The old man was very happy.

"Grandfather, do you want to directly eliminate all the members of the Li Yao family?" The emperor of the empire asked the old man.

"No, that adult did not kill them all, so you must not make decisions on your own, lest that adult dislikes you..." the old man said hurriedly.

"Yes." The emperor nodded.

"You go down, I want to heal my wounds." The old man said to the emperor.

"Yes, ancestor, you rest assured to heal your wounds, I will let Uncle Cheng come to protect you!"

"Well! Go."

After the emperor left, he came to a hall.

"Let the commander-in-chief He Qingshan come to see me." The emperor ordered a eunuch.

A few minutes later, the commander-in-chief of the imperial city arrived.

"He Qingshan pays respect to His Majesty." He Qingshan hurriedly saluted the emperor.

Although the emperor in front of him was only a fourth-level magician, He Qingshan did not dare to be disrespectful.

"Commander He, tell me, what's the situation? Why is the ancestor injured?" The emperor said to He Qingshan.

"Your Majesty, it's like this..."

He Qingshan did not dare to hide it, and hurriedly told him what he saw.

"Commander He, did you see what that adult looked like?" The emperor asked He Qingshan.

Hearing this, He Qingshan nodded, but after a moment, he shook his head again.


"Your Majesty, I did see what that adult looked like, but when I think about it carefully, I can't remember it at all." He Qingshan frowned and said to the emperor.


Hearing what He Qingshan said, the emperor took a breath.

Is this the ability of the eighth-level holy magician? Can it make people who see him forget his appearance?

"Your Majesty, although I can't remember the appearance of the Saint Mage Master, I can remember the appearance of his disciple." He Qingshan said to the emperor.

"Can you draw the person?"


An hour later, a vivid and beautiful picture of a woman appeared in front of the emperor.

Seeing the woman in the painting, even the emperor could not help but be attracted.

However, it was not the woman's appearance that attracted him. As an emperor, what kind of women had he not seen?

What attracted him was the woman's temperament.

That temperament, it is hard to describe what it feels like, but it is very special.

"Make multiple copies of this painting, and then send a copy to all the princes and nobles, and then tell all of them that if they meet the woman in the painting in the future, they must not offend her, and tell Tan that this is a student of the Saint Mage Master."

"If anyone offends the girl in the painting, the empire will destroy him in advance without the senior taking action..."

In the city of Shengjing.

Count Li Yao was killed, but the Empire had no way to deal with him.

Moreover, even the seventh-rank Grand Mage was severely injured by the opponent.

Such a situation caused a huge sensation in the aristocratic circle of the entire Holy Capital City.

Under such circumstances.

A few days later, the eunuchs in the palace sent a picture to each family and official residence.

Attached with it was an imperial edict.

"My human race actually has a holy mage?"


After seeing the imperial edict, everyone gasped.

After receiving the imperial edict, all families took this matter very seriously.

Many families even summoned their clansmen to return overnight, and then warned all clansmen that after seeing the woman in the painting, they must not offend or offend the other party in any way.

If such behavior occurs, the family will definitely expel him from the family and execute him directly.

In the suburbs of Holy Capital City.

A down-and-out baron's mansion also received the emperor's edict.

After seeing the imperial edict, the fifty-year-old baron immediately summoned everyone in the family to a meeting.

A large room was now filled with more than fifty people.

These people, men and women, old and young, were all members of the Baron's family.

"Everyone, look at this painting. The person in this painting is a disciple of a holy mage..."

"Look carefully, and remember her firmly in your mind. You must recognize her as soon as you see her..."

"If you meet this person in the future, you must not offend her. If you offend her, the family will definitely kill you first, and then take your head to make amends with the other party..."

On the stage, the Baron warned everyone in a stern tone.

But he did not notice that at this time, there was an 18-year-old girl in the audience who saw the woman in the painting.

, but showed a look of disbelief.

"How is this possible?"

"How could it be her?"

"She is Li Ziqi's sister Chen Zishan, that's for sure, Chen Zishan often wears such clothes..."

The girl was very shocked.

Li Ziqi was her classmate. As a child of aristocracy, she also led people to bully Li Ziqi, but none of them could beat Li Ziqi.

Some time ago, she saw Li Ziqi's sister Chen Zishan pick her up from school many times.

Because she didn't get along with Li Ziqi, she paid special attention to Li Ziqi. Because Li Ziqi's sister often came to pick her up, she also remembered the appearance of Li Ziqi's sister Chen Zishan.

If Li Ziqi's sister is a student of the Holy Mage, then she and Li Ziqi have a conflict. If Li Ziqi lets her sister...

As she thought about it, a look of fear appeared on her face.

Her expression was just seen by the baron on the stage at this time.

He said to all the comforters: "As long as you don't offend the woman in the painting, you don't have to worry about her causing trouble for you."

"The news I got is that Earl Li Yao was killed because he offended this woman, but this woman only killed Earl Li Yao and did not implicate innocent people, so as long as you don't offend the woman in the painting, she is still very kind."

Hearing the baron's words, the girl's face became even uglier.

Although she did not offend the woman in the painting, she offended the woman's sister in the painting.

If the other party troubles her in the future, she will be dead, and it will also implicate the family.

After Earl Li Yao was killed, although Chen Zishan did not implicate Earl Li Yao's family, the emperor of the empire directly deprived the entire Earl Li Yao family of their titles for the crime of treason against the empire.

Therefore, if Li Ziqi asked her sister to help her vent her anger, it is likely to implicate their entire family.

If the emperor knew that she had offended Chen Zishan's sister, he would definitely not let their family go.

Thinking of this, the girl became more and more scared.

After the family meeting, she immediately found the baron's father alone.

"Dad, I have something to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"Dad, listen to me, can you not hit me?"

"Just say it, it's okay, you are my favorite daughter, why would I hit you."

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