Biquge, update the latest chapter of Strawberry Print as soon as possible!

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He recovered and coughed twice.

When the teacher shouted and stood up, he stood up and tilted his head slightly to the side. "It didn't matter if you didn't take the exam once. Look at me, I never did."


Shen Xingruo glanced at him, and his eyes were full of "I have been reduced to comparing with the bottom creatures of your grade chain?"

But Lu Xingyan made her eyes acquiescence, silently grateful for his comfort.

In this lesson, Shen Xingruo didn't speak again. The teacher explained the test paper, and she didn't write much.

Throughout the afternoon, everyone was talking privately about Shen Xingruo's achievements.

After all, it doesn't seem to be a shipwreck in a gutter, but a shipwreck in Khao Haili.

Shi Qin couldn't help but come to her after class, but did not mention the grades, but came to call her to go to the bathroom together.

Shen Xingruo nodded and got up.

On the way to the bathroom, Shi Qin was also deliberately avoiding his grades, pretending that nothing had happened, only complaining as usual, which dish has been made more and more unpalatable recently, and which part of the meal is getting more and more The less.

Shi Qin can't mention it, but he can't stop others' mouths so that everyone can't mention it.

When the two were in the toilet cubicle, a girl came in to wash their hands, probably thinking that there was no one in this meeting, and there was nothing to worry about talking.

Unfortunately, the two of them listened to it--

"Hey, Shen Xingruo in your class, I heard that the exam was not very good."

"Well, it's quite general, it seems that we have more than thirty students in our class."

Shen Xingruo heard that this was the voice of a certain class of girls.

"Well, I saw her posture of being in the sky, and thought she could take the first grade in grades. Even at this level, she took the best representative of the modular conference like He Siyue, and did not know what background at home."

The girl said very vigorously, "The boys in our grade are really speechless, and they are obviously not as shockingly beautiful as they are. They stunned her like a fairy. I do n’t like her. It looks really good. what!"

"Um ... she's mainly too cold."

The girls shattered the discussion for a while, turned off the faucet, and the conversation gradually faded with the footsteps.

Shi Qin came out of the cubicle, his face was very bad.

The protagonist being discussed does not see any special emotions.

Shi Qin: "Xing Ruo, don't listen to them. Yang Fang's mouth in Class Two is particularly cheap. She had said quietly bad things before, that is, she can't see others excellent!"

Shen Xingruo lowered his eyes and washed his hands quietly.

Shi Qin was still very angry. "A lot of people know that she has a crush on He Siyue in our class from high together. It is estimated that He Siyue is close to you and sees you upset."

"When did I get closer to He Siyue."

If Shen Xing suddenly made a noise, she was puzzled.

"Isn't it? The two of you have known each other before, and often discuss the topic or something ... He Siyue helped you do hygiene before."

Shi Qin was stunned for a while, and his face was taken for granted.

This is called walking near ... Then what does she live in Lu Xingyan's house?

Shen Xingruo was speechless.


After school in the afternoon, Shen Xing Ruo had no appetite and did not go to dinner with Shi Qin and them. She went to the office and went straight to the playground to run.

In the evening at the end of March, the twilight was late, and the sky was still shaking at five or six o'clock.

This will be a meal. There are not many people on the runway. Shen Xingruo has been relaxed with two laps wearing headphones.

When she was about to run for the third lap, a ball flew towards her without warning on the basketball court, hitting a distance of four or five meters away from her, and slowly rolled to her feet.

Shen Xingruo looked towards the basketball court.

The basketball court is called a small playground, and there is a distance from the large playground where the plastic track is located. Looking far away, you can only barely see your figure.

The boys ’voices resounded through the playgrounds, especially clear," beauty, throw the ball over! Thank you! "

Shen Xingruo narrowed his eyes and looked at the group of people without moving.

Xu Chengzhou wiped his sweat and said, "Hey, won't you throw us our ball in the trash can again, can't she hear it, hey, I'll do it."

Lu Xingyan also breathed a little, looked over there, and suddenly said, "I'm going."


When Lu Xingyan approached, Shen Xingruo had already seen the coming.

She picked up the basketball and tossed it gently.


Lu Xingyan took it easily, patted it on the ground, and caught the ball in his arms.

Shen Xingruo nodded and planned to continue running, showing that Lu Xingyan seemed to have no plans to leave yet, and she asked again: "Is there anything else?"

