The two of them were born in the same year.

One year later.

All the female cultivators under Liu Hongxia, whom Li Xiaojun had captured, had given birth to children.

However, Ni Xiaotang and Liu Yuqi were still pregnant with their children.

Li Xiaojun knew that a child with the acquired demon god roots would need to be nurtured in the mother's belly for at least eight years.

At first, he was going to choose to strengthen to the fairy spirit roots, and then strengthen to the acquired demon god roots after the birth.

In this way, Ni Xiaotang and Liu Yuqi would only need to be pregnant for ten months to give birth to a child.

However, if this was done, Ni Xiaotang and Liu Yuqi would definitely give birth to daughters, and there would be no way to give him a son.

So in the end, Li Xiaojun decided to let them breed the acquired demon god roots directly, so that there is a 50% chance of giving birth to a son.

Li Xiaojun decided to stay on Qiuyu Star for three hundred years.

After three hundred years, he decided to find the Earth, meet his fellow countrymen on Earth, and then break through the realm of human immortals.

Li Xiaojun calculated the three hundred years.

Of the 16 daughters he captured, Ni Xiaotang and Liu Yuqi gave him a child every 10 years on average, which added up to 60 children in three hundred years.

Then, if the other 14 subordinates of Liu Hongxia gave him a child every year, it would add up to 4,200.

He would upgrade these children to the acquired demon god roots.

For the Xiuxian Alliance, more than 4,000 children with acquired demon god roots are completely enough for the demon race.

But if you want to deal with the demon race in the fairy world and change the future destiny of the human race, then more than 4,000 children with acquired demon god roots are far from enough.

On this day, after Li Xiaojun made 14 female cultivators under Liu Hongxia pregnant, he left the fairy formation again.

A few days later.

Imperial Capital College of Literature.

"Classmates, let me introduce you to everyone. This is the new transfer student Li Wenjun. Welcome everyone."

Clap, clap, clap!

Warm applause rang out in the classroom.

"Student Li Wenjun, please introduce yourself to everyone." The teacher said to Li Xiaojun.

"Hello everyone, I am Li Wenjun. I hope you will take care of me in the future." Li Xiaojun said to all the students with a smile.

However, his eyes were looking at the middle-aged girl in the classroom, a young beauty with short hair.

"Teacher, I want to sit with this student, is it okay?" Li Xiaojun looked at the teacher and asked.

Hearing Li Xiaojun's words, the teacher's eyes were blurred for a moment.

Then he nodded, and said to an ordinary-looking girl: "Student Bellamy, please sit in the back row."

Hearing the teacher's words, there was an uproar in the classroom.

No one expected that the teacher would listen to the new student like this.

That was the school belle, and this freshman wanted to sit next to the school belle as soon as he arrived. This was too outrageous.

Hearing the teacher's words, the student named Bellamy's face suddenly turned red.

Just when she wanted to speak, suddenly, her eyes were confused.

Then she packed up her things and left her seat without saying anything.

"Thank you!" Li Xiaojun smiled and said thank you to the girl.

Then he was not polite and sat next to the seat that was given up.

"Hello, classmate, my name is Li Wenjun, what's your name?" Li Xiaojun smiled and stretched out his hand to his deskmate.

On the other side, Zhuo Wanqing was speechless.

She looked at Li Xiaojun with a cold face, but did not stretch out her hand.

Seeing this situation, many people in the classroom laughed, sneered, and laughed.

Laughed at Li Xiaojun for not knowing his own limitations and actually wanting to chase the school belle.

Li Xiaojun's behavior was too obvious, and it was obvious that he was running for the school belle.

Now the school beauty completely ignored him, which made many people in the classroom look at Li Xiaojun with ridicule.

"Ahem, classmate, don't be so arrogant! We will be deskmates in the future." Li Xiaojun continued to say with a smile.

"Get lost!"

Zhuo Wanqing turned her head and said a silent mouth shape.

Seeing this, Li Xiaojun smiled and stopped teasing the other party. Instead, he sat down obediently, as if ready to listen to the class.

An hour later, the bell rang.

Many students walked out of the classroom.

School beauty Zhuo Wanqing also walked out of the classroom.

At this time, a group of male students surrounded Li Xiaojun.


As soon as a student spoke, Li Xiaojun waved his hand and then got out of the crowd.

"Uh, what did I want to say just now?"

"Hey! Where is that boy?"

When Li Xiaojun came outside, he happened to see a group of girls surrounding Zhuo

Wanqing walked towards the toilet.

"Wanqing, that guy is so low-key, he actually wants to sit with you directly..."

"He is really a low-key guy, he wants to pursue our Wanqing, but he doesn't even take a piss to look at himself."

"By the way, Bellamy, why did you give up your seat to that low-key guy?"

"The teacher asked me to do so, what can I do?"

A group of girls chattered around Zhuo Wanqing, but Zhuo Wanqing seemed very cold, only replying once or twice.

Thank you, Li Xiaojun heard all the girls' words.

For such remarks, he just smiled.

For the next day, Li Xiaojun did not take the initiative to communicate with Zhuo Wanqing, mainly because Zhuo Wanqing was very cold, she did not reply to Li Xiaojun's words, and her attitude was very bad.

For such a situation, Li Xiaojun was not anxious, because he had a way to make her change her attitude.

Of course, he would definitely not use such a low-key method as mental control.

At night, Li Xiaojun observed that Zhuo Wanqing left the school with several girls and came to a night market near the school.

After the girls spent more than an hour eating a midnight snack, they were ready to leave.

At this moment, a girl looked confused for a moment, and then she said to everyone: "You go back first, I have something to do, I will go back later."

"I have something to do too, I am going to the mall to sell a few packs of sanitary products."

"I have something to do too, Wanqing, you go back first." Another girl said to Zhuo Wanqing.

"Why do you all have something to do suddenly?" Zhuo Wanqing was speechless.

"You go back first, we will go back later."

"Okay then." Zhuo Wanqing nodded.

The night market is near the school, and she is not afraid of encountering any bad guys.

Soon, Zhuo Wanqing left the night market and walked towards the school.

Entering the school, she walked alone on the road of the school, her steps were neither hurried nor slow, because she was walking and looking at her mobile phone.

"Student Zhuo."

Suddenly, a figure stopped her.

Zhuo Wanqing looked up, and then she saw a person who gave her a very bad impression.

"What are you doing?" Zhuo Wanqing asked Li Xiaojun.

"Student Zhuo, it's not safe to be alone, I'll take you back to the dormitory." Li Xiaojun said to Zhuo Wanqing with a smile.

"No, I have my own feet."

After saying that, Zhuo Wanqing was about to bypass Li Xiaojun.

However, the next moment, Li Xiaojun stopped Zhuo Wanqing again.

"What are you doing?" Zhuo Wanqing stopped and looked at Li Xiaojun with cold eyes.

"Nothing, I just want to see if Student Zhuo has immortal roots."

Li Xiaojun smiled, and then he flipped his hand, and a blue crystal ball appeared in his hand.

When Zhuo Wanqing saw this scene, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"You, you are a cultivator."

Zhuo Wanqing said to Li Xiaojun in surprise, but his tone was very sure.

If someone can conjure things out of thin air, what else can he be but a cultivator?

You know, even the storage bags in the world of immortal cultivation can only be opened by immortal cultivators with true energy. It is impossible for ordinary people to open them.

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