The teacher said that the teacher was very happy.

"Today's math class ends here. Tomorrow is the day when the immortals come to our town to test the spiritual roots. The teacher hopes that you all have spiritual roots."


In a simple classroom, a middle-aged man who looks to be in his forties or fifties is teaching a group of five or six-year-old children.

This man who looks like a middle-aged man is called Li Xiaojun, and he is 25 years old this year.

Twenty-five years ago, Li Xiaojun traveled to this world and became a baby, and awakened the tadpole strengthening system.

The strengthening system sounds powerful, but it is a waste.

Consuming 10 years of life can strengthen a tadpole.

As a traveler, Li Xiaojun thought he should be the protagonist, and then all kinds of heaven-defying.

However, when he was 6 years old, the biggest setback in his life came. The immortal gate test showed that he did not have the spiritual roots for cultivation.

In the world of cultivation, he had no spiritual roots, which meant that he could only be an ordinary person for his whole life.

Although there was a system, the system was too useless.

In this situation, Li Xiaojun gave up and chose to be an ordinary person.

He went to school at the age of 6, took the Tongsheng exam at the age of 16, got married at the age of 18, and had a daughter at the age of 19.

At the age of 20, he passed the exam for a scholar, but then he failed the college entrance examination twice.

At the age of 21, his wife gave birth to another daughter.

Two daughters consumed 20 years of his life.

When he was 24 years old, his frail wife died of illness, which was a big blow to him.

At the age of 25, he gave up the college entrance examination, converted a room at home into a classroom, and then became a teacher of elementary education.

Before, Li Xiaojun thought that with his identity as a time traveler, it should be very easy to take the imperial examination, but reality slapped him in the face.

Now, he has already laid down. He is ready to raise his two daughters and then live a plain life.

"Daddy, daddy, I'm hungry."

Just after school, when all the students left, the youngest daughter cried out that she was hungry.

"Fei Fei, be good, daddy will cook for you right away!"

Hearing the call of the little cotton jacket, Li Xiaojun showed a warm smile on his face.

"Daddy, I'll help you light the fire."

At this time, the eldest daughter smiled and came forward to help.

"Tingting is so good." Li Xiaojun smiled and touched the eldest daughter's head.

Li Xiaojun's two daughters, the eldest daughter Li Yuting, is 6 years old this year, and the youngest daughter Li Yufei, is 4 years old this year.

The two daughters have been very smart since childhood, especially the eldest daughter Li Yuting, who followed Li Xiaojun to learn to read and write at the age of two. At the age of 6, she has already learned the knowledge of the sixth grade of the Earth Primary School, and even the mathematics of junior high school.

It is worthy of being a child born after consuming ten years of life to strengthen the tadpole.

Although the younger daughter is not as good as her elder sister, she also started to learn to read and write at the age of two and a half, and has just finished the fourth grade of primary school.

The next day, the whole Honghe Town was decorated with lights and colorful decorations.

Today is not a festival, but because today is the day for the immortal gate to test the spiritual roots and accept disciples.

Every year on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, the immortal gate will send people to various towns to test the spiritual roots of 6-year-old children and accept children with spiritual roots.

Every year on this day, Honghe Town will be decorated with lights and colorful decorations, waiting for the arrival of the immortal masters.

This year is no exception. Honghe Town has started preparations two days in advance.

Because today is the day to test the spiritual roots, Li Xiaojun gave all students a holiday.

Li Xiaojun woke up early in the morning. While the two daughters were still sleeping, he got up to light a fire and cook.

After the meal was ready, he called his daughters to eat, dressed the younger daughter, and so on.

After working for a long time, the family finally finished breakfast.

The eldest daughter, Li Yuting, is already 6 years old this year, so she will also participate in this year's spiritual root test.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Li Xiaojun put beautiful little skirts on both daughters, and then carried the younger daughter on his back and held the older daughter's hand to the town center square.

"Mr. Li."

"Hello, Mr. Li."

At this time, many children and their parents have arrived at the town center square.

In addition, there are many people watching the excitement.

Li Xiaojun is a scholar and a gentleman in the town, so when he came to the square, many people greeted him enthusiastically.

"The immortal master is here."

At 10 o'clock in the morning, accompanied by a stream of light, a flying boat-like thing stopped at the central square of Honghe Town.

On the flying boat, there were several young people who looked to be in their twenties.

Men and women, in addition to some children aged five or six.

These children should be the children with spiritual roots collected by the immortal masters from other places.

"Children who meet the age, come forward to test their spiritual roots, hurry up, we have to rush to the next place after the test."

A young man jumped off the flying boat quickly and then gave instructions to everyone.

Everyone is familiar with the process of spiritual root testing, after all, there is a spiritual root testing ceremony every year.

Honghe Town has been organized long ago, and the children who need to test their spiritual roots have also lined up, and they can start the test as soon as the immortal master arrives.

After the young man jumped off the flying boat, the test started soon.

The thing that tests talent is a crystal ball, as big as a basketball.

The children only need to put their hands on the crystal ball, and then the immortal master will cast a spell to detect what talent the child has.

"You don't have spiritual roots! Go down."

"You don't have spiritual roots either!"

"You don't have..."

Today, more than a hundred children in Honghe Town participated in the spiritual root test.

One after another, the children put their hands on the crystal ball, but what they encountered were the cold words from the immortal master.

Some children burst into tears when they heard that they had no spiritual roots.

However, their parents quickly covered their mouths and carried them away, fearing that their crying would cause the immortal master to be unhappy.

The speed of the spiritual root test was very fast, and soon, the test of dozens of children was over.

After testing dozens of children in a row, none of them had spiritual roots, which made many people look a little unhappy.

Until the 56th child, the crystal ball for testing spiritual roots finally emitted a faint yellow light.

"Low-level spiritual roots of the earth system, stand over here."

Seeing that the spiritual roots were finally detected, the immortal master's face also eased a little.

This was a little boy, and when he heard that he had spiritual roots, he immediately grinned.

And his parents were surprised.


After pulling the little boy to stand behind him, the immortal master began to test the next child.

"No spiritual roots, next one..."

"Still no spiritual roots, next one!"

"Next one..."

"Next one..."

The test continued, and more than ninety children were detected in a blink of an eye.

Except for the child with the lower-level spiritual root of the earth system just now, the other children had no spiritual roots.

In this case, the parents of the children whose spiritual roots were not detected were very disappointed.

And the parents of the children who had not yet started to test their spiritual roots were very nervous.

At this time, among the very nervous parents of the children, there was Li Xiaojun!

Time passed, and it would soon be the turn of the eldest daughter Li Yuting to test her spiritual roots, so Li Xiaojun's heart was even more in his throat.

"Next one."

Accompanied by the call of the immortal master, the person who tested the spiritual roots finally turned to Li Xiaojun's daughter Li Yuting.

Little Li Yuting came to the immortal master with some trepidation, and then, like the previous children, she put her hand on the crystal ball obediently.

The immortal master injected a spiritual spell into the crystal ball.

The next moment, the crystal ball emitted a green light.

At first, the green light was very faint, but soon, the green light became stronger and stronger. After a few seconds, the green light had reached a very dazzling level.

Seeing this situation, the people watching the excitement around were already stunned.

The immortal master who was testing the talent showed a look of surprise.

At this time, several other immortal masters on the flying boat also showed a look of surprise when they saw this situation.

The next moment, several immortal masters jumped off the flying boat at the same time.

"Top-grade wood spirit root, great!"

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