The ghost was lying on the ceiling, and the ghost was lying on the ground.

A terrifying figure came into view.

Liu Shanshan's heartbeat slowed down!

"Ghost... ghost!?"

Liu Shanshan fell to the ground, and a chill ran down her back.

A female ghost was lying on the ceiling, with four arms and four legs. Her head turned 360 degrees and stared at her!

Although it was not as scary as the ghosts she had seen before, it was still scary enough.

"They haven't run far yet, I have to delay for some time."

Liu Shanshan's mind turned quickly, and she immediately moved to the side with her long white legs.

"Come and chase me if you can!"

Liu Shanshan said provocatively, and got up and ran in the opposite direction!


"Da Da Da Da Da!"

The ghost girl fell to the ground, crawling rapidly behind Liu Shanshan, chasing closely!

Liu Shanshan looked back from time to time, and saw that the ghost girl was closing the distance with her quickly.


When she looked back again, Liu Shanshan didn't look at the road ahead, and suddenly bumped into something.

Turning her head, Liu Shanshan was shocked!

A terrifying Yaksha appeared in front of her.

It was three meters tall, holding a demon-subduing pestle, and its momentum was extremely terrifying!

At the same time, the ghost girl also climbed on her.

Liu Shanshan's hands and feet were cold, and her body seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all!

"Is it over?"

A thought flashed through Liu Shanshan's mind.

The ghost girl stretched out her pale hand from behind and slowly covered her face...

Zhang Hao ran very fast, rushed to the stairs on the fourth floor in one breath, and then stopped.

Li Ming also stopped.

The two of them heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the noise behind them.

The thing on the ceiling didn't catch up.

"Fourth floor... Old Zhang, are we going to the fourth floor to find the master?"

Li Ming asked.

Zhang Hao nodded, and suddenly looked startled.

Turning his head to look at the bottom of the stairs, Zhang Hao realized that Liu Shanshan didn't follow!

"Where's Shanshan?"

Zhang Hao was stunned.

Li Ming looked down and listened carefully. Was there any sound of people walking in the corridor?

Looking at Zhang Hao again, Li Ming was not calm.

"She didn't run too slowly and was caught and eaten by the ghost!?"

As soon as Li Ming finished speaking.

Zhang Hao was shocked!

"Damn, why didn't the ghost catch up with us? It turns out that Shanshan was caught!"

Zhang Hao punched the handrail of the stairs.

Li Ming said anxiously, "What should we do now? Should we go back to save her?"

"Save her, save her, what are you saving? You are just a mortal, you save her with your head!"

Zhang Hao lectured him angrily.

Li Ming also knew this, and his face looked ugly.

Zhang Hao thought about it and changed his mind.

"Old Li, why don't we act separately!"

"I will go to the master, and you go to Shanshan."

"You don't need to save her, you just need to delay time, just like in the Stone Buddha Temple!"

"Hold on until I come back with the master, Shanshan will be saved!"

Zhang Hao patted Li Ming's shoulder solemnly.

Li Ming's face turned green immediately!

"Old Zhang, you fucking bastard, why don't you go to save Shanshan, and I go to the master?"

Li Ming was so angry that he jumped up and down.

Zhang Hao shrugged and said, "Okay, then you go to the fourth floor to find the master, be careful not to die in the hands of the sorcerer."

When Li Ming heard this, he suddenly felt that ghosts were not so scary.

In comparison, the sorcerer is much more terrifying than ghosts!

Not only do they have evil ghosts under their command, but they also have poisonous insects and various witchcraft!

Li Ming felt trembling in his heart when he thought about it, and he didn't dare to go to the fourth floor anyway.

Zhang Hao knew that this guy was scared when he saw Li Ming's expression.

"Okay, stop talking, hurry up!"

"If it's a little later, I'm afraid Shanshan won't even have bones left."

Zhang Hao patted Li Ming's shoulder again, just to cheer Li Ming up.

Then Zhang Hao took a deep breath and ran into the corridor on the fourth floor.

Li Ming came back to his senses, looked upstairs, and then looked downstairs.

"It's been so long, Shanshan must have been eaten up."

"I'd better not go, so as not to give that ghost a meal..."

Li Ming muttered.

He still has family and children, Liu Shanshan is not related to him, he doesn't need to take this risk.

"Why not wait here, if the master is on the fourth floor, Lao Zhang should be able to find him soon!"

"Then we'll go to the first floor together."

Li Ming made a decision.


The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, Zhang Hao is back!

Li Ming was stunned when he saw this, and then he was overjoyed.

"So fast?"

Li Ming couldn't believe his eyes.

How long has it been since Lao Zhang found the master?

When Zhang Hao saw Li Ming, he didn't even have time to say hello, and ran down the stairs like a gust of wind.

"Good guy, you're more anxious than me!"

"You're trying to be a hero and save the beauty, right? You're such a pervert!"

Li Ming complained happily.

A figure appeared at the stairs...

Li Ming's smile froze.

A child stood there, wearing only shorts, with blood all over his body covered with spells!

Li Ming knew it was a little ghost at first sight!

But unlike the little ghost he saw in the hall before, this little ghost had an unspeakable weirdness.

Li Ming looked at the weird spell and felt his heart was about to jump out!

And the resentment in the child's eyes made Li Ming's scalp numb!

"Damn Lao Zhang, where is the master you promised?"

"You actually brought back a ghost!!"

Li Ming cursed in his heart and subconsciously wanted to run.

But his legs were powerless, Li Ming's feet went soft, and he rolled down the stairs.

Li Ming grimaced in pain for a while.

Before he could catch his breath, the little ghost chased him down!

Li Ming was horrified.

"No... I can't die here!"

Li Ming gritted his teeth, didn't stand up, and rolled on the ground!

He rolled all the way from the fourth floor to the first floor, and even bumped into Zhang Hao on the way, and the two rolled to the first floor together.

"Fuck! Old Li, you have some shame!"

"How can you run away like this?"

"Luckily I'm in front of you, otherwise who can outrun you!?"

Zhang Hao cursed and climbed up, and turned his head to see the little ghost chasing him.


"Chasing so closely!?"

Zhang Hao was so scared that his soul flew away, and he immediately ran out of the stairwell!

As soon as he went out, he saw a pile of corpses, which stopped him in his tracks!

Live broadcast room——


[Finally there is a signal!]

[You came up and took pictures of the corpses. Aren’t you afraid that the live broadcast room will be blocked?]

[Aren’t these the monks who were killed by the actors pretending to be ghosts? Has Xiao Zhang returned to the hotel lobby?]

[Hurry up and ask, where the hell has this guy been for so long without live broadcasting!?]

[Where is the master? I want to see the master!]

The second live broadcast site.

The assistant director breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the live broadcast screen.

Then the assistant director wanted to contact Zhang Hao to ask what happened.

But the next screen made him interrupt this operation immediately!

Seeing the new screen that Zhang Hao turned his head to be afraid of, the assistant director dared not breathe!

Not only the assistant director, but also other staff members were shocked beyond words.

A group of Taoist high-level officials also sat up straight, and their eyes were bigger than copper bells!

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