Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 35 – Embassy Hall

Following the road signs, we strolled through this magnificent city. The superb craftsmanship by the architects, it would be such a waste for them to be damaged or destroyed in the oncoming war.

"Mother, you failed so badly," she burst into laughter while covering her mouth.

"Wah? What's so funny? I tried my best, you know!?"

I knew I failed terribly at using [charm] on that guard but effort was effort! Where was my pat on the back when I needed it? Head pats were okay too.

"That's the funny part!"

"Hmph! Next time I'll leave it to you since you're supposed to be the expert, huh?"

"Nuh uh!"

"Yuh uh!"

Sniff. Sniff. Super alluring aroma drifted our way. I murmured, "smells so good," as we were passing through a street lined with fancy diners. It was just too bad I didn't have any money with me. If I did, I would definitely create a stomach for myself and try them all!

"Mother, I want some too."

"You focus on evolution first. I'll reward you once you can free yourself from your plant body."

"Promise? Pinky promise? I don't want your memory version.""

Ah, crap, she read my intentions.

"You know, memory version is usually better? I keep only the best flavors."

"No! No! I want real food." She tugged at my clothe tightly. If she pulled any harder, the delicate fabric would probably rip. That would really be embarrassing if that happened in public with all these eyes around us.

You win this time!

I sighed with resignation, "Fine, I promise."

We hooked pinkies in the middle of the street. When I looked around, a few onlookers showered us with some amusing smiles. It was probably just our wings were too conspicuous.

"Let's get going already," I pulled her hand.

We reached the embassy hall after about half an hour walk. Compared to other buildings around here, it didn't appear to be unique or special in any way. The signboard on the embassy hall was in both common language and local language.

"Smoothie, can you read the other language?"

"No. I can only read common language."

"How come you can read it? My memories didn't have it so there's no way you could have learned it from me."

"How come you can read common language?" She threw that question right back at me.

What a cheeky brat. Just answer my question already.

"How am I supposed to know? You're the expert here."

"Apparently it's part of an integration feature within the system. It guarantees those born as non-physical can communicate effectively using the common language."

"Oh. Isn't that an unfair advantage? That means any fey being could speak?"

"Only if they are intelligent enough which can be gained as they level up and evolve. Anyway, we should register first."

"Yeah, we can't live on the streets."

One of the receptionist greeted us when we entered. She was a young fox lady who resembled Kanobi, the fey fox I met when I was headhunting. Unlike the others around here, she looked completely human except the pointy ears above her head. Well, she did have a fluffy tail but most of that was hidden behind her desk.

"Good afternoon, are you two refugees?"

Just to be sure, I checked her status.

[Level 34 Fey;

Species: Reo-Ibanos;

Physical: 110/110;

Spiritual: 276/276;

Traits: Bewitching, Hearth, Assayer, Enhanced Senses;

Abilities: Charm, Spirit Fire, Transformation;

Descriptions: A type of fey that can transform their appearances.]

Those stats, she's flipping powerful. She's from the same species too. Isn't their species' base stats too high? She also has [transformation], such hack.

"Not really, we're travellers. The guard told us to report here."

"I see, plant fey. We are to treat you as honorable guests at the embassy." She nodded politely with a smile.

"Why? We didn't do anything special. We're just looking for a place to stay and maybe earn some money."

"Every intelligent fey being in the empire is a considered highly valuable asset. You two, being those originating from fey plants, are extremely rare. As I can see with my eyes, both of you have potent abilities and traits that the empire cannot neglect, especially at a time of uncertainty. Thus, you are to be treated as honorable guests at our embassy until we can arrange suitable accommodations at a later date."

"I just said we're travellers, not citizens. We're just passing by and we don't plan on being assets for the empire."

"I understand we're unlikely to be able to hold you here with force. Therefore, we're willing to negotiate and we have much to offer," she insisted with a professional smile.  

I don't like the sound of this.

"Do you have the authority to do so?"

"Yes, my name is Kanoko and I hold the highest authority in this embassy."

She certainly didn't look like it. Also, her name was similar to that other fox lady, Kanobi.

Is she not the receptionist?

"You're not the receptionist?" I asked.

"Yes, and I'm also the manager of this embassy. If you have any issues, I am the person in charge."

I looked around. One of the uniformed staff nodded at me.

Oh, she really is in charge.

"Okay. By the way, why is it the embassy hall that deals with this matter? I thought the city hall or something deals with it."

"This concerns the kingdom and the empire. Since you're new to this society, allow me to explain briefly. Within the empire, there used to be five kingdoms, however only three remained. Each kingdom has at least one embassy. You're currently in the Kingdom of Teir. Majority of the population here are Juds, ones you see here."

She continued, "Due to the ongoing war with the humans and reptilians, two kingdoms fell to ruin. Our kingdom is now on the frontline but we do not expect any invasion any time soon as we make preparations."

I bet one of the fallen ones was where Haelley was from.

"Is negotiation not possible with the other two nations?" I asked.

"No. Our ambassadors were denied and forced to return. For the past few decades, the humans' and reptilians' incomprehensible actions continued to baffle us. And recently, without any provocation, they mounted sudden attacks toppling two kingdoms in quick succession. Even now, we're still trying to recover."

I guess it was a good call I didn't harm that ferretfolk back there. Otherwise, we would end up forever as an outcast. There's no way I can fend myself against armies if they ever choose come after me. I'm such a genius! Now I can hide here while they duke it out.   

There I immediately decided on siding with this country. There wasn't any other friendly countries for the likes of me so this was probably the best choice at the moment. "You know what? I'll take your accommodations. Where should we go?"

"Do you prefer the garden or a regular room?"

Heck, if she had asked any other person with that question, he or she would have thought it was harassment. Thankfully, I was a super understanding person! But, this plant doesn't belong in the garden.

"Smoothie, are you okay with being in a regular room?"


"Do not worry, you're allowed to visit the garden at your leisure. I just needed to confirm whether a room should be assigned to your names," Kanoko added.

"Oh okay, thanks."

"As for foods and drinks, I'm not familiar with your species."

"I'm okay with anything really. Is there anywhere we can take a bath?"

"Ah yes, there are local bathhouses. Hold on a moment," she quickly draught down a map of the area with important places. "Here is the bathhouse. I'm sure you've passed some restaurants on your way here. For tourists, the shopping locations are here, here, and here."

"Hold on, we have no money."

"Not to worry. I will give you a green pass that allows you to spend moderately within the city. All your basic needs will be provided within the embassy. Please follow me to your living quarter. It'll be on the second floor."

Our room was huge! Or, it should have been if we weren't so used to living outdoors. This was basically a luxury suite with a king sized bed, fully furnished. There were even glass slider windows. I felt like a VIP.

"Please enjoy your stay. Here's your pass. If you have any issues, please speak with me, and if I'm not available, please speak with one of our staff."

She passed to me a green metallic card with words in both languages stating "Teir Embassy".

"Oh okay, thanks. Wait, how does the pass work?"

"Show it to the vendors and they'll bill the embassy."

I guess now we just have to wait until they rearrange some other stuff for us to do later. Whatever, free stuff is free stuff! It's party time!

"Smoothie, let's go for a bath! I'm a little thirsty too."

"Bath water isn't for drinking, Mother. You're disgusting!"

"I'm not! I'm not drinking bath water." I lightly chopped her head.


That stupid ability must have fed her useless knowledge again.

Since there wasn't anything to do here, we headed to the local bathhouse noted on the map. It was important to stay clean now that we had access to free water. Of course, if possible, I would like to store some water in |gourmet| for future uses. Plants didn't grow without water.


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