The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Xiao Qi took Bai Wuchang and the little boy downstairs.

However, this time she did not go directly to the fourth floor, but to the fifth floor.

With the mysterious connection, Xiao Qi arrived outside a ward on the fifth floor.

Case No. 5 was right below this ward!

Seeing that Xiao Qi did not move, the little boy whispered: "Didn't you say it was on the fourth floor? What are we doing on the fifth floor?"

Xiao Qi restrained his own breath, and then said to Bai Wuchang and the little boy: "You come and open the door."

Bai Wuchang and the little boy looked at each other and vaguely understood what Xiao Qi meant.

This was to avoid alerting the enemy, so they went to the fifth floor...

Bai Wuchang took a deep breath and dragged the little boy to the door!

"You come!"

Bai Wuchang ordered the little boy, and cast a threatening look at him.

The little boy cursed in his heart!

"What a dangerous thing, let a child do it?"

"Are you kidding me?"

The little boy cursed in his heart, but he had no way to do it.

He couldn't beat Bai Wuchang, and couldn't resist at all!

After cursing in his heart again, the little boy could only knock on the door and said, "Open the door! Is anyone playing mahjong?"

The two patients inside heard the noise and came to the door carefully, looking out through the small window.

Seeing that there were only two children outside, plus a Bai Wuchang who had returned to normal...

"Which ward are you from?"

The patient inside asked.

The little boy replied, "I'm from 501! There are no nurses patrolling today, let's play mahjong all night!"

When the patient inside heard 501, he couldn't help but open the door of the ward and looked at the little boy.

After all, they were on the same floor. Even if the little boy showed up less often, these patients had heard of him.

Seeing that he was a neighbor on the fifth floor, several patients could not help but relax a lot.

In addition, Xiao Qi's breath was very weak now, even worse than the little boy...

"How can the five of us get together to play mahjong?"

A patient asked.

The little boy had already thought of the excuse and said without hesitation:

"Four people play, one person is on guard!"

"Be prepared for anything!"

"If a nurse comes to inspect, we can respond quickly!"

After hearing this, the two patients nodded and looked at the little boy with new eyes.

They didn't expect that the little boy was young, but he was very thoughtful!

However, what they didn't expect was that-

The little boy: "I'll be on guard! You go in and play mahjong!"

The little boy took the initiative, not only the two patients were confused, but Bai Wuchang was also confused!

Bai Wuchang looked at the little boy who volunteered and almost cursed!

Xiao Qi is going in now to catch Case No. 5!

Facing Case No. 5 directly is definitely extremely dangerous!

In comparison, guarding the door is much better.

If you see that something is wrong, you can run away at any time!

Bai Wuchang immediately said: "Let me guard the door! I have good eyesight, and guarding the door is the most suitable!"

Two patients: "......?"

They didn't understand it a little.

Didn't this group of people come to play mahjong with them?

Why are they still fighting to guard the door? ? ?

Compared with the little boy and Bai Wuchang guarding the door, they are more inclined to let Xiao Qi guard the door!

That little girl can't play mahjong at first glance!

Without waiting for Bai Wuchang and the little boy to argue, the two patients pointed at Xiao Qi together!

One of them said:

"You, a little girl, don't play mahjong."

"You come to guard the door!"

Bai Wuchang and the little boy heard this, and their hearts suddenly sank!

Xiao Qi is the main force to catch Case No. 5!

She was guarding the door, so what could she catch?

Could they rely on two common cases, one big and one small, to catch them?

Isn't this a joke! ?

"Okay, I'll guard the door!"

Xiao Qi agreed decisively.

Bai Wuchang and the little boy subconsciously looked at Xiao Qi...

Xiao Qi didn't show any abnormality, so Bai Wuchang and the little boy couldn't tell what he meant.

The little boy looked up at Bai Wuchang and saw that Bai Wuchang was also looking at him.

The two exchanged glances and could see the confusion in each other's hearts.

They really couldn't understand why Xiao Qi wanted to take their job of guarding the door?

But Xiao Qi himself agreed, and Bai Wuchang and the little boy didn't dare to raise any more opinions.

Bai Wuchang sorted out his mood and waved his hand and said:

"Let's go, let's play mahjong!"

Bai Wuchang, the little boy and the two patients entered the ward.

Xiao Qi also entered the ward, but he stood in the ward

At the door, he didn't go any deeper.

And he even looked out at the corridor outside, as if he was really watching the door.

The four people in the room were staring at each other!

The two patients looked at Bai Wuchang and the little boy who followed in, and couldn't help asking: "Where are the mahjong you brought? Hurry up and take it out!"

Bai Wuchang: "We didn't bring mahjong! Not to mention that you have a ward like this, you don't even have mahjong."

Patients: "?? You asked us to play mahjong, and then you don't bring mahjong!?"

The two patients were dumbfounded!

Bai Wuchang glanced at Xiao Qi again, and then he started to argue with the two patients.

It was nothing more than who should have mahjong!

Bai Wuchang's purpose was simple, just to talk nonsense and delay time.

When Xiao Qi took action, the task would be completed!

Xiao Qi was still watching the door.

But a black hair was quietly growing longer.

Xiao Qi's aura did not change, and the aura of his hair was also very weak, slowly going deep into the ward along the ground...

The four Bai Wuchang who were playing mahjong did not notice the hair at all!

Case No. 5 downstairs did not escape again, and obviously did not notice Xiao Qi's secret attack.

On the other side.

Liu Feng led people to the third floor.

Standing in the stairwell, Liu Feng looked up.

Further up is the fourth floor where Case No. 5 is hiding!

Hei Wuchang on the side said:

"Brother Feng, we can't let Case No. 5 run away again!"

"Tossing back and forth, even if we can stand it, the two brothers who have become puppets can't stand it!"

As soon as Hei Wuchang finished speaking.

The audience in the live broadcast room was immediately surprised!

[Good guy! This guy actually said such a conscientious thing! ? ]

[This is not the Hei Wuchang I know! ]

[Xiao Zhang: Damn! There is such a considerate buddy? Hurry up and burn yellow paper to swear brotherhood! ]

[Little boy: Lao Hei, you didn't do this when you fucking dealt with me! ]

[Too unscientific! ]

[No... He is afraid that Xiao Zhang will be burned to death, and he will be the next one! ? ]

[Oh? ]

[Oh? ? ]

[Fuck, it's true! ]

[Once Xiao Zhang dies, the master will definitely not choose Little Red Riding Hood, but Lao Hei will take over! ]

[6, I thought Lao Hei had a change of heart, but it turns out that he only cares about himself! ]

The second live broadcast site.

A familiar figure appeared in everyone's sight.

When the staff saw the person coming, they were immediately excited!

Those Taoist high-level people, including Zhang Suihan, all changed their expressions!

All eyes were focused on the visitor...

The visitor coughed lightly and smiled slightly:

"Everyone, long time no see."

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