empire? That would be terrible! That reminded me one thing, the sprout I abandoned. It was never too late to adopt!

"Let us discuss the details first."

There was not a sign of surprise on him but rather a bemused smile. His razor sharp teeth were displayed. A smiling rabbit was never a good omen, not to mention those horrifying teeth. What had the world come to? At least he didn't look like a vegetarian.

"Very well."

Even though he could have used brute force with me, he was still civilized enough to negotiated with me first. That much, I appreciated. Speaking with him wasn't that difficult at all given his courteous manner, even if it was all just a facade.

We first ironed out the details of my side of the bargain. Although it was supposed to be detailed, this was just an initial agreement. I proposed to have the formal contract signed after a short trial period. In this agreement, I would offer five strawberries per day. Any seeds harvested had to be destroyed, and cloning using strawberry wasn't permitted unless I gave explicit permission. As for harvesting the strawberries, his servants would collect them. I didn't have to spend time collecting them.

After that, we moved to under a tree because the sun glare in my eyes.

As for his side of the bargain, he allowed me to pick a servant from his list. Each time I named one, he teleported that servant here for me to check their status. None of them looked weak at all which meant my strawberries were just that valuable! Seriously, I wished I could teleport.

[Level 49 Fey;

Species: Reo-Ibanos;

Physical: 140/140;

Spiritual: 326/326;

Traits: Bewitching, Enhanced Senses;

Abilities: Charm, Dream Eater, Transformation, Master Illusionist;

Descriptions: A type of fey that can transform their appearances.]

"Good afternoon, my name is Kanobi. Pleased to meet you."

The first servant shown to me was a pretty fox lady dressed in a flowery night gown. She had silvery long hair that matched her swaying seven fluffy tails. What was most odd to me was that she appeared just as tall as me.

I have no name. What to do... I don't want to use my past life's name either.

"Yes, hi, I'm the strawberry fey. How come you're the same size as me? Does it have to do with your abilities?" I asked.

"Strawberry fey?" She had a perplexed expression on her before she quickly erased it, "Well yes, I have adjusted my appearance to match that of your size."

"What kind of contract do you currently have with De Planck?"

I figured it was better for me ask sooner than later since I didn't want to be duped by strange relationships.

"Allow me to explain," De Planck intruded, "although I have stated they are my servants, they are not bound by soul contracts with a few exceptions. Please do not be discouraged as those individuals are not on the list you have witnessed. If these candidates wish so, they may decide to serve you indefinitely."

Oh, that's good. That meant he acted as an intermediary like a headhunter.

I noted mentally to investigate this "soul contract" thingy. It would be seriously troublesome if I accidentally sold my soul to a demon. I didn't even know how souls worked in the first place.

"Your abilities are amazing! This would make dealing with mortals so much easier!"

"However, you have not made any impression on me. What would I gain from this? Given your status, shouldn't you be serving me?" She retorted with a haughty tone.

Oh crap, did I mess up? De Planck, did you set me up? This is foul! Foul!

"Wait, De Planck, this wasn't part of our agreement!"

"I am unsure what you are referring to. We have made no such arrangements between you and your potential servants other than a possible trial period."


I should have known. Thankfully there hadn't been any contracts yet.

"Please be assured, I too wish for a long lasting business relationship therefore I will try my best to find a suitable candidate for you. Would you care to check the next candidate on the list?"


[Level 32 Demon;

Species: Lo-Kazdour;

Physical: 245/245;

Spiritual: 499/499;

Traits: Devious, Librarian, Arrogant, Enhanced Physical, Enhanced Spiritual, Enhanced Resistances, Enhanced Senses, Immortality;

Abilities: Seeker of Knowledge, Forger;

Description: A type of demon that evolved from a mortal race.]

Oh what, a mortal can evolve into a demon? Those stats are amazing though, and the traits. I better make a good impression this time!

I spoke first, "How do you do?"

The demon that was introduced looked like a scaly man. Given his species name that started with "Lo", he was probably from a lizard type race. His outfit really suited his trait |librarian|, with a scholarly looking black coat. He was a fairly tall guy carrying a calm demeanor. Although he didn't appear physically strong, his stats said otherwise.

"Well met, I am called Oortez. I understand you are looking for a servant. For me to serve you, you must supply knowledge not known to me prior. In exchange, I will share my knowledge with you, that is in equal value, in addition to guarding your presence."

Figures. What useful knowledge do I have? Nothing. I doubt he cares about what I know from my previous life. But, it's worth the try, isn't it? Let's test the waters first. If possible, I would like to have this kind of servant who'll be able to answer lots of my questions about this world.

"I don't know what you know or don't know. Can you at least tell me what kind of stuff you don't know?"

"De Planck, I do not believe this relationship will work. Please return me at once for I have a busy schedule," he spoke with a condescending tone.

Just like that, I lost another potential servant.

You're kidding me. I thought I was the employer. Where did I go wrong? Ehhh... Wait a second, what I am even exchanging my strawberries for? This smells super fishy.

"Ehh... De Planck, what was I exchanging my strawberries for? I mean, I have to offer that in addition to these potential servants and they don't even get the strawberries."

"Perhaps there was a misunderstanding. The five strawberries we agreed upon was for my service in locating servant candidates for you."

"Then once I have found a servant, you'll continue receiving strawberries from me?"


Were demons all like this? Have I just been duped? I know plants have no brain cells but for real? Outsmart, me? A plant? Do you have no honor and pride?

A demon was a demon after all. I totally overlooked his |cunning| trait. I should have known better to enter a shady deal with some suspicious rabbit with a strange getup.

Ah, what to do, what to do. My precious strawberries are in danger!


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