The show was on the scene.

Liu Feng came to the fox and saw that it was still breathing.

"Old Zhang, your wife is not dead, come here!"

Liu Feng waved his hand.

Zhang Hao was so scared that he took three steps back!

"Master, hurry up! Kill her!"

"This old witch is playing with my feelings..."

"If I become impotent, it's all her fault!"

"I don't want to be a eunuch!"

Zhang Hao wanted to cry but had no tears.

Liu Feng kicked the charred fox.

The fox demon opened his eyes instantly!

"Master... Master, spare my life..."

"I have never killed since I started practicing Taoism. I just said some harsh words..."

"Master, please spare my life for the sake of the difficulty of practicing Taoism..."

The fox demon's breath was weak, and his eyes were full of pleading.

"Never killed..."

Liu Feng's mouth twitched.

No one would believe this!

"In fact, you had a chance."

"That master sealed you in the painting to erase the murderous nature in your heart!"

"As a result, not only did your murderous nature not decrease, but it became even worse after you came out!"

"Devouring the lives of people within a thousand miles..."

"Do you know how big a thousand miles is!?"

Liu Feng stared at the fox demon coldly.

"Master... I..."

The fox demon showed a pitiful expression.

"Master, be careful!"

The young man suddenly exclaimed!


The soul-falling gold arrived in the blink of an eye and blocked Liu Feng.

The fox demon exhaled white air, hitting the soul-falling money!

Seeing that the attack missed, the fox demon got up and ran away!

"Stop her!"

Liu Feng hurriedly called out.

The young man looked at the fox demon running towards him and decisively made way!


Liu Feng was convinced and hurriedly chased after her...

"Stop scolding, stop scolding, brothers, stop scolding!"

"I'm so scared!"

"That's a seven-tailed fox demon, how can I stop her?"

"What if she opens her mouth and eats me?"

The young man was so scared that he almost cried.

Zhang Hao ran over and looked at the young man's mobile phone, and his expression was stunned.

"You... are you live streaming???"

Zhang Hao was shocked.

The young man quickly explained the whole story...

Zhang Hao was immediately shocked and angry!

"Friends in the live broadcast room!"

"I am Zhang Hao, the host and actor of "Street Ghost Scare People."

"I think I need to remind you..."

"Don't break into the live broadcast at will!"

"Once the master finds out the truth, thousands of people will die!"

"I'm not kidding, new audience friends, don't ignore it!"

"Those who think the program team is fake and think everything is a script..."

"You can disguise yourself as passers-by and secretly observe the facts."

"But there is one thing you must remember, you must not let the master notice you!"

"If you want to die, don't bring the program team with you, let alone hundreds of thousands of Taoist disciples!"

Zhang Hao's tone was stern, warning troublemakers like the young man.

"I'm going to chase the master, you take care of yourself!"

Zhang Hao patted the young man on the shoulder and chased him out of the Tianshi Mansion...


The young man slapped himself in the face!

"The host is right!"

"I'll add one more thing. For the sake of your own life, don't come here!"

"Because there are not only masters here, but also monsters!"

"The risk factor is 9.9. Don't come if you don't want to die!"

The young man left the live broadcast after he finished speaking.

He was scared to death now and just wanted to go home and hide.

"This world is too dangerous..."

The young man looked around and always felt that there were monsters hiding in the dark.

Maybe in the next second, he would be slashed and let the monster suck his brains dry!



Zhang Hao chased across two streets and finally found Liu Feng.

But the scene in front of him surprised him!

At this moment, Liu Feng was grabbing the fox demon's tail and throwing it against the wall of a shop on the street!

The fox demon was waving its claws and teeth, trying to bite Liu Feng.

But the only response to her was the cold wall...

After hundreds of close contacts with the wall, the fox demon finally died!

Zhang Hao was horrified.

Looking at the fox demon's rotten head, Zhang Hao subconsciously touched his head.

For a moment, he seemed to see his own end!

The audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked when they saw this scene.

