The beauty came to the first floor and stopped dead! She wanted to send Zhang Hao out of the bath center and then go to the master to tell him. But there was a terrifying figure standing in the lobby on the first floor. Zhang Hao took a look and his hair stood up! There was a male waiter standing in the lobby! His clothes were covered with blood, and he had a scalpel in his hand, and blood was dripping down... His face was even more rotten! Zhang Hao could smell a pungent smell of corruption from more than ten meters away. "What the hell is this?" Zhang Hao's eyes almost popped out! For a moment, Zhang Hao thought of the front desk lady. The same rotten skin, but the male waiter's bloody image is more horrifying!

"No. 16..."

The male waiter smiled at the beauty.

Then his eyes fell on Zhang Hao.

"This afternoon tea is good, steamed should be delicious."

The blood on the male waiter's body began to disappear in large pieces, as if it was absorbed!

At the same time, the male waiter's rotten skin quickly became normal!

In just a few seconds, the rotten corpse became a normal person!

If Zhang Hao hadn't witnessed the whole process, he would really think it was an ordinary male waiter.

The only abnormal thing now is that the male waiter is holding a scalpel, and his eyes are a bit greedy for prey...

Zhang Hao looked at the beauty fiercely!

"Fuck you!"

"I just saved you in front of the master, and you actually want to use me to make a feast!!!"

Zhang Hao was shocked and angry, and broke away from the beauty's hand.

He regretted it.

On the third floor, he shouldn't have huddled behind the beauty!

Now he was facing two ghosts alone, so he might as well stay on the third floor to cover the master!

"In the future, the job of guarding the evil ghosts can only be handed over to Wenyuan!"

Zhang Hao made up his mind.

But he was afraid that he would have no future...

After Zhang Hao broke free, he ran away immediately and returned along the stairs!

Although he ran to the third floor desperately, Zhang Hao always felt that he could not escape.

That male waiter was too weird, and he was no ordinary ghost!

"Damn, I won't die here, will I?!"

Zhang Hao was terrified.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched Zhang Hao climbing the stairs quickly, and they were immediately amused.

[You deserve it! You escaped from the battlefield! ]

[Hahaha, Xiao Zhang is also stupid, how can he hide behind the female ghost? ]

[The word lust is a knife above his head, Xiao Zhang should remember this time. ]

[6, that man wants to steam Xiao Zhang to eat, won't he be steamed with oil? ]

[The meat is sizzling with oil, very fragrant, I think it is better to grill it directly! ]

[? ? ? Don't say it! ]

On the show.

The beauty looked at the male waiter who was walking towards her with big strides, and her heart was full of astonishment.

She didn't expect the male waiter to be guarding the lobby on the first floor!

"You can't kill him!"

The beauty came to her senses and stopped the male waiter.

A strong yin energy rushed in her face!

Accompanied by a sharp murderous intent, the beauty's face changed in shock.

The male waiter looked at the beauty coldly!

"Something has changed in the store, and I don't know who caused it."

"Now the outsiders in the store are all invaders!"

"We must not leave any of them alive, and kill them all!"

"If you protect him..."

The male waiter narrowed his eyes, and the scalpel passed across the beauty's cheek.

The strong smell of blood rushed into the beauty's nose, making the beauty's face even paler!

"It is your great honor that the Lord has taken in a bunch of lonely ghosts like you!"

"I hope you don't forget your roots and have a different mind towards the Lord."

The male waiter warned coldly, pushed the beautiful woman aside and walked up the stairs...


The old man and the young man squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms, each more indignant than the other!

The chess pieces were also turned out, which seemed to prove that the two were not lying.

"Are we really too sensitive?"

The little fat man couldn't help but mutter.

The old man immediately shouted:


"The store is closed, and according to the rules, the clerks are doing the accounting!"

"It's rare that there are no outsiders to disturb us, Xiaodong and I can play chess and relax for a while..."

"Who knew you were going to rebel?"

The old man was bruised and furious.

He was beaten so unfairly!

He didn't even know the secret, how could he report it?

Lao Shui sneered when he heard it.

"There's a saying that goes, it's better to kill someone by mistake than to let him go!"

"Skinny monkey, you do it!"


Even if they are killed by mistake, they can't be allowed to tell the master!"

Lao Shui ordered the thin monkey.

The thin monkey's eyes widened immediately!

"Me? Do it myself? ?"

The thin monkey was dumbfounded!

Liu Feng narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

Letting the thin monkey do it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It can not only kill the ghost and silence the mouth, but also prevent the action from being exposed by the old man and the teenager.

It can also dirty the thin monkey's hands, forcing the thin monkey to join the gang and no longer have the opportunity to turn against them!


Liu Feng remembered something more important.

Lao Shui saw the dull face of the thin monkey, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and do it!"

The thin monkey shuddered and came back to his senses.

But he couldn't kill the old man and the teenager.

"No, I can't kill them!"

"Lao Shui, they are victims like us, and we can win them over! "

The skinny monkey was shocked and shook his head like a rattle!

Lao Shui saw this and his face was full of murderous intent!

"Either you kill them or you die first!"

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it!"


Lao Shui started the countdown without any hesitation.

The skinny monkey's face suddenly changed!


Lao Shui's eyes flashed with murderous intent, which frightened the skinny monkey even more.

The little fat man opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.


Lao Shui counted the last number.

The skinny monkey trembled and couldn't hesitate.

"I'll kill them!"

"Isn't it okay for me to kill them?"

After saying this, the skinny monkey looked at the old man and the teenager.

"Don't blame me, you two. I was forced to do it."

"Lao Shui wants to get rid of the master and become the new owner of this store..."

"You can only blame you for running into the gun. "

The skinny monkey kept on talking, taking deep breaths and adjusting his mentality.

Lao Shui's face turned pale when he heard it!


Lao Shui couldn't help it and raised his hand to point at Liu Feng.

"I'll say it one last time!"

"He is the mastermind!"

"Listen to me, I didn't want to kill the master, he forced me to kill the master."

"Grow your brains!"

Lao Shui scolded him.

The fat man continued to stay out of it, and the skinny monkey continued to take deep breaths.

The old man and the boy subconsciously looked at Liu Feng, and after looking Liu Feng up and down...

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"He is an ordinary person, what a mastermind!"

The old man was full of contempt for Lao Shui.

"Dare to do it but not to take responsibility, and slander the cannon fodder as the mastermind..."

"If you can succeed in the rebellion, I will write my name upside down! "

The contempt on the old man's face became even stronger.

Lao Shui almost spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard this!

"Skinny monkey, kill him!"

"Kill this old bastard first! !"

Lao Shui also became furious.

The skinny monkey was forced to do nothing but clench his fists and hit the old man's head...


The skinny monkey was kicked away!

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