The room connected to the office space looked just like a fancy hotel suite. Bathroom and kitchen was missing but those were probably in separate rooms within the palace.

"Ah, who's this sublime youth standing in front of me? Why, it's me of course! Ehh... This is me, right?"

Seriously, is this me? Otherworldly, surreal beauty, yes, but, seemingly completely unnatural and unapproachable. It's no wonder humans called me fiend or devil. I can almost justify their poor name-calling. If only I can point out exactly what's wrong.

Compared to Smoothie, my facial features were more defined and sharp. She still had a baby face so a comparison wouldn't be fair. Smoothie was cute, but not in an abnormal way. Then, there was Kanoko and that other fox lady who also had the |bewitching| trait. They looked very beautiful in a mystical way but still somewhat on the natural side.

I tried to smile while being mesmerized by my appearance.

"Oh my goodness, those lips... Charm me any day. I wish I could get aroused, how unfortunate." I mumbled to myself.  

Those soft looking lips were in the color of pinkish red as if lipsticks were applied. Obviously, I had no makeup because no one here cared about that unless war paint counted as makeup. There wasn't anyone who I wanted attention from. I wasn't born from a culture that valued makeup either.

Looking at my face as a whole, I honestly felt my appearance was super out of place, like my |bewitching| trait overdid it. The symmetry and proportions couldn't have been calculated better on this face of mine. I was never outstanding with my artistic abilities but whoever designed this face should get a best artist award. The eyes, the nose, the cheekbones, the mouth, the skin tone, no details were neglected, even the eyebrows were perfectly trimmed. I almost wished that there was a flaw for me to focus on.

I can't say I like it. God, it wasn't you, was it? Are you doing this to spite me? You gave me a face that would keep any man or woman away. You know, people are more likely to start a cult worshipping me before some would dare ask me out on a date. Furthermore, I have no defined gender. Sure, maybe I can work around it later but I don't think my heart can take it. Is this a blessing or a curse? I'm so confused right now.

I let out a defeated sigh in front of the mirror gazing at this foreign looking entity.

What the most striking feature were my eyes. These large crimson and also radiating eyes extruded a mystical aura. In addition, irises infused with two sets of geometrical patterns surrounded those dark pupils. The geometrical patterns were two overlapping and interlinked squares that could form the basis of certain magic formations if I wasn't mistaken.

And what's with these eyes? They're nothing like normal. I have a bad feeling about them. You know what? I'll make them normal again!

As much as I tried, my eyes couldn't be altered with [creation]. Everything else could be altered at least to some degree, including my face, but these mystical eyes refused to budge. After trying to fudge it a bit more, I received a notice from [creation] menu stating I had insufficient access.

"Are you serious? What's up with that? This is my body. At least, let me alter it however I want." I cried out in dismay.   

That request was obviously ignored. No response came and I was stuck with those strange eyes.

In the first place, I was the one who designed my eyes to be red. I was sure I had access back then unless it had always been red. Although I didn't indicate any specifications, [creation] shouldn't be able to add things without my consent.

Really though, were my eyes always like this? It couldn't have been, right?

There was no point crying over spilt milk so I gave up. Pondering by myself wasn't going to get me anywhere.

Now, this face though, I think I know what I can alter. Right now it's too alien to me. It is beautiful but it just doesn't sit right with me.

Overall, beauty aside, this face when examined by itself was androgynous edging towards feminine side. If my hair was cut short, I could definitely see some people mistaking me for either male or female.

"Berry, how long are you going to stare at yourself? Are you in love?" Kanoko teased while staring at me with amusement.

"I'm not a narcissist. I'm just surprised and unsatisfied with my appearance."

"Unsatisfied? How so? Even I'm a bit envious." Her expression changed into a slight frown.

"It's not like that! I want to look a bit more normal. I mean, you can transform too so I don't understand why you out of anyone would be envious."

"I wish it was that simple. Now, just to be clear, I'm not envious of your appearance but rather your mastery of [transformation]. Although I have also have such ability, I would have to put in much more effort to make more delicate adjustments."

"Oh. I've always just left it to the |bewitching| trait."

"I do too. However, that trait also takes into account your own perception. Because of that, it would never display a form that which you do not admire. Since you received that appearance naturally via your trait, I believe you should keep it as is. There's no reason to change it. And as you level up, and your own perception changes, so too will your appearance."

"Ah, I had no idea it also based it off my own perception of beauty. How did you learn about those things?"

"There are those who have special traits or abilities that can gain insight into them. They recorded in details each trait and ability they examined. I was fortunate to be allowed to view these archives to understand my own traits and abilities better."

"Neat! Can I access these archives? I have a bunch I want to look up."

"When the king returns, I can accompany you to request for his permission."

"When will he be back?"

"I don't know. Currently the prince is in charge of daily operations."


"Anyway, you should be able to create your figurines now. Be on your way now."

"Hold on, do I go back to my quarters at the embassy?"

"Ah, I was so busy that I forgot. I'm so sorry!" She clasped her hands together and lowered her head.

"It's fine. I don't need to sleep anyway but I need a place for things to be delivered to."

"There's a room to spare in one of the residential buildings a short walk from the palace. You might have seen these buildings on your way here."

Apparently there were three of these buildings surrounding the inner city palace. These buildings were spaced equally apart, forming an equilateral triangle. Based on the magic theory I had learned, I suspected these three buildings possibly also served as magic formations as one of the last line of defense.

They looked quite well furnished and decorated. She explained that normally only special individuals lived here such as nobles and royal guards. Given my contributions, I was also allowed to move in.

In the case of Haelley, she was a princesses so it was perfectly normal for her to live in the palace.

While Kanoko took out some of her time to show me around my new residential place, I asked, "How is Haelley? Is she alright?"

I thought it would be rude to forget her. Even if she became useless to me, she was still once a companion.

"I heard she performed well in the most recent war. One of Vorte's trainees said he will personally train the young princess."

"Oh good for her. Eh, where does Vorte live? Does he also live here?"

Of course, I was a bit curious where Vorte lived. He was the rumored strongest fey being around here.

"That Vorte always meditates in the temple above the mountain, you know, under the obelisk. That place is his home."

"How come? Why is he the special one? Normal people can't even visit that temple, right?"

"He's kind of the guardian deity of this city."

"Guardian deity? What kind of fey being is he?"

"He's a serpent spirit. That is his original form but he usually takes a humanoid form like us."

"Ah okay, just like my original form is a plant."

"Yes. Last I checked, he was level 70."

"Then, he's about to evolve?"

"Yes, so don't go bother him while he's trying to make that breakthrough."

Is the next evolution challenging? A breakthrough? Ahh... I'm probably just over thinking things.

I replied, "I won't! I don't want to fight something beyond me. I'm curious though, what will he envolve into?"

"I believe he's trying to evolve into a pure spirit. Evolution is extremely rare and difficult. This might be his seventh attempt since I've been here."

"Seventh? Are there many criteria?"

"I don't know. There is very little record of fey beings like us evolving past level 70. It's not something I would be concerned about."

"I see."

But it is certainly something I'm concerned about. I want to evolve properly! I think I should speak to Vorte to get some more information later. But first, I should speak with Smoothie. She should know something about it.


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