The ghost... is a ghost!"

"Dear audience, those seven people are ghosts!"

Zhang Hao explained diligently.

Although the voice was very low, it still startled two figures.

One big and one small, turned their heads to look at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao was so scared that he was silent on the spot!

But the next second, he saw the seven figures suddenly disappeared!

And in front of the altar, there were two figures, one black and one white, gradually solidifying!



"Black and White Impermanence!"

Zhang Hao screamed, and Liu Feng turned back and glared at him.

Zhang Hao quickly covered his mouth to avoid making any more noise.

The live broadcast room was blown up when they saw this scene!

【Wow! ? 】

【Why did those seven people suddenly disappear? 】

【What's in front of the altar? 】

【I am really the Black and White Impermanence? ? ? The takeaway boy is actually a real master? 】

【He is a real master, you idiots still don't believe it, now you know how powerful it is! 】

【Where is the brother who just clamored to eat shit? Don't stand upside down, just eat shit live! 】

【God... This is a god! 】

【Fuck, I was reckless! Master, please accept my worship! 】

【Dream... I must be dreaming! 】

【I didn't say anything! Master Black and White, please don't catch me! 】

【Rich, democratic, civilized and harmonious... Amitabha, I'm scared! 】

【Can the Black and White Impermanence be summoned? I don't obey anyone except the master! ! 】

Compared to the live broadcast room, Zhang Hao, the first eyewitness at the scene, was shocked beyond words!

After the initial shock, Zhang Hao was excited and excited!

The ghosts and gods in the underworld in myths and legends stood right in front of him!

They also asked him to take a picture and broadcast it live in real time!

Although there were other cameras around...

But his first-person perspective was undoubtedly the most precious!

"Awesome... Master is really awesome!"

"I, Zhang Hao, will be remembered in history!"

Zhang Hao was so excited!

The director's voice suddenly came from the Bluetooth headset:

"Shoot closer!"

"It's better to interview the Black and White Impermanence!"

Zhang Hao was embarrassed!



That's the Black and White Impermanence!

The underworld ghost messenger who specializes in seducing people's souls!

He would have to be crazy to interview!

Although he died without regrets.

But who wants to die if they can live!

He felt that it was wiser to stand still.

After such a short while, the bodies of the Black and White Impermanence had completely solidified!

The White Impermanence was tall and thin, with a pale face, a long tongue sticking out of his mouth, and a weird smile, which was creepy no matter how you looked at him!

On the tall official hat, the four words "Seeing Wealth in Life" were written!

The Black Impermanence had a black face, a fierce appearance, a fat body, and the four words "Peace in the World" were written on the black official hat!

The two Yin Gods looked at Liu Feng together, their eyes full of coldness!

Liu Feng was a little frightened.

Although he invited the gods, he invited the gods like a young lady getting married - the first time!

What attitude to use to communicate with the Black and White Impermanence was a problem.

"I have already scolded you just now, and it is useless to be humble!"

"Besides, my upper limit is to summon the King of Hell, there is no need to be polite to the two ghost messengers!"

Liu Feng changed his mind and made a decision!

Looking at the Black and White Impermanence again, Liu Feng could not help knocking on the table.

"You are so slow to come up, did you not eat dinner?"

"You are looking for a beating, right?"

Liu Feng swung his peach wood sword directly!

With a "pop", it hit the Black and White Impermanence's arm.


Zhang Hao was stunned!

That was the Black and White Impermanence!

Liu Feng actually swung with a sword?

Is this a brain attack!

The live broadcast room is also crazy!


[Dare to hit Black and White Impermanence? Has the master always been so arrogant? ]

[I don't know if he is arrogant or not, but the master has always been this kind of pretentious style! ]

[How dare he hit Black and White Impermanence! ]

[He is a serious Yin God, a god in the system! ]

[The master came up and slapped him, isn't it a bit disrespectful? ]

[Here it comes, Black and White Impermanence is going to flip the table! 】

【I didn't expect it wasn't a script, but the outcome was just as outrageous as the script! 】

【Master, I kneel down! You are really awesome! 】

"Master, please forgive me, there are too many soul-collecting tasks tonight!"

"Lao Hei and I were too busy, so we were a little late by accident."

Bai Wuchang smiled even more brightly as he explained.

It's just that he has a long tongue, and the more he laughs, the more creepy he is!

Hei Wuchang said "hmm" in a muffled voice, and did not lift the table.

This bizarre scene immediately shocked Zhang Hao's jaw!

He had to apologize after being beaten?

"Am I dazzled again???"

Zhang Hao couldn't believe his eyes!

He thought Hei Wuchang was going to get mad, and Liu Feng was going to be in big trouble!

In the end, it was still Liu Feng who got mad!

"The master seems to be more awesome than I thought!"

Zhang Hao didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing any details.

The director's urging sounded in the headset again, asking Zhang Hao to get closer.

But Zhang Hao ignored it all!

The actor pretending to be a ghost not far away was even more frightened!

He could only see the back of Heibai Wuchang.

But he had already imagined how terrifying the front of Heibai Wuchang was!

He could feel the terrifying Yin Qi even from more than 20 meters away!

It was totally unlike the cold wind created by the director team, it was just pure cold.

The Yin Qi of the Black and White Impermanence, as if it had consciousness, went straight into people's souls!

Not only was there a cold chill, but there was also a mountain-like pressure!

He felt his soul trembling!

"Director, this time it's really a big deal!"

The actor pretending to be a ghost was terrified and wanted to run away now!

But if he really ran away, wouldn't he immediately attract the attention of the Black and White Impermanence?

Once the pair of ghost messengers took action and detained his soul...

It would be too late to say anything then!

The best thing to do now is to stay still and never attract the attention of the pair of ghost messengers!

"Old Zhang, go and explain!"

The actor pretending to be a ghost looked at Zhang Hao and kept signaling with his eyes.

But Zhang Hao was only concerned with looking at the Black and White Impermanence, and didn't notice the actor pretending to be a ghost at all!

"Stop talking nonsense and help me catch someone!"

"No, catch a ghost!"

Liu Feng continued to give orders.

He didn't spend so much time to let the Black and White Impermanence come here for a tour.

He ate all the offerings, why don't you hurry up and work?

"Master, don't worry, since we are here, we will get paid to do the work."

White Impermanence grinned and emphasized "get paid to do the work".

Especially the two words "get paid", almost every word was emphasized, and the tone was deliberately strengthened!

Black Impermanence was more direct!

After a muffled "hmm", Black Impermanence added:

"Get paid!"

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