The old man was so angry, and the old man was so angry.

Zhang Hao's commentary was passionate.

Professor Zhou's mouth twitched.

This seems to be a little inconsistent with the facts?

Live broadcast room——

[Damn! Is Xiao Zhang so fierce? ]

[The evil ghost is coming, and he dares to stand in front of the master? ? ]

[Doesn't Xiao Zhang have a problem with weak legs? Is he so brave this time? ? ]

[I don't believe it, this is not the Xiao Zhang I know. ]

[I don't believe it either, it's not a female ghost in front, Xiao Zhang will rush up? ]

[If Xiao Zhang is really so awesome, I will stand on my horse and eat shit! ! ! ]

[Yo, the shit-eating brother is here again? Did you make up for the first few meals? ]

[Everyone, listen to me, is there a possibility... that the master pulled Xiao Zhang to the front? ]

[? ? ? ]

[Fuck! ? Meat shield! ! ! ]

[Haha, that makes sense. ]

[Xiao Zhang is awesome, he actually said passive as active. ]

[It's a pity that the live broadcast was interrupted at that time, otherwise it would have been very exciting! ]

[I laughed so hard just thinking about it, Xiao Zhang must have been scared to death! ]

[Maybe he was lying on the ground kicking his legs! ]

[Fuck! There's a picture... Haha! ]

The second live broadcast scene.

The director saw that there was no rhythm in the live broadcast room, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next second, he heard Zhang Hao mention "Falling Treasure Money".

"The tomb owner plunged into the ancient coins!"

"That's not the gold coins..."

"That thing can make your soul fall!!"

The director tensed up all of a sudden.

Soul fall? ? ?

"Master Zhang, something is wrong."

"The gold coins don't make treasure fall, it makes your soul fall!"

"The three souls and seven spirits have all been taken away, this play can't go on!"

The director was still a little scared when he said that.

Fortunately, an archaeological team showed up halfway and asked the ghost actor to postpone the plan.

Otherwise, if the battle started at night...

The corpse of the ghost actor was so stinky!

"Soul fall..."

Zhang Sui Han pulled his beard.

Compared with the gold coins, the soul fall is a bit scary.

The treasure fall only takes your magic weapon, but the soul fall takes your life!

"No wonder the master dared to rob the immortal tomb, it turns out that this magic weapon is so powerful!"

Zhang Sui Han sighed.

The director stood up in a hurry!

Fortunately, after several trials, the director has gained experience.

Let the director connect to Zhang Hao, and the director immediately asked.

"Xiao Zhang, what are the specific details just now?"

"Are there any restrictions on the use of that ancient coin?"

"For example, it must be aimed at people..."

The director asked quickly.

However, the news he got was at a loss!

"I don't know!"

"The master threw the copper coin on the ground, and the ghost went in by itself."

Zhang Hao's confused and innocent voice came.

The director was immediately chilled!

No restrictions?

Then what's the point!

"Xiao Zhang, find a chance to ask the master."

"You must ask about the restrictions of the ancient coins!"

"Otherwise I will confess to the master, and you will be the first to die!"

"Because you cheated the master the most!"

The director threatened, which made Zhang Hao dumbfounded!

On the show.

Zhang Hao saw the director hang up the call, and he almost cursed!

"Damn, you're killing me after I've done my job. It's unethical!"

Zhang Hao was so angry.

But he also knew that he had to find a chance to ask about the restrictions on ancient coins.

Otherwise, the ghost actor wouldn't be able to appear...

Zhang Hao got into Dr. Lin's car.

While rushing back to the county to purchase, he continued to brag about his glorious image.

Dr. Lin almost vomited after listening to him all the way!


More than two hours later.

Zhang Hao returned with a full load!

The archaeological team also dug up the ancient tomb and exposed the tomb door to the sun.

Some brave people went to the door to take a look and were almost scared to death!

Just a door apart, but it seemed like two worlds.

This side is the human world, and the other side is a creepy Shura field!

"Master, I've bought the things!"

Zhang Hao asked the archaeological team to unload the car, and he found Liu Feng with a peach wood sword.

"The five hundred yuan peach wood sword, sponsored by the archaeological team, should be the best sword in the county!"

"In addition, I also bought a bell and a whisk, maybe they will be useful."

Zhang Hao explained the list of items.


Liu Feng's eyes lit up.

Although the whisk is not used to summon the gods, it can be used to show off!

"Old Zhang, you are really getting better and better at doing things."

Liu Feng showed a satisfied look, which made Zhang Hao more and more satisfied.

"Let's go, first surpass

"Liu Feng took the peach wood sword and went to the ancient tomb first. The scene inside was still horrible, and the bloody sarcophagus looked even more weird. Now with Liu Feng as the leader, the members of the archaeological team were much bolder. Many people gathered outside the tomb door, wanting to see how Liu Feng would save the dead souls. Zhang Hao also squeezed into the ancient tomb. He took the archaeological team's super-powerful flashlight. Zhang Hao broadcast the entire underground palace back in real time! The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked when they saw the picture. Jump.

[Fuck! This ancient tomb is so weird! ]

[What's in the air? Blood? ? ? ]

[The sarcophagus is really dyed red! ! ]

[It's so scary in the daytime, fortunately it's not live at night...]

[It's really a live broadcast room in the underworld! ]

[Damn, if there were two bull-headed and horse-faced monsters standing at the door, I would have thought I was in hell. ]

[So many corpses... Brothers, I'm going to retreat first! ! ]

[Damn, I just saw the corpses, I'm scared to death! ! ! ]

[Isn't the tomb owner dead? Why is the ancient tomb so scary? ? ]

[Didn't Xiao Zhang say before that the real source is the sarcophagus! ]

[Oh, when Xiao Zhang was bragging before, I felt sick and closed the live broadcast room. ]

The second live broadcast site.

The director felt nervous.

The scene was too dark, making him feel physically uncomfortable!

Zhang Suihan was fine, his mood was incomparable to ordinary people, and his expression did not change much.

Compared with the underground palace, He was more interested in Liu Feng's salvation!

It was a rare sight to save hundreds of souls at a time.

Especially when the person who was doing it was the only true immortal in the world!

Zhang Suihan felt like he was on a pilgrimage again.

Other high-ranking Taoists also sat up straight.

This was a real salvation, not a fake one.

They didn't want to miss any details!

In the ancient tomb.

Liu Feng put the things on the altar one by one, and then he was dumbfounded.

"Where are the offerings???"

Liu Feng looked around carefully.

There were only unused whisks and bells on the ground, and nothing else.

"Old Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

"Where did you put the offerings?"

Liu Feng looked at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao was stunned when he heard this!


"Master, do you need offerings for salvation?"

"Why not just send them away? "

Zhang Hao looked as if it was a matter of course.


Liu Feng was speechless.

Although he didn't know how to pray for the dead, he had common sense!

To pray for the dead, you can't let the dead reincarnate with an empty stomach, right?

What's more, he was inviting the gods this time!

How could there be no offerings?

When Zhang Hao saw that Liu Feng looked wrong, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Master, how about I go to the county again and buy some offerings?"

Zhang Hao hurriedly suggested.

Liu Feng waved his hand when he heard it.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Liu Feng picked up the peach wood sword.

With his relationship with the Black and White Impermanence...

Eat offerings?

Eat it!

Spit out the candle first!

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