The first time, the first time.

"Dear audience, this is the live broadcast of "Street Ghost Scare"!"

"I am your old friend, Zhang Hao."

"Today the program team met a very special guest!"

"A late-night delivery rider."

"He actually threatened to kill the evil ghost in the program!"

"I feel he is crazy!"

"But who knows if he has something to rely on?"

"Is it crazy talk, or is there another turn..."

"Let's wait and see!"

Zhang Hao stood at the door of the toilet.

While staring at Liu Feng a few meters ahead, he whispered to the audience about the scene!

At this moment, the audience was very interested.

The variety show "Street Ghosts Scare People" has been on the air for several months.

In the past few months, most of the passers-by guests were frightened when they saw the ghost!

Then they fled in panic!

That wonderful expression has always been talked about by the audience.

It makes people laugh every time.

But over time, the audience's aesthetics will inevitably become fatigued.

Normal people have only a few reactions, and they will always feel unsatisfied if they laugh too much.

So beating ghosts and torturing the host have gradually become new highlights in the show!

And Liu Feng, who appeared tonight, is completely different from the past!

He kept running away at first, and then suddenly he was full of confidence and said he wanted to kill the ghost.

This extremely contrasting performance has never appeared in any of the previous guests!

So the audience is also looking forward to what Liu Feng will do!


In Liu Feng's field of vision, the actor pretending to be a ghost appeared!

Dragging a rusty machete, the actor pretending to be a ghost walked ten meters in front of Liu Feng.

He didn't get instructions from the director and was not sure whether to get close.

When Liu Feng saw the evil ghost, he did not retreat, but was eager to try.

One man and one "ghost", just ten meters apart, confronted each other!

Live broadcast room——

[Oh my god! He really doesn't plan to escape? ]

[Fuck! This delivery guy is not really going to kill the ghost? ]

[Is he really brave? He is really not afraid of death? ? ? ]

[What do you think... could it be that the program team met a master? ]

[This delivery guy is actually a Taoist master, and delivering food is just an experience of life! ]

[Bah! What a bullshit master, that's all feudal superstition! ]

[That's right, there are no ghosts in this world, let alone masters who catch ghosts, they are all charlatans! ]

[There are still feudal remnants in the live broadcast room? ]

[No way, no way, in this era, there are still people who believe in ghosts and gods? I laughed my dad to death! 】

“Get up!”

Liu Feng put his fingers together in front of his chest, and the talisman in his pocket suddenly soared into the sky!

Zhang Hao thought he was dazzled when he saw this scene.

“What went out in a flash?”

Zhang Hao looked up at the night sky.

It was pitch black and he couldn’t see anything.

When he looked at Liu Feng again, his eyes suddenly widened!

A yellow paper talisman…

was circling around Liu Feng!

From slow to fast, it finally stopped above Liu Feng’s head!


Zhang Hao’s eyes almost popped out!

The actor pretending to be a ghost was also dumbfounded!

The talisman floating in the air was like a ghost fire in the dark night.

Under the capture of the park street lights, it looked extremely eye-catching and weird!

"Look...look, look, look, audience friends!"

"Am I dazzled?"

"The thing floating on the delivery guy's head..."

"Is it a talisman?"

Zhang Hao stuttered, feeling like he was dreaming!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also confused!

Liu Feng suddenly did this, catching everyone off guard!

Especially the talisman, whether it was spinning or fixed in the air, there was no silk thread pulling it!

This does not conform to the laws of physics in any way!

Newton's coffin lid could not be held down...

[Fuck, fuck! ? ]

[He said earlier that he could kill ghosts, but he was serious? ]

[Is this a live broadcast or a special effects video? ]

[The program team quickly responded, are you guys playing a trick? ]

[Controlling the talisman... am I hallucinating? ? ]

[This, this, this is really a master! ]

[Who is this delivery guy? He's so awesome, but he's still delivering food? 】

The audience was very excited!

They always thought Liu Feng was a bad guy.

Sooner or later, he would push Zhang Hao out to feed the ghosts!

They even thought that Liu Feng had been stimulated too much and had gone crazy!

But such a scene appeared on the scene.

Controlling the talisman as if it were his arm...

If this is not a master, then what is it?

If this is not a master, then what is it?

Countless people began to feel their scalps tingling!

The program assembled ghosts to scare people, but actually encountered a living immortal who was hiding in the city?

Compared to the audience watching through the screen.

Zhang Hao's head was about to explode!

He never expected that a program pretending to scare people with ghosts would actually encounter a real boss!

Now this boss even offered a talisman to kill the actor pretending to be a ghost!

Looking at the talisman hanging above Liu Feng's head...

Zhang Hao swallowed hard.

"Brother, are you going to use this talisman to kill ghosts?"

Zhang Hao couldn't help but confirm it.


"This talisman is a talisman for killing evil spirits. After hitting it, it will make him disappear into ashes and never reincarnate!"

Liu Feng admitted generously.

Zhang Hao's heart suddenly sank!

Disappear into ashes?

Eternal damnation? ?

What else can I do? ? ?

Zhang Hao knew that he couldn't hide it any longer.

He had to tell the truth quickly, otherwise something bad would happen!

"Brother, you..."


Liu Feng shouted and pointed at the actor pretending to be a ghost.

The talisman on his head flew towards the actor pretending to be a ghost with a "whoosh" sound!

"It's bad!"

Zhang Hao was shocked!

Although the actor pretending to be a ghost was a martial arts master, he was just a mortal after all!

How could he resist the talisman of the Taoist master?

What's more, Liu Feng said it was so serious!

He was even more worried!

"Get out of the way!"

Zhang Hao was secretly anxious.

The actor pretending to be a ghost thought so too.

As a top-notch master, he had a strong physique and was extremely flexible.

When the talisman was about to hit his face, he instantly moved sideways by one meter!

The talisman missed.

The host Zhang Hao was relieved when he saw the actor dodge.

Just as he was about to explain, Zhang Hao saw the talisman change direction.

Liu Feng waved his right hand calmly, and the talisman seemed to have wings, and moved more flexibly than the actor pretending to be a ghost!

"Death, evil ghost!"

Liu Feng stood with his hands behind his back with a cold face.

The talisman was attached to the forehead of the actor pretending to be a ghost at an extremely tricky angle!

Then it caught fire without fire.


Zhang Hao was stunned!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also amazed again!


[This can even hit the forehead? ? ? It turns out that martial artists can't beat immortals!]

[Fuck, it's burning! It must hurt to death?]

[The program crew, please save people!]

[That little fire can't kill people, I'm more worried about the talisman! 】

【Once the talisman is burned, the power is released. The ghost actor is just an ordinary person and can't bear it! 】

【The master said that it will be reduced to ashes. Someone is going to die! 】

【The medical team should come quickly. It will be too late to collect the bodies if it's too late! 】

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