
My eyes were squeezed shut.

God, did you miss me? Your little strawberry is coming for you!

The next moment, I felt a giant hand grabbing onto me.

Or not? Am I going to be eaten? I don't taste good!

When my eyes opened again, I noticed that the man's face was next to me.

Dude, ever heard of personal space? Ever looked at a mirror? You look super creepy.

Of course, I was too scared to actually voice my opinions. Apparently he didn't actually shoot me.



My two pairs of pretty wings were ripped off just like that.

"Owwiee... what did you do that for?"

"Do you want to keep your legs?"

"Yes, yes!"

I quickly nodded.

"Now, shut it. You're coming with me."

Before long, he hopped off the tree holding the motionless baby bird in one hand, and me in the other hand. His rifle was slung over his shoulders. 

How should I get back to my plant body? Think, think! Oh right, what does this new ability do?

I never had the chance to examine it properly. It was called [strawberry substitution]. While I was still being held, I closed my eyes to get a feel of current body. Technically I was no longer a Strawberry Imp but a Strawberry Trickster. Just going by the name of the species, I should have some tricks up my sleeves.

"Don't try anything funny if you know what's good for you," he threatened me with a low tone while squeezing me tightly.

What the hell? I'm only trying to escape. What's your problem? Did you forget your medications? Forget it, I'll have something better for you! Mwahahahaha!

I grasped what that new ability did or I thought I did. Thank goodness I had strawberries somewhere otherwise I was done for. When this ability combined with [supply chain], they became the ultimate duo. I knew exactly the location and the detailed status of each of my plant bodies.

However, [strawberry substitution] had a serious flaw. I had to be in contact with the ground or a plant grown in nature for the ability to work. I seriously wished I had knew about this before I got captured.



We were already back at his campsite. A giant lizard, likely his ride, stood on four legs next to a triangular tent. In front of the tent was lined up with various types of containers of which the baby bird was placed in a straw basket. As for me, I was dropped in a glass container.

You serious? I can't even escape like this.

"Haaiii yeaahh!" I landed a super punch at the glass barrier.


A knife landed next to me outside of the glass jar.

"Don't make me do this," he warned with a bored expression.

Gulp. He really wasn't faking it. His |ruthless| trait wasn't just for show. I hope the devil gobbles you up.

"Explain! What did I do wrong? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Money. Never seen one like you before. You'll fetch good cash if I sell you to the lab," he chuckled.

Oh crap, that doesn't sound good at all. I don't want to get dissected. Think, think, think!

Then, an idea popped into my head. Money? Drugs? My strawberry empire came to mind. I was sure he was into this type of business.

"I can help you make even more money than you'll know what to do with! Please hear me out."

He was quiet for moment as of pondering. Then, he puffed out some smoke before smudging his burnt out cigar on the ground.

"Make it short."

"I'm a part of fey plant called Strawberry Plant. The berry that I fruit is super addictive. I can give you strawberries and you sell them to make profits? You'll get repeating customers. How about it?"

Again he went quiet. I didn't think he was the type to take his time thinking. No matter how long he took, I obviously didn't want to disturb his thought process unless I risked losing my limbs. Just losing my wings was painful enough!

"Show me it."


"Don't f---ing mess around!" He bellowed.

Whatever his occupation was, he sure had a short fuse. All I wanted was a clarification and he just had to shout. If I could avoid doing business with him, I would at all cost. This wasn't a business relationship I wanted. Anyway, he probably meant the strawberry but I doubted he would let me out of the jar.

I was super hesitant to ask him to release me onto the ground. He'd probably cut my legs off so I wouldn't escape. But, I had no other choice!

"I need to go to my plant body."

"Tsk, forget it."

"Wait! Wait! I'll grow one if you let me onto the ground."


He grabbed his knife in one hand, and his hand reached for me.

No. Way. I guessed right? Goodbye legs, it was nice knowing you. Sayonara.

It wasn't like this body had blood or anything but I still felt pain nonetheless.

"Make it quick," I squeezed my eyes shut while I was being held, that knife just hovering above my legs. I kind of wished I was clothed. Being held buck naked was new sensation for me, not a good one either.


Gurrrrrhhhh! He did it slowly on purpose!


Screw you! What did I do to deserve this?

He didn't stop there either. Just like my legs, my arms were slowly cut off. All the while I was suffering from excruciating pain, he was chuckling like a madman.

I was basically a stump now.

I'll curse you even after your death! You just watch, shithead!

Boom, boom, boom.

Following the sounds of three explosions, a thunderous howl echoed in the distance. It was too late for the him, my main body had already touched the ground. Alas, victory was mine!

I was limbless but miraculously still alive. If it was any other creatures, they would have already died. That baby falcon was still as silent as ever, probably pretending to be dead or living in the dreams. Whatever will happen to these two was no longer my concern.

Hope you get shredded. Eheheh...

Edit: Aug 08, 2021, based on feedback in later chapters, switched "abilities/traits" to [abilities] and |traits|.


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