After the wedding, the two daughters were very happy.

Li Xiaojun prepared a lot of delicious food for his two daughters, and asked He Qingqing to take them back.

After He Qingqing left, Li Xiaojun couldn't wait to return to his room and opened the box his daughter sent him.

When he opened the box, there was a letter and a box full of transparent stones.

Li Xiaojun first opened the letter and read it.

The letter was written to him by his eldest daughter Li Yuting.

In the letter, Li Yuting told Li Xiaojun that the stone she sent to Li Xiaojun last time was a spirit stone, which contained spiritual energy.

After learning that Li Xiaojun could absorb spirit stones to become younger, Li Yuting was very happy.

So this time, she directly sent Li Xiaojun a hundred spirit stones.

She told Li Xiaojun that this was only the cultivation resources she received in a month.

Li Yuting also told Li Xiaojun that she was now a cultivator of the eighth level of Qi Refining, and she would be able to come back to visit him after she had established her foundation in a few years.

Li Xiaojun was very happy to see his daughter's letter.

From the letter, he also understood that the transparent stone was the spiritual stone used by cultivators for cultivation.

No wonder the system could absorb these energies, it turned out to be the famous spiritual stone.

After reading the letter, Li Xiaojun began to let the system absorb the spiritual stone.

Soon, all the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone was absorbed, and Li Xiaojun also gained 100 energy points again.

With 100 energy points, Li Xiaojun thought about it and first spent 20 energy points to exchange for life.

The reason why he only exchanged 20 years of life was that he was afraid that exchanging too much at once would turn himself into a teenager or a baby.

After exchanging 20 years of life, Li Xiaojun exchanged life year by year to test it.

Soon, Li Xiaojun found that after he recovered to about 20 years old, no matter how much life he exchanged, he would stay at about 20 years old.

In the end, Li Xiaojun exchanged all 100 energy points for life, and his age was still 20 years old.

Unfortunately, the system was too rubbish, he couldn't see his attribute panel, and he didn't even know how much life he had left.

"Are you Mr. Li? How did you become younger?"

"Ah! I became younger because the pills my daughter brought me cured my illness, and I was very young, I was only in my twenties..."

In Honghe Town, everyone envied Li Xiaojun for suddenly becoming younger.

Many people envied Li Xiaojun for having two good daughters with superb spiritual roots, who could also bring him pills from the immortal gate to cure his illness.

"Mr. Li, your two daughters have gone to the Immortal Sect. You are now alone without a confidant to take care of you. Mr. Chen has a daughter who is only 18 years old and very beautiful..."

On this day, the famous matchmaker in the town found Li Xiaojun and wanted to introduce him to a partner.

If it were in the past, Li Xiaojun would have flatly refused.

Because getting married means that his life span will be consumed.

When having sex, the system will forcibly strengthen his offspring, which will consume 10 years of his life span.

So even after his wife died, he has never remarried in these years.

However, now, he feels that he can marry another one.

His life span is at least more than 100 years now, which is completely affordable.

Moreover, as long as the first conception is successful, the system will not forcibly deduct his life span when having sex for the next year.

In other words, he only needs to consume ten years of life to be happy for one year.

Moreover, the consumed life span can be solved as long as he asks his daughter to bring him more spirit stones.

Moreover, with the existence of the system mall, as long as he can obtain spirit stones continuously, it means that he can live forever.

So, under such circumstances, Li Xiaojun really wanted to marry another wife.

As for marrying Chen Yuanwai's daughter or marrying someone else, Li Xiaojun was ready to investigate again.

Marriage is a major event in life. The character of the wife you marry determines whether you will live smoothly in the future.

Next, Li Xiaojun asked about Chen Yuanwai's daughter, and then gave up directly.

It is true that Chen Yuanwai's daughter is beautiful, but it is said that the eldest lady has a bad temper.

Therefore, Li Xiaojun dared not marry such a woman, for fear of marrying a difficult ancestor.

Next, after asking around, Li Xiaojun finally took a fancy to a woman from an ordinary family in the town, named Wang Qiuyu!

The name is a bit rustic, but she is pretty and young

Young, only 18 this year.

The most important thing is that she is very diligent and has a good personality. She is a person who is suitable for living.

Moreover, Li Xiaojun also heard that Wang Qiuyu is a person with spiritual roots, but when the spiritual roots were tested, four inferior spiritual roots of gold, wood, earth and water were detected. Such spiritual roots are too mixed, so the immortal gate did not accept them.

After determining the target, Li Xiaojun soon found a matchmaker to go to Wang's house to propose.

Wang Qiuyu is beautiful and diligent, so the matchmakers have almost broken the door in the past two years.

Many unmarried young men in the town have proposed marriage to Wang's family, but they were all rejected by Wang Qiuyu's parents.

However, this time, after Li Xiaojun asked the matchmaker to propose marriage, Wang Qiuyu's parents agreed immediately.

It is really that Li Xiaojun looks too good now.

With two daughters of superb spiritual roots, he is destined to become a powerful immortal master in the future.

Then, Li Xiaojun is now very rich and has returned to his youth.

So in the eyes of Wang Qiuyu's parents, letting their daughter marry Li Xiaojun is to enjoy happiness in the future.

Moreover, Li Xiaojun has lived in the town for so many years, and everyone has seen how good he is to his ex-wife and two daughters.

Wang Qiuyu will definitely not suffer any loss if she marries him.

Wang Qiuyu's parents agreed, and Wang Qiuyu herself had no objection to marrying Li Xiaojun.

So soon, Li Xiaojun married Wang Qiuyu.

On the wedding day, Li Xiaojun invited many people to a banquet, and even county officials came to congratulate.

On the wedding night, after sending off all relatives and friends, Li Xiaojun entered the bridal chamber.

On the wedding night, a beautiful woman in a red wedding dress was already waiting for her husband to arrive.

Uncover the red veil, drink the wedding wine, and then soon, the candles in the room went out.

[System prompt: The recipient is detected as a person with inferior spiritual roots.

1. You can choose to consume 10 years of life to strengthen your offspring.

2. You can choose to consume 50 years of life to strengthen your offspring. 】

Just when Li Xiaojun was in the bridal chamber, the sound of the system prompt rang in Li Xiaojun's ears.

Li Xiaojun was surprised to hear the system prompt.

In the past, the system had no choice at all, and directly consumed ten years of life to strengthen the offspring.

But now, perhaps because Wang Qiuyu has inferior spiritual roots, although it is a four-element mixed spiritual root, the system has an additional choice.

After hesitating for a while, Li Xiaojun chose 2, consuming 50 years of life to strengthen the offspring.

Because he wanted to see what kind of talent the offspring born after dissipating 50 years of life would have.

"I choose 2."

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