Lu Xingyan touched the back of his neck with his hand. While trying to say something, he was thinking about avoiding the topic of grades, but he did n’t know which one was wrong. Not going? "

"..." Shen Xingruo was silent for a while, and lightly said, "What am I going to do, to see how people bring a tow oil bottle to separate from me?"

Lu Xingyan found something wrong, and changed his head again, "Yes, what happened to your exam this time, you should not be so bad, is it affected by the stupidity of your front seat, I think you usually study hard."

The air was quiet for three seconds.

Lu Xing closed his eyes.


Lift the non-opening pot neatly.

Shen Xingruo slightly looked up at him, and after a moment, Shen Yin said, "Actually, I think I did well in the exam."


Shen Xingruo: "I have to run a lap, not to mention."

She backed away, then turned around and started running again.

Lu Xingyan stood at the spot for a while, looking at Shen Xingruo's back, did not know what he was thinking, patted the ball, and returned to the basketball court.


In the evening, Lu Xing came to participate in an evening self-study again.

The classroom is quiet, and most people are writing wrong exam papers.

At the end of the second quarter of the evening self-study, Wang Youfu suddenly came to the class and knocked on the door panel. He said without warning: "Hey, He Siyue, you change this re-scoring table to the back. , Shen Xingruo had a problem with his pencil, and many of the multiple choice questions were not machine readable, and had been manually corrected. "

? !

All the chickens in the class raised their heads.

Wang Youfu at the door was very ethical. Although he was satisfied, he did not spoil in advance.

He Siyue looked back and took a new form.

As he expected, the first line has been refreshed this time.

Shen Xingruo: Chinese 133, math 150, English 149, history 93, politics 93, geography 100, total score 718.

Grade ranking: 1.

Class ranking, 1.

He ranked second with a total score of 41 points.

The class of students is still a little ignorant, thinking about what Wang Youfu means, what are the multiple choice questions that are not machine readable? What a magic plot.

Not much time, the bell rings after class.

Everyone almost invariably put down the pen and ran towards the back of the classroom.

"I rely on ... 718!"

"First grade hey!"

"I remember the previously announced first grade is Wang Ziyue of Class Two, 687?"

"It's 678, one point higher than He Si."

"My mother, Shen Xingruo's mathematics and geography are full marks. No wonder she only has 90 in mathematics, so she didn't read the 60-point multiple-choice questions ..."

Lu Xingyan didn't get up, only looked back, and almost heard what everyone was saying.

Shen Xingruo is still writing mathematical simulation papers. Except Wang Youfu raised his eyes when he stood at the door, he was still doing the calculations.

Lu Xingyan tapped her pen on the table, "Hey."

"Don't be noisy."

She is counting to the last big question, the problem-solving process is cumbersome, and she is used to mental arithmetic and can't stand interference.

Lu Xingyan didn't know, so she had to tap her head with a pen.

Shen Xingruo stopped suddenly and looked at him, "Do you want to die?"

Lu Xingyan: "..."

After waiting for three minutes, Shen Xingruo finally finished writing the last question, she put down her pen, and a group of little chickens who watched the achievements also ran over.

Li Chengfan's exaggerated surprise came over to occupy He Siyue's table, and turned back to Shen Xingruo shouting, "If sister you are too good, your total score seems to be exactly twice that of Yan Ge!"


Lu Xingyan **** Shen Xingruo's Rubik's Cube on the table and threw it on his face. "You're going to die if you force two?"

Li Chengfan's brain is not very good, but his hands and feet are very flexible, he leaned aside and hid quickly.

Shi Qin hugged Shen Xingruo's neck from behind and shouted to ask her to take out the test paper and watch it.

Shen Xingruo was not used to this kind of girlfriend-like closeness among girls, but did not refuse to find the test paper from the table hole and handed it to Shi Qin.

If Shi Qin is a moderator, he is also a master of publicity, and immediately opened his eyes when he saw the test paper, "You have 58 in Chinese writing, what kind of fairy writing is this!"

"Let me see me!"

A lot of people gathered around to watch, and then wow wow wow praise for a while.

He Siyue also saw Shen Xingruo's math test paper.

Except for the last big question, the other parts of the math test paper are not difficult. He Siyue only solved the first question. The second question had some ideas when he was about to take the exam, but it was too late to write.

