The demon clan was in trouble.

"Where are you running, demon clan?"

A human cultivator in the God Transformation Stage flew a sword from a distance and attacked a demon clan in the Fusion Stage.

However, the Fusion Stage demon clan just waved his hand and shot down the flying sword of the human clan in the God Transformation Stage.

However, they were running away at this time and had no time to kill the human clan who ran out on their own initiative.

"Everyone hide, so as not to destroy the demon clan together with the stone!"

Seeing this situation, Li Xiaojun quickly sent a message to everyone.

He alone was enough to wipe out all the demon clan, but he was afraid that the demon clan would choose to perish together with the human genius when they knew they could not escape.

Just when Li Xiaojun was slaughtering the demon clan on Hengchang Star.

Not far away, the fleeing demon emperor received a message from a demon fairy ancestor.

The demon fairy said that it would soon arrive at Hengchang Star, and asked it to find a way to hold back the human race and never let the human race escape.

After receiving the message from the demon fairy ancestor, the demon emperor was both happy and worried.

The happy thing was that the ancestor would arrive soon, and then he would not have to be afraid of the immortal of the human race.

It always thought that the one who controlled the immortal sword to attack it was the immortal of the human race.

The worry was that it was a joke for a mere demon emperor in the Tribulation Period to hold back the immortal of the human race?

After thinking about it, the demon emperor thought of a way, which was to destroy more transmission channels so that the human race could not repair the transmission channels in a short time.

In this way, the human race trapped on Hengchang Star would not be able to leave.

Two days later, Li Xiaojun cleared all the demons on Hengchang Star.

The corpses of these demons were also collected by him.

The corpse of a demon emperor in the Crossing Tribulation Period, the corpses of thirty demon saints in the Mahayana Period, the corpses of hundreds of demon kings in the Fusion Period, and the corpses of countless demons in the God Transformation Period.

Such a harvest is greater than the harvest he got from killing millions of demons in the demon territory that year.

Although he killed millions of demons in the past, the highest level of cultivation was only the Fusion Period, and the number of demons of this level he killed was very small.

Now, he not only killed a large number of demon kings in the Fusion Period, but also killed demon saints in the Mahayana Period and demon emperors in the Crossing Tribulation Period.

"We thank the senior for saving our lives."

On Hengchang Star, countless people bowed respectfully to Li Xiaojun.

At this time, Li Xiaojun changed his appearance and hid his true appearance.

Because he found that among this group of human geniuses, there were people he knew.

At this time, there were only more than 500 human geniuses left on Hengchang Star.

Almost more than half of them were lost.

But among these more than 500 human geniuses, hundreds of them came from Ziwei Empress Palace and Li Xiaojun's Academy.

So, in order to keep his identity from being exposed, he could only hide his identity.

"No need to thank me!" Li Xiaojun waved to everyone, and then asked: "What are you going to do next?"

Hearing Li Xiaojun's words, a human genius said: "Senior, the demon tribe should not come again, right? We should be safe, right?"

"This, I don't know, but don't worry, even if the demon tribe comes again, I can protect all of you." Li Xiaojun said to all human geniuses.

"Senior, the demon tribe has installed a signal shielding device nearby. We should find it out, otherwise we can't contact the outside world here." A human said to Li Xiaojun.

Hearing the words of this human, Li Xiaojun took out the communication equipment and found that there was indeed no signal.

Fortunately, he always communicated with his daughter using the system function, and the signal blocker could not block it at all.

At this time, Li Xiaojun was contacting his daughter Li Ziyao.

"Zi Yao, how do we deal with the situation here?" Li Xiaojun told Li Ziyao about the situation here, and then asked Li Ziyao.

"Dad, you stay on Hengchang Star to protect everyone's safety. Gongyang Muci has already rushed over. When Muci arrives, you just hand everyone over to her." Li Ziyao said to Li Xiaojun.

"Okay, then I'll wait for a while." Li Xiaojun nodded and agreed.

Next, Li Xiaojun asked everyone to continue hiding in the formation.

Then he waited on Hengchang Star.

During this process, he also walked around Hengchang Star.

Hengchang Star is a gas planet.

The surface of Hengchang Star is composed of dense hydrogen for 6,000 kilometers, which also contains dense spiritual energy.

After 6,000 kilometers, there is a sea of ​​liquid hydrogen, where the spiritual energy is even more dense.

After passing through the liquid hydrogen, you can reach the "land" composed of metallic hydrogen.

The temperature here is high and the pressure is high, so only cultivators at least in the Spiritualization Stage can survive here.

Most of the spiritual stone mines on Hengchang Star are in metallic hydrogen.

Because of the high temperature and pressure, the spiritual stones produced on this planet are at least high-quality spiritual stones.

Top-quality spiritual stones are also very common.

As a great emperor in the Tribulation Stage, Li Xiaojun can naturally walk on the high-temperature and high-pressure Hengchang Star as if it were flat ground.

Half a month later.

In the starry sky near Hengchang Star.

A beast shadow with a speed exceeding 20 times the speed of light flew quickly.

This is a demon fairy in the human fairy realm.

The beast shadow stopped after flying near Hengchang Star.

Whether it is a human fairy or a demon fairy, as long as you break through the human fairy realm, you don’t need to transform your body into a spiritual body like the emperor realm when flying in the starry sky.

Because the immortal body itself is a superposition of the spiritual body or the physical body.

The immortal body can directly deal physical damage or soul damage.

Even if it is flying, it does not need to transform the body into a spirit body first, it can fly directly at twenty times the speed of light.

Just after this human fairyland demon fairy arrived at the periphery of Hengchang Star.

Not long after, a demon emperor in the Tribulation Period flew over.

"Ancestor, I have dragged all the human race on Hengchang Star, and no one has escaped." The demon emperor in the Tribulation Period said respectfully to the demon fairy in the human realm.

The demon emperor took advantage of the demon fairy of the ancestor, and it was the fox demon fairy, one of the 24 great demon fairies of the demon race.

This was also the fox demon fairy who killed hundreds of human geniuses on Qiuyu Star that year, and even Li Xiaojun was almost killed.

"Waste, why can't you just kill a few people? You still want me to do it. You are waste."

The fox demon coldly cursed the demon emperor in the Tribulation Period, and then said indifferently: "I will punish you for your matter when I get back. Tell me first, what is the situation now?"

"Ancestor, the human race is too cunning. They all hide in the formation. The formation can block our consciousness. So we have only killed half of the human geniuses in a few months, and now there are still half of the human geniuses here." The demon emperor in the Tribulation Period said to the ancestor with some shame.

"Waste." The fox demon cursed again, and then asked: "You said that a human immortal came, but as far as I know, 9 human immortals are at the border. Are you sure you saw a human immortal?"

"If it was a human immortal, could you escape from him?"

"This should be a human immortal, because he has an immortal weapon..."

"Waste, does having an immortal weapon mean you are a human immortal? Can't a Mahayana stage possess an immortal weapon? You really made my demon race lose face."

"The 9 human immortals are at the border. It is impossible for the human race to have immortals, so this human should only be a person in the Tribulation Stage who has an immortal weapon."

"I will find everyone and kill them later. If anyone escapes, help me. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

[Because I have something to do during the day, I will add one more chapter today. 】

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