The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Liu Feng returned the same way.

He picked up his own electric car, took Zhang Hao and ran away!

The ghost actor chasing behind could only stare blankly at the taillights of the car that was leaving quickly!

"Don't worry!"

"Get on the car of the program team."

"With Xiao Zhang following him, he can't run away!"

The director's voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

The ghost actor gave up the idea of ​​using Qinggong.

He took a breath of fresh air.

The ghost actor felt that tonight was like a dream!

He scared so many people, if not thousands, then hundreds.

To be honest, he was numb to the panic expressions of those people.

There were only a few types over and over again!

Not only did he lose his sense of freshness, but the audience also gradually lost their sense of freshness.

The popularity of the program has reached a bottleneck.

However, today, there is a huge turnaround!

An ordinary summer night.

An ordinary takeaway boy.

An ordinary midnight park.

A Taoist master actually showed up!

The scene of manipulating the talisman as if it were his arm, the actor pretending to be a ghost was terrified when he thought about it!

With his skills, he couldn't dodge it!

And the Taoist master has more than just talismans for killing ghosts!

There are more talismans for dealing with people!

If this is a talisman specifically for setting fires...

The actor pretending to be a ghost shuddered!

He was afraid that he would become a fireball at that time!

Soon the program group's car arrived.

The actor pretending to be a ghost picked up the machete and got on the car neatly!

The vehicle drove slowly, far behind Zhang Hao's positioning signal.

In such a short time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has increased from more than 300,000 to 400,000!

More and more people are pouring into the live broadcast room.

The program team did not advertise, but the spontaneous invitations from the audience are the best advertisements!

The barrages are also increasing.

The popularity of the live broadcast is soaring!

[Is this the hermit master my husband talked about? ]

[Isn't it said that the talisman kills ghosts? Where are the ghosts? Where are the talismans? ]

[Looking at the back, it's just a takeaway boy, which is inconsistent with the publicity! ]

[Where are the ghosts? Where are the ghosts? Where are the masters? Where are the masters? Where are the masters? ]

[Where is the living god? Show me your face! ]

[I don't believe in gods anyway, it must be hyped by the program team! ]

[The ghosts are all fake, and the masters are definitely fake. They are all made up by the program team! ]

[I won't watch it anymore. It's boring. Watching the takeaway boy in the middle of the night is really boring! ]

[Everyone, don't leave. This delivery guy is a master. He is a great man who lives in seclusion in the city! ]

[Everyone, please be patient. After all, the master is still autistic! ]

[Autistic? ? ? What does that mean? What is he autistic about? ]

[You need to ask the program team about this...]

The discussion on the bullet screen was in full swing.

In the camera, Liu Feng drove out three streets before stopping on the side of the road.

"Did they catch up?"

Liu Feng looked back.

The street was empty.

Not to mention ghosts, there was not even a bird!

Liu Feng got off the car with confidence and prepared to calm down.

Zhang Hao also got off the car.

Looking at Liu Feng in front of him, Zhang Hao couldn't help but remind him:

"Brother, if that ghost identifies us, it will definitely catch up!"

"You should think of a way quickly!"

Zhang Hao was forcing Liu Feng to take action.

But what he didn't know was.

Liu Feng only had a talisman to kill evil!

Liu Feng is now just like him, just an ordinary person, the kind that can't be more ordinary!

"I'm thinking of a way."

"And even if he doesn't chase me, I won't let him go!"

Liu Feng put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth on the side of the road.

He still remembered what the system said, that you can't give up halfway when exorcising ghosts!

Otherwise you will be wiped out!

It would be fine if he didn't take action, he could just run away!

But he has already taken action against the ghost once!

If he gave up halfway, the system would wipe him out in minutes!

But he is just a mortal, how easy is it to kill a ghost?

Hit it with a car?

Ghosts are spirits, it would be weird if they could be hit to death!


"In view of the host's sincerity in exorcising ghosts, a special lottery opportunity is now awarded."

"Do you want to start the lottery?"

The voice of the system suddenly sounded.

Liu Feng was worried about sleepiness, and the system sent a pillow!

Although Liu Feng felt that the system was a pit, he was in a hurry at the moment.

Even if it's a scam, it's better than driving into a ghost!

So Liu Feng quickly replied "yes"!

The second lottery after getting the system started!


"You got the chance to invite the ghost spirit once!"

"Invite the Yin God: When you open the altar, you can invite the Yin God of the underworld to the earth for a chat."

"Note 1: If you give enough tributes, you can let the Yin God take action for you once."

"Note 2: The host's current friendship with the underworld is 0. It is recommended to invite the lowest-level ghost messenger first. The success rate will be much higher and you can save a lot of tribute."

"Note 3: The most suitable time and place for opening the altar have been marked on the host's mobile phone. Please go there as soon as possible and don't miss the best time!"

Invite the Yin God!

Liu Feng took a breath!

Compared with the evil-killing talisman at the beginning, the reward span is ridiculously large!

One can only kill low-level ghosts.

The other can invite the King of Hell!

Liu Feng felt like he was about to be hit by a pie!

Although the success rate of inviting the King of Hell is close to 0...

"Even the lowest-level ghost messenger is an incredible existence!"

Liu Feng was excited.

What if the Black and White Impermanence were invited to come up.

Even if the ghost is the ghost king, he can be caught and taken back to the underworld in a few minutes!

This time, the pit system is finally reliable!

"Brother, say something!"

"Do you have any other solution?"

"You can't only use that one talisman, right?"

"You are a master after all, can you stop being such a loser?"

Zhang Hao kept urging.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was laughing.

[Anxious, anxious, Xiao Zhang is anxious! ]

[Squeezing the master like this, I'm really afraid that the master will slap him to death! ]

[Hahahaha, calling the master a loser, the master is probably going to be angry to death! ]

[Didn't you see that the master doesn't want to pay attention to him? ]

[The master is about to vomit blood, he saved a person but he is still a chatterbox! ]

[Laughing to death! Not only is he a chatterbox, but he also rubs salt into the wound! ]

[Director, please remind Xiao Zhang not to mention that talisman again, hahaha. 】

"Brother? Brother!"

"It's a matter of life and death, give me a definite answer!"

"Do you have any other means of exorcising ghosts?"

Zhang Hao grabbed Liu Feng's arm.

He wanted to pry open Liu Feng's head and dig out all of Liu Feng's abilities!

At the same time, he was a little worried.

He was worried that Liu Feng really only knew how to use a magic talisman!

Then his plan to go down in history would be ruined!

"There is a way!"

Liu Feng recovered from his distracted state.

He had just studied the complete process of inviting gods.

As expected, he was still just a showpiece.

The one who really completed the invitation of gods was still the system!

But outsiders didn't know!

Looking at Zhang Hao beside him, Liu Feng straightened his back again.

A magic talisman made him lose face.

This time he wanted to get it back with interest!

"Brother, what can we do?"

Under Zhang Hao's expectant gaze, Liu Feng uttered two words: "Invite the gods."

Invite the gods?

Zhang Hao was stunned.

It's just killing a ghost, not a thousand-year-old monster.

Do you want to make such a big deal?

What's more, it's a fake ghost!

"Damn it, inviting the gods to come down to earth, this is too big a deal!"

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