"I have an idea!"

It was just super convenient that the barrier was down. Now if I could sneak out knowing where the magic formations were, taking out a large swath of enemy soldiers should be a piece of cake. Of course, that was assuming they didn't have some boss levelled individuals waiting to meet me half way.

"What is it?" Kanoko asked.

"I want to see the map of the magic formations. You know I can teleport, right? So I'm thinking of teleporting out and causing some damage to their main force."

"Come with me, let's get you the permission you need."

"Alright, I come. I come. Is my friend still in the palace?"

"She was insistent on fighting so she was allowed to fight outside. That's where her abilities shine anyway."

"I hope she doesn't get injured again."

And fight to heart's content, I suppose.

Kanoko lead me to a room adjacent to the audience hall. Inside, five individuals were standing around a round table. A crystal ball was sitting on one side while several maps were lying on the other side. Within that crystal ball were disjointed images shifting about.

"Prince Dolus," Kanoko saluted.

A slimmer version of King Dolan turned around, "Kanoko, you've brought her? I'm guessing you have came up with a plan."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Come," he beckoned towards us who were standing at the doorway, "I'll grant permission. Let's hear it."

This prince is really smart and straight to the point. I like it!   

I shared with him my idea of teleporting outside the city walls and infiltrating the enemy backline through the secret tunnels. Since my clones were planted across the area outside, I could easily escape and avoid trouble. Furthermore, with my |escapist| trait, no one should be able track me. There really weren't many such as fearsome skill sets as me, someone who was perfect for the job.

Besides the prince were advisors who nodded at my brilliant proposal. It was quite dangerous for me but none of them spoke up.

Impressed yet?

"That's a good idea. Our secondary barrier will not last much longer if they keep making a mess down there. Any relief is welcomed."

"Secondary barrier? Does that block teleport?" I asked.

"No, it only blocks direct attacks. It shouldn't interfere with your abilities. Right now, their main force underground should have just engaged with our main force holding the fort within the city."

"What about the battle in the air?"

"We can hold them off. That's not a concern," He brushed me off. "For now, familiarize yourself with the positions, and leave as soon as possible. Time is not on our side."

"Yes, Your Highness."

I took this opportunity to study every single map in detail. Tunnels, hidden tunnels, escape routes, various important infrastructures were all indicated on the maps in front of me. It was a treasure trove of valuable information.

After memorizing as much as I could, I asked, "One question, how strong are their strongest and their commanders?"

"We have no reliable information on that. They shouldn't pose too much problem for you."

For real? Seriously? What have you all been doing?

Seeing my surprised expression, one of the other individual added, "Act with caution. Spread fear into the enemy lines."

Stop trying to sound cool! I know the basics.

"Eh, yes. Thank you for your advice, good sir."

Basically, I was on my own now. I visited Smoothie one more time before I headed out. The two of us exchanged some memories through transfer. I received a bit of new knowledge on magic while she received some combat data and images of the maps.

"Mother, please come back safely," she smiled before adding, "Go all out. It's kill or be killed. I'll still be with you even if you become a demon."

"That's... Reassuring, not! That last part was unnecessary!"

"Oh was it? You don't want me anymore?" She covered her mouth with her hand, faking an astonished expression.

"Hey, you brat! You're saying as if I'll end up being a demon for sure."

"Eheheh, I love you!"

She tried to hug me, and as I tried to evade, she managed to grab hold of me.

"Tch. That ability of yours. You should share it with me sometimes."

"No way! It's a maiden's secret!"

"Kff, fine, fine. I'm off now."

To kill or not to kill, that's the question. Heh, since I've already killed, maybe I should continue? I mean, I'm neither a pacifist nor a vegetarian. Those humans need some setbacks, definitely. I'm defending the country! Yep, it's my job. Yeah! Let's do this! Operation... Mm... Reaperberry? Sure.

Before I left for the secret tunnels, at a remote location, I altered my entire appearance. For concealment purposes, I altered my whole body's color to pure black. The light chitin armor I had was a bit stiff at the joints so I removed parts of it. I had to ensure my movements were quiet and smooth. My white dress was changed to that of a skin tight black outfit. Getting my dress caught on sharp protruding rocks wouldn't be funny. 

My body was now shrunk to a quarter of what it was. Basically, I was now half the size of Smoothie. Due to my compressed mana, shrinking any more was going to be difficult at the moment. I honestly didn't think it would affect my ability to transform.

Anyhow, since I was small again, I grew a pair of black wings so I could fly freely.

Ooh, a dark fairy! Ohohoho... This will be fun. Maybe I should even add some luminescent patterns on my wings to scare those unsuspecting soldiers. A white smiley face? A devilish grin? Hmm! Nawh.

On top of eliminating enemies, I wanted to destroy their morale.

A little bit of PTSD wouldn't hurt, right? It's just a prank, a kid's prank! It's all good.

Looking through the list of poisons I could produce with [synthesis] and [conglomerate], I tried to look for one that mixed well in air but was also cheap to make. Resources and mana didn't come free. The one I used earlier was quite expensive and only paralyzed victims for a short periods of time. I didn't bother checking why it expensive because this was the only non-lethal one.

After thoroughly checking the list displayed, I found quite a few lethal ones that were cheap to make. Hydrogen cyanide was probably the cheapest. However it wasn't that lethal in my opinion. The most lethal one seemed to be a poison extract from a sea creature but it was quite expensive. In any case, the plant derived poisons were always cheaper to make than animal derived.

Such a dilemma, which one should I use? The struggle... You know what, I'll go with the cheap and mass produced poison. Cyanide, you're now my partner in crime! I'm not sure if temperature and pressure is suitable but it's a different world. Yeah, let's not mind the details.

In case this one wouldn't take gas form, I had another one ready albeit a bit more expensive. Obviously, if neither worked as intended, I would resort to injecting the poisons via darts and needles as usual.

Once I was out in the fields, my operation began.


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