The old man was so angry that he almost fell to the ground.


Zhang Hao's face turned pale and he almost fell to the ground.


"Master, Chen Wei is a ghost!"

Zhang Hao pointed at Chen Wei behind the rockery and felt a chill rush to his head!

Chen Wei almost died of laughter.

"Brother Hao, you are too timid."

"I was just kidding you, look how scared you are!"

Chen Wei did not hide the ridicule on his face, trying to further prove that Zhang Hao was unprofessional.

Zhang Hao came to his senses and felt a little embarrassed.

This is too much bullying!

Do you really think he is a soft persimmon?

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you, I just want to find out the truth as soon as possible!"

Zhang Hao snorted coldly and looked at Liu Feng.

"Master, I have a guess, I suspect..."

"It's this rockery that's causing trouble!"

"It's the rockery that ate Chen Wei's brother!"

As soon as Zhang Hao finished speaking.

Chen Wei jumped three feet high!

He quickly distanced himself from the rockery, and his face turned pale.

People disappeared behind the rockery, and the rockery was indeed very suspicious!

Chen Wei looked at the rockery in front of him again, and couldn't help but shudder.

There are ghosts in this world, and it's not uncommon for stones to become spirits.

Since his brother disappeared, he has come to the rockery to investigate many times.

Sometimes he even came alone!

Thinking about it now, Chen Wei couldn't help but feel a sense of horror as if he was pulling with the god of death!

"Hey, Xiao Chen, what are you doing?"

"I was just trying to scare you. Do you really think the stone has become a spirit?"

"I am dying of laughter!"

Zhang Hao burst into laughter.

Chen Wei was startled, but he did not completely relax.

Until Liu Feng spoke up——

"So many people go missing in Dongfeng City every year."

"If it is really the fake mountain that is causing trouble, the others should also be eaten here."

"But those missing people should not have gone missing here, right?"

Liu Feng woke Chen Wei up.

Chen Wei was relieved!

Zhang Hao was very happy to see this.

"You said you were brave before, and you slept on a grave at night..."

"It turns out you are just bragging!"

Zhang Hao secretly despised.

Who can't brag?

He even said he is sworn brothers with the King of Hell!

"Master, let's go eat first!"

"Where is the restaurant you mentioned, Xiao Chen?"

"If it's not delicious, I'll hold you responsible!"

Zhang Hao was so arrogant that he decided to teach Chen Wei a lesson.

Chen Wei didn't care, but just smiled at Liu Feng.

"The restaurant is not far from here, let's talk while walking!"

Chen Wei led the way again.

"That restaurant is called Dongcheng Story, and it has been open in Dongfeng for decades."

"The taste of the dishes is amazing, even the state banquet can't catch up!"

"During the peak tourist season every year, that place is crowded."

"No, even during normal times, there are often no tables to be found there."

"Knowing that the master was coming, I made a reservation at noon."

"Otherwise, I might not be able to eat!"

Chen Wei said with relish.

But Zhang Hao pouted!

"It can't even catch up with the state banquet..."

"You are so arrogant!"

Zhang Hao mocked without any hesitation.

"Brother Hao, you can insult me, but you can't insult this restaurant!"

"This is the signboard of my Dongfeng City!"

Chen Wei and Zhang Hao started arguing.

They didn't stop until they reached the door of the restaurant.

Liu Feng looked at the restaurant in front of him.

The store is located in the downtown area, next to the largest shopping mall in Dongfeng!

The decoration is ancient style, with two floors above the ground. At first glance, it looks like an ancient restaurant.

The receptionist at the door is wearing a cheongsam, revealing her long white legs.

Zhang Hao took a look and stopped arguing with Chen Wei immediately!

Zhang Hao's sight was like a radar, and he kept scanning the receptionist.

"Big breasts and a perky butt, thin waist and long legs..."

"Full score!"

Zhang Hao gave a thumbs up in his heart.

"It seems that this restaurant is really good."

"The ladies at the door are the best among the crowd, and the dishes they cook must be excellent!"

Zhang Hao's attitude changed 180 degrees.

"Nonsense, how can the brand of Dongfeng be bad?"

Chen Wei looked at Zhang Hao with contempt.

Looking at Liu Feng again, Chen Wei saw that this master did not look at the receptionist at all.

