The time flies, and thirty years have passed.

In thirty years, the demons and humans have conducted more than one hundred rounds of negotiations and finally signed a treaty.

The treaty stipulates that the demons must give up one-eighth of the territory that touches the human territory, all the way to the other side of the Hengduan Nebula.

The Hengduan Nebula is a high-temperature nebula that can cover hundreds of light years and has a thickness of thirty-six light years at its thinnest.

For people below the God Transformation Stage who enter such a nebula for a long time, they will die.

Therefore, this nebula can serve as a barrier between the human and demon territories.

Of course, if the demons insist on attacking the human race, they can also bypass it from the void, but the journey is a bit far.

At first, the demon race did not agree to cede so many places.

And this also includes a life planet.

However, the demon race did not agree, so the human race sent out the strong men of the human fairyland to slaughter the demon race.

On the human side, all the immortals and mortals were arranged on Qiuyu Star, Taihuang Star, and two other huge planets, and four strong men of the human fairyland were arranged to guard them at any time.

The demon emperor of the demon race did not even think about being able to avoid the immortal scan of the human fairyland, break into the human planet, and kill the human immortal cultivators.

If the demon emperor of the demon race wanted to sneak attack the human race, it is estimated that he would be discovered by the strong men of the human fairyland before he got close, and then easily killed.

The human race adopted this kind of fighting method, and finally had to force the demon race to cede land and pay compensation.

Compared with the human race concentrating all people on four planets for the immortals of the human race to guard, the demon race did not dare to do so.

If the demons dare to concentrate their people on one planet, then the human race only needs to send out one immortal, and the demons will suffer heavy losses.

Under the pressure of the nine human immortals, the demons finally agreed to the human race's demands.

The demons gave up one eighth of their territory. In addition, the life planet controlled by the demons and humans became a planet controlled by humans.

Next, the human race gave the demons 50 years to retreat. Within 50 years, the demons must evacuate all their people.

If the demons have not evacuated all the demons within 50 years, the demons that have not evacuated will become food for the human race.

In the first ten years of the game between the demons and humans, Li Xiaojun had been slaughtering powerful demons in the demon territory.

As a powerful earth immortal, the array used by the demons to shield their spiritual consciousness could not shield Li Xiaojun's spiritual consciousness scan at all.

Therefore, every time Li Xiaojun arrived at a demon planet, he only slaughtered demons above the God Transformation Stage.

Finally, Li Xiaojun slaughtered all 12 life planets of the demon race, killing 24 demon emperors in the Tribulation Period, more than 300 demon saints in the Mahayana Period, and thousands of demon kings in the Fusion Period.

As for the demons in the Spiritualization Period, there were countless of them.

Also because Li Xiaojun slaughtered a lot of demons in the demon race, and specially selected powerful demons to kill, the demon race could not bear such losses in the end, and finally agreed to most of the conditions of the human race.

So, Li Xiaojun played an indispensable role in the human race's ability to gain such great benefits from the demon race.

However, in the 20th year, Li Xiaojun bid farewell to all his acquaintances and left the human race.

With a system map, he flew directly to the direction of the solar system.

The solar system is about 60,000 light years away from the Xiuxian Alliance.

So if Li Xiaojun flies at a speed of 40 times the speed of light, he will only need about 1,500 years to reach the earth.

Of course, this is just a calculation of invariants.

During the flight, Li Xiaojun's cultivation will increase.

If he breaks through to the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm, his speed will be able to exceed 50 times the speed of light.

Li Xiaojun calculated that according to the increasing trend of cultivation points provided to him by his bloodline descendants, he only needs about two hundred years to break through to the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

After breaking through the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm, about one hundred and fifty years later, his cultivation will be able to break through the late stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm and reach 70 times the speed of light.

Then after more than one hundred years, he may be able to break through the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and then his speed will be able to break through 80 times the speed of light.

In this case, he does not need one thousand five hundred years at all.

It only takes a few hundred years for him to fly from the middle section of the Centaur Arm to the vicinity of the Orion Arm where the solar system is located.

At that time, Li Xiaojun only needs to find a small arm of Orion to find the sun almost quickly

The location of the system.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed.

Li Xiaojun has also flown nearly four thousand light years.

On this day, Li Xiaojun, who was flying, found a channel that looked like an interstellar transmission channel.

Out of curiosity, he quickly changed direction and flew up along the channel.

Half a month later.

Li Xiaojun entered a star system, and then found a pale red planet in the star system.

Li Xiaojun swept his consciousness and found that there were many minotaur-like monsters on this planet.

Soon, Li Xiaojun's consciousness found a bull monster in the fusion stage.

A few minutes later, Li Xiaojun appeared in front of the bull monster.

"Who are you? What do you do?"

The bull monster was horrified when he saw Li Xiaojun suddenly appear.

But the next moment, he felt that all his demon power was sealed.

It itself also fell into Li Xiaojun's hands.

Soul search.

Li Xiaojun was not polite to the demons.

Basically, Li Xiaojun used soul-searching to get a lot of information.

This bull demon was born on a life planet called Harulu.

The bull tribe is the master of this planet.

The bull tribe has been out of the starry sky for more than 500,000 years. Currently, there are 10 billion people, controlling the resources of thousands of star systems.

"What a waste, more than 500,000 people control thousands of star systems!"

Li Xiaojun looked down on the fact that the bull tribe took 500,000 years to control thousands of star systems.

If the human race is given 500,000 years, it will definitely not be a problem for the human race to control millions of star systems.

But this cannot be blamed on the bull tribe.

The bull tribe does not have the wisdom of humans.

As long as humans are ordinary adults, they have extremely high wisdom.

Humans know how to domesticate and plant crops and know how to improve the yield of crops, which allows the human race to feed more people.

The bull tribe does not have this wisdom.

Ten billion cattle on a life planet is the limit of the number that a life planet can support.

Who knows how many plants a hundred billion cattle eat in a day?

If there is no restraint, the ecological environment on the life planet will inevitably be destroyed.

Therefore, it is very good that the cattle have developed to the present in 500,000 years.

Half a month later.

Li Xiaojun took the transmission array of the cattle demon and came to the life planet where the cattle demon was.

This planet is a circle larger than the earth, and the land area is several times larger.

It is no wonder that this planet can support tens of billions of cattle.

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