The second live broadcast site.

The atmosphere became solemn.

"Master Zhang, the master is going to the crime scene."

"Should we call the police?"

The director looked at Zhang Sui-han.

Zhang Sui-han frowned.

"Director Yan, most of the comments think that the master is looking for evil spirits to vent his depression."

"But I feel that things are not that simple!"

Zhang Sui-han's eyes were shining, and he had a vague guess.

The director didn't care that much.

"Master Zhang, will it be the same as the previous times?"

"The master traveled all over the country just to get various magic weapons!"

"This time, looking for evil spirits may also be to find magic weapons."

The director made a guess.

Zhang Suihan shook his head.

"It's different."

"The master had a clear destination the last few times, but this time he was aimless..."

"Hospital, cemetery, crime scene, the master didn't determine the direction."

After listening to Zhang Suihan's words, the director was also puzzled.

It's not to vent anger, nor to find a magic weapon...

"What does the master want to do?"

The director looked at the live broadcast screen.

Now the three have returned to the car and are searching for murders in Xuanwu County on the Internet.

"Could it be..."

The director suddenly had an idea!

"Master Zhang!"

"Could it be that the master wants to sacrifice some kind of magic weapon and needs evil spirits as auxiliary materials?"

"Or directly collect evil spirits to make things like the Ten Thousand Souls Banner!"

"When the prayer flag is shaken, ten thousand ghosts bite!"


"Who can bear this!"

The director became more and more terrified.

At that time, don't say that the actors pretending to be ghosts can't bear it.

Even if all the members of the program team and the Taoist people come together, they may not be able to bear it!


Zhang Suihan glanced at the director speechlessly.

He also thought that the evil ghost was related to the magic weapon, but he never thought about the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

The master is not an evil cultivator, how could he have the Ten Thousand Souls Banner?

"Director Yan, connect my voice to the live broadcast room."

Zhang Suihan ordered and began to express his opinion.

"Dear viewers in the live broadcast room, I am Zhang Suihan."

"I have my own opinion on the master's behavior of looking for evil ghosts."

"Maybe the master is not venting his boredom, but..."

"The evil ghost is closely related to the master's new magic weapon!"

"Maybe this magic weapon needs to be activated by conquering evil ghosts!"

"Just like a sword needs to be sharpened!"

Zhang Suihan paused and looked at the barrage.

When everyone talked about it and most of them accepted his opinion.

Zhang Suihan continued to speak.

"So we have to help the master!"

"Now the master is like a headless fly, hitting walls everywhere, searching for evil spirits but failing."

"It will only waste time if we continue like this!"

"If you know where there are ghosts and evil spirits..."

"Please contact the program team!"

"The program team will find a way to tell the master and let the master suppress the evil spirits!"

"This can not only help the master activate the magic weapon, but also keep the area safe."

"It is a great kindness!"

Zhang Suihan winked at the director, indicating that he had finished speaking.

"Master Zhang is right!"

The director immediately followed up.

"Dear audience, if there are legends of ghosts around you, please contact the program team!"

"This is a good deed, I hope everyone will sign up!"

"Of course, before telling the master, we will verify the authenticity of the information."

"I hope everyone will not spread false information."

"Thank you for your cooperation!"

As soon as the director finished speaking, the program team's external phone rang.

The number of private messages on the live streaming platform has skyrocketed!

"Master Zhang, the program team is short of staff!"

"Regarding the task of verifying information..."

"The disciples of the Taoist sect are all over the world, so we may have to trouble them to do it."


Xuanwu County Mental Hospital.

In a certain department.

Liu Feng looked pained.

Dr. Lin looked headached.

Zhang Hao looked like he had survived a disaster!

Facing the doctor sitting behind the desk, Liu Feng couldn't help but explain.

"Doctor, we are not mentally ill."

"It was the police comrades who made a mistake!"

"Look, I know that the earth is round, the moon revolves around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun."

"I also know that the sun revolves around the center of the Milky Way."

"My mental cognition is normal."

Liu Feng described the situation very seriously.

"I know that none of you three are


"Everyone who comes in says so."

The doctor looked at Liu Feng with a smile, not in a hurry at all.

Liu Feng suddenly felt like he had punched a cotton ball.

"Master, let me explain."

Dr. Lin couldn't help it.

"Doctor, we went to the police station to inquire about the murder case in order to get rid of the evil spirits at the crime scene!"

"The master next to me is the only living god left in the world!"

"You may not believe it, but it's the truth."

"The three of us are not sick. It was the police who misunderstood and sent us to the mental hospital."

Dr. Lin told everything.

Liu Feng closed his eyes and was speechless!

What evil spirits, master at this time...

Are you afraid that others will not think you are mentally ill?

"I believe it, it's just an evil spirit, I've seen a lot of it."

The doctor smiled and replied.

"Hmm? "

Liu Feng opened his eyes again, with surprise in his eyes.

"There is a person in our hospital who thinks he is a ghost."

"Schizophrenia, a 23-year-old boy."

"You can talk to him later."

The doctor kept a professional smile.

Liu Feng closed his eyes again!

Well, he can't escape hospitalization.


Dr. Lin was annoyed.

"I am a researcher in the archaeological team, and this is my work certificate."

"If I am mentally ill, how can I graduate with a doctorate!"

Dr. Lin threw out the certificate.

The doctor took a look and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"This fake certificate is well made!"

The doctor praised.


Dr. Lin finally knew what it meant to play the lute to a cow.

"I'll do it! "

At the critical moment, Zhang Hao stood out from the crowd!

Compared to the depression of Liu Feng and Dr. Lin...

Zhang Hao was full of gratitude to the police station!

Before, they couldn't find the murder case on the Internet, so the three of them went to the police station.

The master wanted Dr. Lin to use the relationship of the archaeological team to see if he could check the criminal investigation files.

As a result, when the police heard about the Taoist priest exorcising ghosts, they directly regarded them as mentally ill!

The murder plan was directly ruined!

Zhang Hao almost laughed to death.

Compared to being a meat shield at the crime scene, Zhang Hao naturally wanted to live in a mental hospital!

At least there was no life-threatening danger in this place.


"Doctor, if you know what's good for you, let us go quickly!"


"Have you seen a fist as big as a casserole?"

Zhang Hao waved his left fist, ready to trigger the alarm mechanism of the mental hospital!

Dr. Lin was speechless and closed his eyes.

They don't have to leave today, they all have to be hospitalized!

"A fist as big as a casserole? "

The doctor laughed even more happily and clapped his hands.

Several burly nurses came in.

"Young man, have you ever seen a 200-pound nurse?"

"How about you two compare?"

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