The ghost actor was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Zhang Hao also got off the car.

Look at Liu Feng, then look at the actor pretending to be a ghost...

Zhang Hao got on the car again decisively!

After driving the car a little further, Zhang Hao turned around and turned on the lights!

The dark environment suddenly became much brighter.

And the terrifying aura of the actor pretending to be a ghost was also fully revealed under the lights!

The height of nearly two meters brought a sense of oppression like a mountain!

Every step taken by the actor pretending to be a ghost made people tremble.

The rusty machete was covered with blood, which made people shudder!

The cold air at night also added to the gloomy atmosphere.

The ghost actor is like a demon crawling out of hell, torturing all living beings to death!

"Did you see that? The ghost actor is coming!"

"First of all, I declare that riding a bike is the personal behavior of the ghost actor, and it has nothing to do with the program team!"

"Especially not with me!"

"Everyone remember to help me testify!"

Zhang Hao first cleared himself.

Aiming his glasses at Liu Feng, Zhang Hao saw Liu Feng take off the gourd cover.

"It's started, the master is ready to do it!"

"Although I know the limitations of the Jade Gourd, the scene is still extremely dangerous!"

"What if the ghost actor accidentally says something..."

"Everyone should know that there is a giant python in the Jade Gourd!"

"The giant python is not dead yet. Once the ghost actor is taken in..."

"He will be eaten alive by the giant python immediately!"

"By then, even if the master wants to let him out, there will be no chance."

Zhang Hao tried hard to create a tense atmosphere.

Of course, he knew very well that with the quality of the ghost actor, it was impossible to make a sound.

Even if he was stabbed, the ghost actor wouldn't say a word!

This was a one-sided duel!

However, as the host, he naturally couldn't make the commentary so boring.

"Everyone may think that the ghost actor is safe!"

"But that's not the case."

"If he stumbles halfway, the ghost actor will scream and be put into the jade gourd!"

"It's not so easy to pretend to be dumb."

"Accidents can happen at any time!"

Zhang Hao kept muttering in a low voice.

When he was about to continue to create a tense atmosphere, Liu Feng spoke.

"You can even chase him in Kunlun Mountain, you are really capable!"

Liu Feng looked at the ghost actor who walked ten meters away, and his expression became more and more disdainful.

The jade gourd was already aimed at the evil ghost!

As long as the evil ghost opened his mouth, even if it was just a light hum, it would be put into the jade gourd!

What's more, he was absolutely sure that the evil ghost would definitely have something to say!

As expected.

After hearing what Liu Feng said, the ghost actor stopped ten meters away.

With his mouth open, the ghost actor's eyes flashed with ferocity.

It seemed that he was going to say the same words as last time!

Zhang Hao was stunned when he saw this.

What's going on?

The ghost actor wants to speak?

This is crazy!

Zhang Hao subconsciously wanted to remind him.

But in front of Liu Feng, he swallowed his words back.

If he reminded him, he would be exposed!

"Wenyuan shouldn't make any mistakes."

Zhang Hao comforted himself.

He is an experienced old actor and a top martial arts master in the world.

How could he make a low-level mistake?

Compared with Zhang Hao's worry, Liu Feng was much happier.

"It's stable!"

Liu Feng held the jade gourd in one hand and put the other hand behind his back.

The master's demeanor emerged spontaneously!

This evil ghost has been chasing him for so long, and it's finally coming to an end!

Ten meters away——

The ghost actor did not speak immediately, but dragged the machete in his right hand and touched his back with his left hand.

He seemed to be fiddling with something...

"I told you, you...can't escape!"

The voice of the ghost actor sounded in the wind.

As the ghost actor's mouth closed, the words full of teasing and murderous intent reached Liu Feng's ears.

It also reached Zhang Hao's ears.

Zhang Hao was stunned!


"Wen Yuan really spoke???"

Zhang Hao was stunned!

Not only him, but also the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned!

Various question marks directly filled the screen!

At the second live broadcast site, the director and Zhang Suihan were also stunned.

This was not the original plan!

The ghost actor in the original plan should not say a word!

Why did this sudden change happen?

Did the ghost actor forget the restrictions of the Jade Gourd? ?

Everyone's mind was blank.

Only Liu Feng almost laughed out loud!