But Shen Xingruo had all answered it, the noodles were neat and beautiful, and there were not many steps to answer the questions. It was like accurately controlling the teacher's heart. Each score was clearly written.

After reading, he was convinced by mouth.

Only the girls who watched Shen Xingruo's jokes before, watched the accomplishments behind the classroom, and all were quiet as salt-baked chickens. They silently returned to their seats and took the schoolbags and left.

Shi Qin and Li Chengfan are just like the captain of the fan control team under Weibo Xiaobo Weibo. You sentenced me one by one and praised the little chickens nodding.

Yes Yes Yes.

Lord Fan is right.


When I go back to bed, I have to line up to take a shower and wash. No one stayed in the classroom for long.

Shi Qin returned to his seat to pack his schoolbags. Shen Xingruo had finished his homework and had nothing to pack.

When the people spread out, Lu Xingyan also took Shen Xingruo's desk and looked at it.

No wonder she didn't write the wrong book for her self-study at night.

—She ’s just right about a few questions.

"Yes, Missy."

Lu Xingyan lightly laughed.

Shen Xingruo: "I said, I think I did well in the exam."

Lu Xingyan: "..."

It would be on the playground, he thought she was so sad that she was unwilling to accept the facts, and it was already incoherent.

Shen Xingruo took out the milk that had not been drunk in the bag, pierced the hole with a straw and asked, "Why are you talking to me during the day?"


"Li listen to them."

Shen Xingruo picked up the milk to drink and turned his head to look at him.

I remembered.

"Oh, I'm not starting out for you, don't get me wrong."

Shen Xingruo: "..."


But the next second, the milk in his hand suddenly emptied.

"You are at my table and still live in my house. You are being discussed like that, wouldn't I have lost face."

Lu Xingyan put a shoulder bag on her shoulder, shook the milk in her hand, and Hanger Lang went out, "OK, see you tomorrow."

Pei Yue is a very enthusiastic and fashionable elder, she knows all the popular things nowadays.

Not long after getting on the bus, Shen Xingruo was taken to take a selfie together.

After filming, Pei Yue also brought out an ins net red favorite retouching software, while refining and giving Shen Xingruo's experience.

It was late when we got off the car, and the gentle night wind blew from Luoxing Lake.

Looking around, the lakeside villas are low and scattered, the cobblestone path winds into the carved iron gate, and the English courtyard street lights along the road are paved into a warm yellow halo.

Shen Xingruo couldn't help but think of the one-legged lamp in "Thousand and Thousand Seeking" who would bow down to greet people.

All in all, Pei Yue is also like a single-legged lamp, and she is constantly releasing goodwill to her alone in the strange city.

The driver Liu Shu helped take the luggage, and Pei Yue led her to the house.

Lujia is a three-storey single-family villa with a lawn and swimming pool outside. The interior decoration is not the same as the luxury style Shen Xingruo expected. It is exquisite and warm, and it feels like home.

Pei Yue pulled her inside and outside to introduce, "I usually go for a walk by the lake after dinner. There is also a concert hall art center nearby. The Star City Library moved here last year, and it can be reached in seven or eight minutes."

"Your room is on the third floor. I've arranged it for you early in the morning. By the way, you can see the Falling Star Lake in your room. You can open some windows at night. The natural wind is very comfortable. Come, I will show you the room."

"Aunt Bae, don't be so troublesome."

Shen Xingruo was pulled up, and later realized that the situation was not the same as she imagined.

She thought she was only a guest in the Lu family for two days, and moved into the dormitory when the school started, but now-

"You should live in your own home, don't be restrained. Although Mingli asked for accommodation, but did not make up for the second year of high school weekend, I will let old Liu pick you up after school on Friday." Pei Yue sighed, "Your aunt, I have always wanted a daughter, but I fell ill when I gave birth to a child, and now I am older. "

The voice paused, and Pei Yue laughed again: "Year ago your dad said he would send you over. I hope for the stars and the moon this day. I finally gave you the hope."

"Your uncle Lu is busy, Lu Xingyan is not caring, you see, this winter vacation and hang out with classmates, 10 days and a half months without a silhouette, I will send a message to inform me when I return, and I want to let him pick up I ’m too lazy to care for him. "

Lu Xingyan, Shen Xingruo passed the name in his mind.

Then I remembered that in the car, Pei Yue suddenly changed his face to the lesson of the voice.

Pei Yue pushed the door and turned to beckon her, "Come and see your room."

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