The old man was born in a strange way.

That day, Li Xiaojun returned to the immortal formation again.

A few days later, Liu Hongxia's 14 female cultivators gave birth to 14 children for Li Xiaojun again!

Half a month later.

Li Xiaojun left the immortal formation again.

Imperial Capital College of Literature.

When Li Xiaojun came here again, Zhuo Wanqing had already dropped out of school, and then found a rental house near the university to live in.

When Li Xiaojun saw Zhuo Wanqing again, Zhuo Wanqing was holding a child and feeding.

"Brother Xiaojun, are you back?"

Zhuo Wanqing saw Li Xiaojun's face full of surprise, and then tears immediately flowed down.

"Well, I'm back, but I'm just here to take a look. The alliance's mission has not been completed yet, and I'll have to leave in a few days." Li Xiaojun said to Zhuo Wanqing.

After that, he looked at the child Zhuo Wanqing was holding. "Wanqing, this, this child is..."

"Brother Xiaojun, this child is our daughter. I got pregnant after we had sex last time..." Zhuo Wanqing explained to Li Xiaojun.

It has been more than a month since Zhuo Wanqing found out she was pregnant.

She hadn't had her period for more than a month, so she went for a checkup and found out she was pregnant.

After learning she was pregnant, Zhuo Wanqing was panicked at first, and she even thought about getting rid of the child.

But when she thought about the fact that this was the child of her and a cultivator in the Spiritualization Stage, she immediately gave up the idea of ​​getting rid of the child.

She even thought to herself that if she gave birth to the child, she might be able to use the child to restrain the other party.

So, after finding out she was pregnant, Zhuo Wanqing applied for a leave of absence.

Then she rented a house near the school, and then practiced while taking care of the baby.

In the evening, after the man and the woman had sex again, Zhuo Wanqing lay on Li Xiaojun's chest and said, "Brother Xiaojun, I found something strange."

"What's strange?" Li Xiaojun asked.

"Brother Xiaojun, I found that when I was pregnant, my cultivation speed was a hundred times faster than when I was not pregnant. However, after I gave birth to the child, my cultivation speed became very slow. I don't know why."

"There is such a situation?" Li Xiaojun was very surprised.

Zhuo Wanqing nodded in Li Xiaojun's arms: "Yes, it only took me one year to cultivate to the eighth level of Qi Refining."

"It is indeed the eighth level of Qi Refining." Li Xiaojun looked at Zhuo Wanqing's cultivation and nodded.

Zhuo Wanqing's cultivation talent is very ordinary, and she is practicing the Golden Elixir Dao method, which is naturally several times slower than the Yuanshen method.

According to the Yuanshen Method, if a person has inferior spiritual roots, it would take decades to cultivate to the eighth level of Qi training.

Even if one has the best spiritual roots, it would take several years to cultivate to the eighth level of Qi training.

Only a genius with the talent of a great emperor can cultivate to the eighth level of Qi training in just one year.

Now, Zhuo Wanqing has cultivated to the eighth level of Qi training in less than a year, which is indeed somewhat unreasonable.

"Dear, are you sure that your cultivation speed when you are pregnant is a hundred times faster than when you are not pregnant?" Li Xiaojun asked Zhuo Wanqing.

"Yes, when I was pregnant, my cultivation speed was indeed a hundred times faster than now." Zhuo Wanqing nodded.

Hearing Zhuo Wanqing's confirmation, Li Xiaojun had a guess in his mind.

"Could this be related to his child?"

After Li Xiaojun and Zhuo Wanqing had a child, he raised the child's talent to the acquired demon god root.

When Zhuo Wanqing was pregnant, perhaps she used the child's talent to cultivate for herself.

Once the child is born, she will not be able to use the child's talent, so the speed of cultivation will naturally slow down.

The answer to this question is very simple, that is, to continue to let Zhuo Wanqing get pregnant, and then see if her cultivation speed can become faster.

After a night of love.

The next day, Li Xiaojun took Zhuo Wanqing to the best residential area nearby to buy a luxurious villa.

And he also filled in Zhuo Wanqing's name on the property rights of the villa.

"Wanqing, you and the child will live here in the future. I will transfer 1 billion to you, and you can spend this money as you like."

A few days later, Li Xiaojun said goodbye to Zhuo Wanqing again.

Then that afternoon, Li Xiaojun met Su Yuxi.

At this time, Su Yuxi was no longer studying in the aristocratic private school.

She was taken back by her parents one month after she became pregnant.

In the past few months, she has been living in her own

At home.

After Su Yuxi became pregnant, Su's parents complained about their daughter more than once, thinking that she must have met a scumbag.

They also wanted their daughter to abort the child, not to ruin her life because of the child, but Su Yuxi herself strongly opposed it and insisted on giving birth to the child.

This time, Su Yuxi also had a quarrel with her parents, and the relationship became much more distant.

However, after Su Yuxi gave birth to the child, when Su's parents detected the child's spiritual root talent, everything changed.

Su's parents no longer complained about their daughter meeting a scumbag. If possible, they hope that their daughter will meet countless such scumbags.

All this is because Su's parents found that the child born by their daughter turned out to be a fairy root.

However, after detecting the child's spiritual root, Su's parents immediately hid the matter.

Children with fairy roots must never be known to anyone. It is best to cultivate them quietly, and when they grow up and develop feelings with them, send them to the alliance for cultivation.

On this day, Li Xiaojun came directly to the Su family and took Su Yuxi out of the Su family.

He told Su Yuxi that he only had half a day off, and he would continue to execute the alliance's characters half a day later.

So, in this half a day, two days naturally became hot again.

After saying goodbye to Su Yuxi, Li Xiaojun went to the next place without stopping.

Ten months later, in addition to meeting his old lovers, Li Xiaojun also met dozens of confidantes.

Li Xiaojun found that as he succeeded again and again, his actions became more and more skilled.

He found that there was no need to do so many fancy things. He only needed to take the girls to outer space for a circle, and then make some verbal promises. It would take less than two days to basically win.

After winning, Li Xiaojun usually left some cultivation resources and bought a luxurious property, which basically made the girls return to their hearts!

But this made Li Xiaojun suffer.

He basically ran around all year round.

Of course, there were also accidents.

For example, after Li Xiaojun left, the other party aborted the child.

In this case, Li Xiaojun would basically not go a second time.

Also, when the child's talent was noticed by the Xiuxian Alliance, he would not go again.

Every time a child was born, Li Xiaojun would ask his confidantes not to test the child's spiritual roots, and even if they did, they should not report it to the Xiuxian Alliance.

He said that he would raise his own children.

If the other party still reported the child's talent to the Xiuxian Alliance under such circumstances, he would disappear directly in the other party's world.

Because if there were more such cases, his daughters, especially the eighth daughter Li Ziwei, would definitely find out about him.

Fortunately, his confidantes were very obedient, and no one reported the child's talent to the Xiuxian Alliance.

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