"Brother Hao, look at the master and then look at you!"

"Can you have some manners?"

"You can't walk when you see a beautiful woman..."

"Wipe the drool from the corner of your mouth first!"

After Chen Wei finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation and invited Liu Feng to enter the store.

But at the door

The receptionist stopped him a little.

"Sorry, we are fully booked today."

"Do you have any reservations?"

The receptionist smiled professionally and spoke softly.

She glanced at Liu Feng and the other two and couldn't help but look at Liu Feng a few more times.

There was no way, that Taoist robe was too eye-catching!

She had been a receptionist for several years and it was the first time she met a Taoist priest.

Chen Wei quickly told her about the reservation.

The receptionist turned around and led the three people into the hotel.

"It's not that the reservations are full on holidays. It seems that this restaurant is really good."

Liu Feng praised while looking at the environment in the store.

Chen Wei's face was immediately full of glory!

He felt like smoke coming out of his ancestral grave to be praised by the master!


A crisp sound rang out.

Liu Feng subconsciously glanced and saw that it was the wind chimes beside the aisle that were ringing.

"Master, you must try the signature dishes here!"

"The eight main dishes are the best in the world!"

"I guarantee you will be full of praise after eating them, and you will settle down in Dongfeng City on the spot!"

Chen Wei talked excitedly and came all the way to the counter.

After verifying the reservation information, the receptionist took Liu Feng and the other two to the reserved table on the second floor.

"Wait a minute!"

A voice came, accompanied by hurried footsteps.

Liu Feng looked back.

I saw a fat middle-aged man wearing the clothes of an ancient shopkeeper chasing all the way to the stairs.

"Dongcheng Story does not accept Taoist priests, please go back!"

The middle-aged man's tone was quite polite, but what he said was not polite at all.

Liu Feng couldn't help but be surprised.

"We don't accept Taoist priests..."

"What is this rule?"

Liu Feng was a little surprised.

Even Chen Wei was puzzled. He hadn't heard that Dongcheng Story did not accept Taoist priests!

The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed, but he finally said it.

"It's not a secret, it's just that the boss is superstitious!"

"When the restaurant opened, a Taoist priest came to eat."

"But after eating, he not only refused to pay, but also said that the Feng Shui of this place is bad, and the store will lose money!"

"Only by paying a large sum of money to buy the ghost-painted talismans in his hand can you have good luck."

"The owner of the store at that time was the father of the current owner."

"When the old man saw this unlucky thing, he had the Taoist priest beaten out on the spot!"

"As a result, the Taoist priest refused to give in and cursed every day!"

"In the end, the old man gave the Taoist priest a sum of money, and the Taoist priest stopped making trouble."

"From then on, there was an unwritten rule in the store."

"Any Taoist priest who comes to the door will not be received by the store!"

"Because Taoist priests come very rarely, and there are only a handful of them in the past few decades."

"So not many people know this rule."

The middle-aged man patiently explained.

When Liu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

They are celebrating their grand opening, and you are saying unlucky words.

You will be punished for not getting beaten!

But he still comes to scold me every day...

It is not difficult to understand that the store has such rules.

"Actually, I am a delivery man, not a Taoist priest, and I wear the Taoist robe for fun."

Liu Feng took off his Taoist robe.

"Can we eat now?"

Liu Feng was ready to go upstairs.

But the middle-aged man didn't dare to agree!

"Master, do you think I am a fool?"

"If you take off your Taoist robe, you are not a Taoist priest..."

"Then the rules of the store will become a decoration!"

"Please leave quickly, don't make it difficult for me."

The middle-aged man's face had already fallen when he finished speaking.

As the saying goes, courtesy comes before force.

If these three people don't leave, he will call the security guard!

"Brother, don't get excited!"

Zhang Hao grabbed the middle-aged man.

"I have a question. Are all your waiters as stunning as the receptionist at the door?"

The middle-aged man was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded.

Zhang Hao immediately asked: "Are they dressed so beautifully?"

The middle-aged man nodded again. Cheongsam is the standard for waiters in their store.

"In that case..."

Zhang Hao smiled and pointed at Chen Wei.

"Xiao Chen and I are not Taoist priests!"

"If only the two of us eat here, and the remaining one goes home, do you think it's okay?"

The middle-aged man thought about it...


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