After a while, the woman was still very happy.

However, no matter how Li Xiaojun speeded up, the feeling still did not come, let alone the system prompt.

After more than ten minutes, the beautiful woman looked at Li Xiaojun with disgust and asked. "Can you hurry up?"

"You, you don't cooperate at all, I can't hurry up even if I want to!" Li Xiaojun whispered.

Hearing Li Xiaojun's words, the beautiful woman hesitated, bit her lip, and then began to cooperate.

After more than ten minutes.

"Are you still not done?"

"I, I don't know why, I just don't feel it." Li Xiaojun himself was a little speechless.

Then he tried to say: "Or, you scream a few times?"

Hearing Li Xiaojun's words, the beautiful woman glared at Li Xiaojun.

"Hurry up."

Hearing the beautiful woman's words, Li Xiaojun could only speed up.

On the other side, the beautiful woman hesitated for a while, and then began to shout in cooperation, but the voice was very suppressed.

Hearing the voice, Li Xiaojun was immediately excited.

[System prompt: The recipient is detected as a person with superior spiritual roots.

1. You can choose to consume 10 years of life to strengthen your offspring.

2. You can choose to consume 50 years of life to strengthen your offspring.

3. You can choose to consume 250 years of life to strengthen your offspring.

4. You can choose to consume 1000 years of life to strengthen your offspring. ]

Half an hour later.

Li Xiaojun finally heard the system prompt.

"I choose 4."

Two hours after entering the cave, a figure flew out of the cave. He Qingqing didn't have time to see the figure clearly, and the figure disappeared.

After a while, He Qingqing saw Li Xiaojun walking out of the cave.

"Send me back." Li Xiaojun greeted He Qingqing with some tiredness.

Seeing Li Xiaojun's appearance, He Qingqing nodded, and then waved her hand, and a flying boat appeared in front of the two.

Half an hour later, He Qingqing sent Li Xiaojun back to Bixiao Peak.

"Tell the Ninth Elder that it's still 5,000 spirit stones this time!"

"Okay." He Qingqing nodded, and then left.

Half an hour later!

He Qingqing returned to her own cave in Biyun Peak.

"Qingqing, come to my cave!"

Just as He Qingqing returned to her own cave, the next moment, a magnetic voice came to her ears.

"Master, you are out of retreat!"

Hearing this voice, He Qingqing was overjoyed!

Soon, she came to another cave at the top of the mountain.

Entering the cave, He Qingqing saw a beautiful woman who looked only in her twenties.


Seeing the woman, He Qingqing hurriedly called respectfully.

This woman is Liu Ruge, the third elder of Biyun Xianzong.

"Did anything big happen during my retreat?" Liu Ruge asked He Qingqing.

"Master, nothing big, but..."

"But what?"

"But something happened to my junior sister's father." He Qingqing said to Liu Ruge.

"What happened?" Liu Ruge asked.

"It's like this, didn't the sect find out that the children born by my junior sister's father are all excellent spiritual roots, and then the sect forced my junior sister's father to have more children." He Qingqing said to Liu Ruge with a stiff face.

"There is also this?"

Hearing what He Qingqing said, Liu Ruge frowned.

The last time she brought Li Xiaojun's family to the Xianzong, she felt that she had signs of a breakthrough, so she asked He Qingqing to take care of Li Xiaojun's family, and then she went into retreat.

Unexpectedly, in more than a year, the Xianzong actually forced Li Xiaojun to have more children, which was a bit too much.

"So, your junior sister's father has another child?" Liu Ruge asked He Qingqing.

Hearing this, He Qingqing thought for a moment and said, "Not only that, there have been five or six children so far, and there are more than ten pregnant."

"So many? Did the Immortal Sect give your junior sister's father a concubine?" Liu Ruge frowned and asked.

"No." He Qingqing shook her head, and then explained, "It's like this..."

Next, He Qingqing told everything she knew.

"Master, I am mainly responsible for this matter now, so I know so much." He Qingqing said to Liu Ruge awkwardly.


Hearing the words of her apprentice, Liu Ruge was a little angry. Isn't her apprentice doing this the same as those pimps?

"How can you do such a thing?"

Liu Ruge said with a tone of regret.

"Master, I didn't want to do it at first, but they gave me

Too much." He Qingqing cried.

"How much did they give you?" Liu Ruge asked.

"I just send my junior sister's father to a cave every month, and then send him back after the job is done. I get 200 spirit stones every time."

Hearing this, Liu Ruge glanced at He Qingqing: "Do you just need these few spirit stones?"

"Yes, Master, this is my monthly allowance for more than two months. I just sent someone away..."

"You! I don't know what to say to you."

Liu Ruge looked at He Qingqing with a look of disappointment, and then said: "Forget about it in the past, but you can't do this in the future. "

Hearing Liu Ruge's words, He Qingqing's face suddenly turned bitter.

If she spends one day every month to send someone off, she can earn two hundred spirit stones for free, which is equivalent to her two months' monthly salary. Such a good thing, her master doesn't allow her to do it now, and she wants to die.

If she had known this, she should have kept it a secret from her master.

However, it seems that she can't keep it a secret for long. After the master comes out of retreat, he will find out a little bit, and she will be in trouble.

Moreover, although Liu Ruge is in retreat, the Liu family where Liu Ruge is is also the beneficiary of this incident.

A woman in the Liu family who had a relationship with Li Xiaojun is now more than eight months pregnant.

"What kind of talents do the descendants borrowed from your junior sister's father have? "

Just when He Qingqing was regretting, Liu Ruge's voice sounded faintly.

Hearing this, He Qingqing hurriedly said: "The Qin family in Tianshui City gave birth to a child with the best water spiritual root, the Luo family in Maple Leaf City gave birth to a child with the best gold spiritual root, and the Yan family gave birth to a child with the best yin spiritual root..."

"What did you say?"

Before He Qingqing finished speaking, she was interrupted by Liu Ruge.

"What did you just say? What spiritual root does the child of the Yan family have?"

Liu Ruge looked at He Qingqing and asked.

"It should be a yin spiritual root." He Qingqing swallowed and said.

"What is supposed to be? Yes is yes, no is no." Liu Ruge said.

Hearing this, He Qingqing hurriedly said: "The Yan family said that it was a top-grade fire spiritual root, but the person who gave birth to the child was Yan Ruyu, the Jindan Deacon of the Yan family, and she has a top-grade spiritual root. "

After a pause, He Qingqing continued: "I heard from my junior sister's father that the better the woman's spiritual roots are, the better the spiritual roots of the child she gave birth to."

"My junior sister's father said that the children born to ordinary people with him are of the highest spiritual roots, the children born to people with inferior spiritual roots are of earth spiritual roots, the children born to people with medium spiritual roots are of heaven spiritual roots, and the children born to people with superior spiritual roots should be of yin spiritual roots."

"So, Yan Ruyu of the Yan family has superior spiritual roots, so the child she gave birth to should be of yin spiritual roots!"

"Moreover, after Yan Ruyu gave birth to a child, the Li family where the elder was, and the Luo family where the sect master was, both arranged for family women with superior talents to have relationships with my junior sister's father, so I guessed that the child of the Yan family is likely to be of yin spiritual roots..."

After He Qingqing finished speaking what she knew and guessed in one breath, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing what He Qingqing said, Liu Ruge on the side was stunned.

After a long time, she asked He Qingqing: "Is what you said true? "

"I know everything the disciple said, and I dare not tell a lie." He Qingqing said to Liu Ruge quickly.

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