"You like to show off, don't you?"

"What do you mean I can't escape..."

"Go in!"

Liu Feng was full of energy, waiting for the evil ghost to be put into the jade gourd!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The actor pretending to be a ghost still stood there!


Now it was Liu Feng's turn to be confused!

The actor pretending to be a ghost grinned, revealing his bloody teeth.

"No one on my list can escape!"

"I am the living king of hell walking in the world!"

"Your three souls and seven spirits..."

"I will take them!"

The actor pretending to be a ghost moved, dragging a 1.5-meter machete and killing him!

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters...

The distance was shortening rapidly.

Liu Feng was completely confused!

The jade gourd didn't work?

The "living king of hell" walking in the world? ?

Isn't that the title given to him by the system? ? ?

Soon the actor pretending to be a ghost came close and stabbed Liu Feng with a knife!

Liu Feng subconsciously blocked it with the jade gourd...

The sound of metal clashing could be heard.

Liu Feng's hand was dislocated and the jade gourd fell directly to the ground!

After retreating more than ten steps, Liu Feng barely stood firm.


Zhang Hao was shocked and quickly ran to Liu Feng's side.

The ghost actor looked at the jade gourd on the ground and stomped on the ground!

The jade gourd was shaken by the powerful force.

The ghost actor knocked it away with a knife...

"Want to run?"

"I'll kill you!"

The ghost actor laughed grimly, and Zhang Hao trembled!

That look was too scary!

Liu Feng's expression tightened, and he decisively pulled Zhang Hao into the car!


The ghost actor chased after him and chopped the roof with a knife!

The roof of the car suddenly caved in!

Zhang Hao was so scared that he stepped on the accelerator and ran away!

Until the figure of the actor pretending to be a ghost disappeared from sight...

Zhang Hao was still in shock!

"Damn, did I encounter a ghost?"

"Isn't that the actor pretending to be a ghost?"

Zhang Hao complained in his heart, his heart was about to jump out!

And he had a bigger doubt.

Why didn't the Jade Gourd work?

Even if the program group encountered a ghost, the Jade Gourd could be put away!

There is no reason why it shouldn't work.

Zhang Hao glanced at Liu Feng and saw that the master was sweating profusely.

"Master, how are you? Are you injured?"

Zhang Hao asked quickly.

"My right hand seems to be dislocated..."

Liu Feng replied.

When Zhang Hao heard this, he immediately drove at the highest speed and rushed to the nearest hospital!

The second live broadcast site.

"What's the situation?"

"Why didn't the Jade Gourd work?"

The director was stunned.

The director connected the communication of the actor pretending to be a ghost and began to ask about the details.

“It’s not that the gourd is useless, it’s that I didn’t speak.”

“I used a recording, just open your mouth and lip-sync.”

“Director, the lines I wrote are good, right?”

The slightly complacent voice of the actor pretending to be a ghost came, and the scene fell into a dead silence!


“Director, I’m going to pick up the gourd, let’s talk later!”

The actor pretending to be a ghost hung up the call.

It took the director a long time to come back to his senses.

“Damn Mu Wenyuan, he really knows how to add drama to himself!”

The director couldn’t tell whether he was angry or happy, and couldn’t help but scold the actor pretending to be a ghost.

"Director, cut my voice into the live broadcast room."

"Dear viewers, you may not understand why the Jade Gourd didn't work."

"Let me explain."

"The actor pretending to be a ghost didn't actually speak, he recorded it in advance!"

"Just now he was playing the recording and lip-syncing."

"So the Jade Gourd can't hold him..."

"I want to make a serious statement here, recording is the personal behavior of the actor pretending to be a ghost!"

The director paused and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice:

"He is really a genius!"

As soon as the director finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room was boiling!

【What the hell! ? Recording? ? ? 】

【This trick is really amazing! ! 】

【Please ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​the master...】

【This actor pretending to be a ghost is really a talent! 】

【I declare that from now on I will not obey anyone but this actor pretending to be a ghost! 】

【This is really killing the master! 】

【Well, the master is going to doubt his life again. 】

【Doubt his life? It takes a hundred days to recover from a broken bone, and the master is even going to doubt his past life!! 】

【Hahaha, what sin did the master do in his past life that he actually met the production team in this life! 】

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