Liu Feng recalled the words of the nurse...

I dare not say anything else, but Anhe Building is definitely not peaceful at night!

If you sneak in at midnight, you should get something unexpected.

But even the nurse, a staff member of the hospital, can't enter Anhe Building at midnight.

How can he and Zhang Hao get in?

Rely on Xiao Zhuge to knock out the "guard" and sneak in?

That would be too alarming!

After thinking about it, Liu Feng felt that it would be better to be safe.

"Old Zhang, let's go to register!"

Liu Feng walked towards the registration place.

Zhang Hao immediately had a question mark on his forehead!


They are not sick!

Why register?

The audience in the live broadcast room watched Liu Feng walk to the registration office and laughed to death!

【Ouch, Xiao Zhang hasn't reacted yet! 】

【Master: Lao Zhang, we both have mental illness, don't you know? 】

【Xiao Zhang: ? ? ? 】

【hhh It's not easy to enter the inpatient building at night, Master is going to move in directly during the day! 】

【It's not that simple, right? After all, it's hard for a normal person to be admitted to a mental hospital...】

【? Don't make a fuss! It's not easy to be discharged from the hospital, how can it be difficult to be admitted? 】

【Last time, Master was in Xuanwu County Mental Hospital, and he almost didn't get out! 】

【What mental hospital? Master has been in the hospital! ? 】

【New here? That time in Xuanwu County, Master went to the Public Security Bureau to find information on the murder scene, saying that he wanted to catch a ghost, and was directly sent to the mental hospital by the police comrades! 】

【Go to the Public Security Bureau... said to catch a ghost? ? ? 】

【6, I didn't expect Master to have such a show! 】

On the show.

After Liu Feng registered, he and Zhang Hao started to talk.

Little Zhuge said, "What about me? Why should I pretend to be sick?"

Liu Feng looked at Little Zhuge...

"To avoid alerting the enemy, don't walk around outside. Stay in the Three Lives Picture."

Liu Feng made a decision.

Little Zhuge was disappointed!

However, the Three Lives Picture is a fairy treasure, and the vitality inside is endless.

Staying in the Three Lives Picture is definitely more comfortable than the Judge's Pen.

"Sir, I want to bring roasted gluten in, otherwise it will be too boring!"


Liu Feng and Zhang Hao were successfully admitted to the hospital.

Because the symptoms were mild, the two were admitted to a four-person room.

In addition to Liu Feng and Zhang Hao, there was also a man in his forties in the room.

Now the uncle is lying on the bed, reading quietly.

Liu Feng winked at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao understood and came to the uncle's bed quietly.

However, Zhang Hao kept a certain distance to prevent the uncle from suddenly attacking and hurting people for the sake of safety.

"Brother, we are new here, do we have any unwritten rules?"

Zhang Hao tried to ask.

The uncle put down the book and was surprised to see Zhang Hao and Liu Feng.

It seemed that he only realized now that he had two more roommates.

"Our unwritten rule is to take medicine on time!"

"If you don't take it, you will be beaten!"

The uncle sat up while speaking, and Zhang Hao was so scared that he quickly stepped back a few steps!

The uncle didn't care about it, but just kept looking at Liu Feng and the others.

Zhang Hao saw that the uncle didn't make any further moves, so he asked with confidence:

"Besides taking medicine?"

"Are there any other rules?"

The uncle replied: "No, you must take medicine on time. The nurse's beating is very painful, and she may also stab you with a needle!"

The uncle rolled up his sleeves and showed the needle holes on his body.

Zhang Hao took a quick look and saw at least five or six!

Zhang Hao immediately took a few steps back!

The needle holes not only showed that the nurse was irritable, but also that the uncle was restless!

After being stabbed so many times...

He must be a thorn!

Live broadcast room——

[Wow, is this hospital so cruel? ]

[Isn't this just abusing the patient! ? ]

[Don't panic, everyone, it may be a sedative! ]

[Sedative... With so many injections, this uncle must be a ruthless person! ]

[I feel that Xiao Zhang is already panicking! ]

[Xiao Zhang: Where is the light ward? What's wrong with this uncle! ? ]

On the show.

Zhang Hao was panicking!

But Zhang Hao still managed to stay calm and said, "Taking medicine is to cure the disease. We should cooperate. Why do you refuse?"

The uncle rolled his eyes and said, "Because I am not sick! Of course I can't take medicine, otherwise I will really become a mental patient!"

Zhang Hao was stunned when he heard this!

Not sick...

Why come to a mental hospital when you are not sick! ?

Zhang Hao said in disbelief, "What disease did the doctor diagnose you with?"

The uncle was angry

"He said I'm schizophrenic! Isn't that nonsense!"

The uncle seemed to recall a bad experience and became irritable.

Zhang Hao didn't dare to ask any more questions!

Retreating to Liu Feng, Zhang Hao shook his head at Liu Feng, indicating that he didn't gain much.

Liu Feng looked at the schedule in the room...

Now is free time, patients can read books and newspapers, play cards and chess.

"Go out for a walk!"

Liu Feng waved his hand and took Zhang Hao out of the ward.

Seeing this, the uncle lay back down, picked up the book and continued to read...

Liu Feng and Zhang Hao strolled outside, and were finally led by a nurse to the activity room on the first floor.

"Play cards and chess here, play table tennis and badminton next door, and if you want to play basketball, go to the basketball court in the backyard, but you have to apply in advance."

The nurse left after saying that.

Seeing this, Liu Feng touched his chin.

He found that the management of Anhe Building was very loose, and it was not full of vigilance as the nurse at the information desk said...

"Does it have to wait until the evening?"

While thinking, Liu Feng entered the "card room".

There were dozens of tables inside, some playing Landlord, some playing Mahjong, and some playing chess and Go.

It was basically full, and there were many standing to watch the fun.

If these people were not wearing hospital gowns...

It was hard for Liu Feng to imagine that this would be a group of mental patients!

Zhang Hao was also a little stunned!

In his impression, mental patients were tied to the bed, and they had to take medicine, take injections and sleep.

But when he really got in...

He found that this place was completely different from what he thought!

Just this "card room" in front of him greatly overturned his cognition!

"Are the treatment of mental patients so good? Can they really play cards and chess!?"

Zhang Hao felt like he had opened his eyes!

There were also two nurses patrolling in the room to avoid accidents.

Zhang Hao looked at Liu Feng and whispered, "Master, do you want to ask everyone one by one?"

Liu Feng waved his hand and said, "No, it's too normal here during the day, I don't think I can ask anything."

Zhang Hao's heart moved when he heard this, and said, "Then let's act at night?"

Liu Feng nodded, and then went to a chess table and watched the game with the patients watching.


"Pawn! Pawn!!"

"Send out the chariot to kill him!"

"I surrender, do you know how to play, when the cannon is at the door, you don't even know how to jump the horse?"

"Get out of here, let me do it!"


The scene was very lively.

Liu Feng watched people play chess while observing other people's reactions.

Most of them were normal, no different from ordinary people.

But there were also a few people with dull faces, who seemed to be looking at the chessboard, but in fact they were just in a daze!

Zhang Hao also mixed in the crowd...


Zhang Hao staggered and was almost slapped to the ground by someone!

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