Going off on my own, I investigated many tunnels to ensure none were missed by the military. It really wasn't my duty or anything but I wanted to play things safe. The tunnel where I was fighting inside earlier was actually one of the three main tunnels leading to other settlements within the mountains. There were probably hidden tunnels and passages to leave this place as well but I wouldn't know where to look for them.

At the forefront, there were supposed to be rings of tunnels beneath the city of Vera and outside of the city. These were the defense formations. That being said, the enemies were able to bypass them undetected until just hours ago, or rather, until the red flares came from outside the city.  

As for the main entrance where I came in from, that had since been sealed with multilayered walls and magic barriers. As for other entrances, soldiers not fighting beneath the city were streaming through them to manage the situation outside. Unfortunately, I had no idea what was going outside other than it was probably getting ugly.

What to do... What to do...!

I was super bored loitering around after checking that the situation had stabilized somewhat. Sure, the city was beautiful, but there wasn't anything entertaining.

I had no idea where the other three fey beings were. Kanoko had disappeared somewhere after she lead me into the inner city. The two others were probably doing something important, maybe. The so called strongest fey, Vorte, was probably fighting somewhere.

Screw this, I'm going to play and level up. No hard feelings!

Once again, I delved into the tunnels. This time I wanted to push them back all the way instead of holding an equilibrium at the points of breach. After descending multiple floors in the tunnel network, I reached another one that was breached earlier. It was one of the four breaches that I found.

Healers were treating the wounded soldiers as I made my way closer to the opening made by the invaders. Unlike the other breach, this one was fairly narrow not allowing any tanks to pass through. They probably messed up with their explosives or something.

Currently, neither side was making any moves. It was as if both sides were waiting for an opportunity.  

Did they run out of explosives? That can't be right? Well, well, I'll be the one to take the initiative then.

I didn't bother asking the commander nearby nor did I wait for any signals. Time waited for no one.

I was a deviant and I was proud of it!

My miniature leafy fighter jets equipped with poisonous missiles had already taken off in that direction. These missiles all met the minimum size requirement to be clones. This way, I could immediately use [absorption] on my targets. Well, they weren't really missiles but rather darts that were reshapes. Calling them "missiles" just sounded much cooler though, right?

Right, I had gained valuable experiences from the previous battle. I therefore made use of that experience and came up with something more efficient by modifying my aerial clones from the shape of paper airplanes into fighter jets with proper wings and fuselage. It was an evolution in of itself. Not to mention, those mini fighter jets looked super cool when flying in formation. Unlike normal fighter jets, these ones required my mana and fey magic to fly, which meant I could also make them hover like helicopters.

Fwahahaha...! I have just invented a new type of warfare! Targets locked.

"Fire at will!" I couldn't help but to blurt it out.

Well, in truth, they couldn't fire at will. They had no will. And, I just wanted to say that for fun.

Since I was super merciful and benevolent, this time I decided to only drain majority of their stats leaving only enough for them to live. If I was to use my clones to create gardens and jungles, I wouldn't have enough resources left without absorbing all of their bodies. I kind of wished I thought of this earlier. I certainly wouldn't want to end up with pure evil evolutions the next time around.

Dozens of missiles, or rather poisonous darts, and hundreds of bullets which was poisonous needles sprayed at the enemy soldiers guarding the breached area. Under my watch, I was able to guide some of the darts from being blocked by shields and thick armors. It would be too wasteful if none of them were able to hit the targets. Needles were too small so I left them alone but darts were clone sized. There was no reason not to control them even if they missed. Since there were gaps in between defenses, and they were all in my control range, I redirected the darts to pierce the scrambling soldiers.

The poison I used this time was a fast acting paralysis type. Again, I rather not take too many lives and get a bad evolution next time.

Thump. Thump...

Their screams and shouters lasted mere seconds before collapsing in waves. Aside from the dull thumping sounds, there were also metallic sounds from fully armored individuals.

So cool! I wonder if I make a good assassin? Strawberry Assassin?! No, no, no. That's a bad thing. Maybe I should learn some healing magic. Mm...

I didn't waste any time absorbing the mana from these fallen soldiers. In fact, they hardly had any which was why I started using this new tactic. It was about economics. Operating in the red was no good, especially in a war situation. My goal was to level up some more so I needed to profit! Darts were reused to help me absorb mana while needles were discarded. They weren't worth my effort reintegrating back into myself. Those hardly visible poisonous needles were cheap to make anyway.

Meanwhile on my side, the beastfolk soldiers were cheering, their morale had increased from this small victory. They were looking at me with admiration. However, I didn't understand what they were saying at all. I was sure they were all praising me.

Yes, praise me! Pray to me! Wahahaha!


One of my fighter jet was popped. A sniper hidden past the breach must have sniped it.

Gugh! I guess this isn't the time to relax yet.

I turned to the commander officer, "Good sir, I don't know if you understand, but they are still alive. I leave them to you. Careful not to touch the needles."

"Your Grace, understood!" He saluted with his right arm to his chest.

Woah! Such respect? What's up with that?

I was a bit surprised but that was it.

The invaders didn't wait for anyone. In that short while, I lost another three fighter jets. Very unfortunate. One was only damaged which could easily be repaired with [synthesis].

Before my toys received further damages, I scrambled the jets. Concurrently, I took positions closer to the enemy tunnel so I could launch an attack. Soldiers from the city carefully pushed forward to safeguard the new line. Some of them began dragging the unconscious ones back and stripping them of their equipments. Others were carrying construction materials in preparation for sealing the gap.

I can't just poke my head in there. I don't want to get sniped. What to do... What to do... Flash grenade? Hmm... Oh. Oh! Oh! I got it.

Flash grenades were out of my reach but I already had something similar. It was time to again put my strawberry grenades into action!


Following the strawberry grenade, I could also try making toxic smoke grenade. The issue was creating something like a mist. I would have to use nature magic to prepare in advance and I didn't have time right now. Technically there was an alternative but I wasn't confident with my abilities. Anyhow, I had to take action immediately before those invaders could mount a counterattack.

Maybe I should rename the strawberry grenades into poisonous needle grenades? Hmm... Maybe later.

I shot five strawberry grenades into the gap with my fey magic.


One of them was sniped the moment it entered the gap. Before the other ones got popped, I detonated them simultaneously with fey magic. Following four pops, hundreds of poisonous needles were sprayed.

Go! Go! Go!

I rushed in while being escorted by my mini fighter jets.

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