The little girl looked up suddenly, her face was wet with tears, but her bright eyes looked at Li Xiaojun who was floating in the air in surprise. However, she had just been lying on the ground and shed a lot of tears, which made her face dirty. When she looked up at Li Xiaojun, she looked like a big clown. Seeing this, Li Xiaojun couldn't help but want to laugh. But he still held back! "Are you two willing to worship me as your master? If not, I can only kill you two." Li Xiaojun looked at the little girl and the younger girl beside her with a faint look. "Yes, we are willing." The little girl cried with joy. At this time, how could they be unwilling? "What about you?" Li Xiaojun looked at the little girl with a defective nose.

"I am willing too." The little girl kowtowed to Li Xiaojun.

"Since you are all willing, then follow me."

After saying that, Li Xiaojun waved his hand.

The next moment, the two little girls flew up!

Soon, the three of them flew away quickly and disappeared in the air.

After Li Xiaojun disappeared for a long time, all the children in the yard came back to their senses.

The next moment, crying, quarreling, and scolding were heard.

After a long while.

In the corner, a child in his teens asked another child, "Now that Chen Zishan is gone, what will we do in the future?"

"What should we do? I don't know. Chen Zishan can steal things, but we can't. Can we just wait to starve to death?"

"Alas! We can only go back to our old ways and beg tomorrow."

"Then, what about those disabled children?"

"We can't even take care of ourselves, so why should we take care of others? They are all disabled and suffering in life.

If Chen Zishan hadn't insisted on taking them in, we wouldn't have lived such a hard life. With Chen Zishan's ability to steal things, we could have lived a good life."



On the other side, Li Xiaojun had brought two little girls to an inn.

In the inn, Li Xiaojun asked the inn to put two buckets of water, and then let the two children take a bath.

Then, Li Xiaojun took out two sets of spiritual clothes, used his true energy to change the clothes into a size that children could wear, and asked the two children to change into them.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, the two children changed drastically.

The two children before looked like beggars, but now they look like princesses.

Especially the little girl of three or four years old, Li Xiaojun used magic to repair her nose, and then she looked very beautiful and cute.

The two children he adopted, the older one is called Liu Zishan, and the younger one has no name, only a nickname called Qiya!

So, after thinking about it, Li Xiaojun gave the little girl a name, Li Ziqi.

Two days later, Li Xiaojun left the inn with the two little girls.

"Master, where are we going?" Liu Zishan asked Li Xiaojun.

"To buy a house." Li Xiaojun said lightly.

He planned to stay here and wait for the arrival of the Xiuxian Alliance.

He had already sent a message to the alliance.

It's just that this place is a bit far from the border of the human race. Even if the Mahayana period wants to fly over, it will take decades.

Therefore, if the human race wants to send a large force to this planet, it will take at least a hundred years.

Therefore, during this period, Li Xiaojun did not plan to continue to explore the star field, but rested on this planet for a while.

Li Xiaojun brought the two little girls to the dental shop, and then spent tens of millions to buy a small courtyard in the city.

It must be said that as the largest city of the human race, the housing prices here are ridiculously high.

Fortunately, this little money is nothing to Li Xiaojun.

He casually took out a high-quality spirit stone, which is worth tens of millions.

And there are tens of billions of such high-quality spirit stones in his system space.

In addition to high-quality spirit stones, Li Xiaojun also has top-quality spirit stones, immortal stones, etc.

After settling down.

This day, Li Xiaojun took out a test crystal and prepared to test the spiritual root talent of the two children.

"Come here, I will test your talent for the two of you."

Li Xiaojun waved to the two children.

Hearing Li Xiaojun's words, the two children came over obediently.

"Put your hands on it." Li Xiaojun ordered.

Hearing this, the two children put their hands on the crystal ball at the same time.

Go up.

"Come one by one, test Liu Zishan first." Li Xiaojun said.

Hearing this, Li Ziqi quickly let go.

The next moment, Li Xiaojun cast a spiritual spell.

However, the crystal ball did not move at all.

"Call, Ziqi go up."

Liu Zishan put down her hand, and then Li Ziqi put her hand up again.

After a moment, Li Xiaojun sighed.

Neither of these two children has the spiritual roots to cultivate immortals.

After thinking about it, Li Xiaojun took out another crystal.

This crystal was taken from the undead wizard after he killed him.

A crystal can test whether a person has a talent for magic.

Li Xiaojun knows that magic and cultivation are two completely different paths of cultivation.

Therefore, he thinks that people who do not have the talent for cultivation may not necessarily have a talent for magic.

But Li Xiaojun has also studied magic books and has some superficial understanding of magic.

"Come on, Zishan, put your hand up again." Li Xiaojun instructed Liu Zishan.

"Okay." Liu Zishan nodded and put her hand on the crystal ball again.

Li Xiaojun cast magic.

After a while, the crystal ball lit up, emitting a faint green light.

"Not bad, you have a talent for magic." Li Xiaojun said to Liu Zishan.

Liu Zishan was overjoyed when she heard Li Xiaojun's words.

"That's great."

At this moment, a glimmer of hope appeared in Liu Zishan's eyes.

This glimmer of light carried some hatred.

She thought of some things from her childhood.

"Dad, Mom, I hope to avenge you. You wait, I will definitely learn magic from my master..." Liu Zishan secretly made up her mind.

Just when Liu Zishan secretly made up her mind, the crystal ball on the other side emitted light again.

However, the light emitted this time was red, and the light was very dazzling.

"Not bad, you also have a talent for magic."

Li Xiaojun smiled and touched Li Ziqi's head, then put the crystal ball into the space.

"Master, can I learn magic too?" Li Ziqi looked at Li Xiaojun, very surprised.

"Yes, both of you can learn magic." Li Xiaojun nodded.

"Great, I can learn magic, I want to be a magician!" Li Ziqi jumped and jumped happily after learning that she could learn magic.

"Master, when will we learn magic?" Liu Zishan looked at Li Xiaojun expectantly.

After these days of getting along, Liu Zishan has seen clearly that her teacher is a good person.

The last time he embarrassed her and said he wanted to kill her was to test her.

If she had not passed the teacher's test last time, she probably wouldn't be here today, and she wouldn't have the hope of becoming a magician.

Hearing Liu Zishan's words, Li Xiaojun waved his hand and said, "There is no rush to learn magic. You are all illiterate, so you must learn to read and write first."

"I will find a teacher for you tomorrow. You should learn to read and write first. When you know all the words, I will teach you magic." Li Xiaojun said to the two children.

The reason why he said this is mainly because he only got some undead magic from the great undead magician.

He certainly won't teach the two apprentices undead magic, so he is going to find some other magic books.

According to the test results, the eldest apprentice Liu Zishan is a wood magic talent, and the first apprentice is a fire magic talent.

[Please... Forget it, I won't be able to ask for it. 】

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