[Fuck! The master is too cruel! ! ]

[Is he really going to fall to death? ? ]

[So delicate

, just died like this? ? ? ]

[No matter how beautiful she is, it's useless. The master doesn't like women! ]

[Fuck! Such a beautiful vixen is wasted! ]

[With a strength of seven tails and a realm of nine tails... a fox fairy-like existence, she died so miserably! ? ]

[Who made her offend the master? She deserved to die! ]

[Xiao Zhang: I'm a widow now? ? ? ]

[? ? ]

[Fuck! I can't hold it anymore, what a talent! ]

[Where is Xiao Zhang? Quick! While it's hot! ]

[? ? What Fu Rui control! ? Are the brothers in the live broadcast room so perverted? ? ? ]

[She died well! She wanted to devour all the creatures within a thousand miles, and it was a good death for her. ]

The second live broadcast site.

The director and Zhang Suihan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Zhang, it seems to be the same as I thought before."

"Master went to Longhu Mountain this time not because he discovered the truth, but to get the magic weapon!"

The director said it with some awkwardness.

There is a magic weapon at the foot of the mountain, but these Taoists in Longhu Mountain don't know it?

The director always has an indescribable sense of absurdity!

"Connect my voice and Master Zhang's voice to the live broadcast room."

The director gave an order to the staff and began to ask questions.

"Master went to Longhu Mountain this time to get the magic weapon."

"Master Zhang, according to the fox demon, the master took the Five Thunder Command."

"What is this Five Thunder Command? Can you introduce it briefly?"

The director's voice attracted the attention of the audience.

Zhang Suihan stroked his beard and said:

"Five Thunder Command..."

"As the name suggests, it is a token that can command the generals of the Thunder Department!"

"Five Thunders refer to the five Thunder Kings of the East, West, South, North, and Center."

"The token is generally arc-shaped on the top and square on the bottom."

"The top is the sky, and the bottom is the earth."

"There has been a saying in my country since ancient times that the sky is round and the earth is square."

"This token is round on the top and square on the bottom, which is in line with the saying that the sky is round and the earth is square!"

Zhang Suihan talked freely.

The director nodded his head.

"Command the generals of the Thunder Department... No wonder it can summon thunder!"

"Master Zhang, what other functions does this Five Thunder Command have?"

The director asked.

Zhang Suihan laughed when he heard it.

"The Five Thunder Command is usually made of jujube wood struck by lightning, and there are many types of models."

"Some are engraved with reliefs of Lei Zhenzi, some are engraved with swords with golden dragons entwined, and some are Five Thunder characters..."

"In short, there are many things that can be engraved, and the Five Thunder Command is no longer limited to summoning divine thunder."

"Sending ghosts to summon gods, slaying demons and demons, transcending the souls of the dead, and warding off evil spirits..."

"Whatever you can think of, the Five Thunder Command can do it!"

"Even when you open an altar to pray for rain, you can use the Five Thunder Command."

The director couldn't help listening to Zhang Suihan's words.

"Master Zhang, this is a bit exaggerated, isn't it?"

"I remember that Taoism has many tokens!"

"The Five Thunder Command is so powerful, doesn't it include the functions of all tokens?"

The director showed a skeptical look.

He felt that the old man was bragging!

Zhang Suihan stroked his beard when he saw this.

"Director Yan, the Five Thunder Command is just a name."

"The functions of a token with divine power are similar."

"Dispatching troops, exorcising ghosts and evil spirits, curing diseases..."

"These are all basic functions."

The director was stunned when he heard Zhang Suihan's explanation.

Is this possible? ? ?

"I know!"

The director suddenly thought of something.

"Master Zhang, this is just like a car!"

"They can carry people and go on the road."

"But some are sports cars, some are business cars, and some are family cars."

"The basic functions are the same, but the focus is different."

"The Five Thunder Command is the same!"

"It has the basic function of exorcising ghosts and curing diseases, but the most powerful thing is to summon the five divine thunders!"

"This is a function that other tokens don't have!"

The director added a few more sentences:

"But how come you didn't find such a good thing in the Tianshi Mansion?"

"The immortals have ascended to heaven for three hundred years!"

"You are actually guarding the treasure mountain without knowing it?"

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