After a pause, Li Xiaojun finally said, "The most important thing is that I can only improve your spiritual roots to the upper level of the acquired demon god roots."

After hearing Li Xiaojun's words, everyone fell silent.

Tens of billions of spiritual stones, this number is too huge.

A large spiritual stone mine can only mine millions or tens of millions of spiritual stones.

A spiritual stone mine that can reach hundreds of millions is a super-large vein.

On a planet, there can be hundreds or thousands of spiritual stone veins at most.

In other words, on a planet, at most, tens of billions or hundreds of billions of spiritual stones can be mined.

To mine one quadrillion spiritual stones, at least tens of thousands of planets must be mined.

Moreover, Li Xiaojun absorbs low-grade spiritual stones very slowly, and it is best to absorb top-grade and superior spiritual stones.

Among them, top-grade spiritual stones are even rarer.

So according to the price offered by Li Xiaojun, if you want to improve a person's spiritual roots to the roots of a superior acquired demon god, you can basically empty all the spiritual stone mines in the entire Xiuxian Alliance.

This is also the reason why Li Xiaojun's daughters were silent after hearing Li Xiaojun's offer.

Of course, the price Li Xiaojun quoted was naturally false.

In fact, according to the real offer, 10 billion can improve the spiritual roots to the middle acquired demon god roots, and 100 billion spiritual stones can improve it to the superior acquired demon god roots, instead of the exaggerated 100 trillion (1 trillion). It is a full 10,000 times improvement.

It only takes 10 trillion (10 trillion) to upgrade from a superior acquired god and demon root to a inferior innate god and demon root. This is about the same as the energy required for the next system upgrade.

For a medium innate god and demon, it takes 100 trillion.

For a superior innate god and demon, it is about 1 trillion energy.

As for the breakthrough from innate god and demon to chaos god and demon, even for a inferior chaos god and demon, the price has increased by a hundred times.

Therefore, the inferior chaos god and demon root requires about 100 trillion energy.

For a medium chaos god and demon, it is 10 trillion energy.

For an superior chaos god and demon, it requires 1 trillion energy.

If Li Ziwei and the others only upgrade to innate demon gods, they may be able to afford this price.


However, the system is only level three, and at most it can only upgrade the spiritual roots of the offspring to superior acquired gods and demons.

If you want to upgrade the level of chaos gods and demons, it is estimated that you will need to upgrade twice more.

According to the calculation that the price of the system will increase by 10,000 times after one system upgrade, two upgrades will consume about 100,000 trillion energy points.

The most troublesome thing about so much energy points is that it takes time to absorb spirit stones and accumulate energy points.

According to Li Xiaojun's current speed of absorbing spirit stones, he will need more than one million years to upgrade the system.

Then if Li Xiaojun wants one of his daughters to be promoted to a superior Chaos God and Demon, he will need to spend another million years to accumulate energy points.

The cost of such time consumption is really too high.

If he wants to upgrade the spiritual roots of all his daughters to the superior Chaos God and Demon roots, the time required will probably be counted in tens of millions of years.

Of course, her daughters must also cultivate to the realm of true immortals before they can live to tens of millions of years.

It is precisely because this is too troublesome that Li Xiaojun decisively stated that at most he can only upgrade his daughters to the superior acquired demon god roots.

"What do you think about this?"

That day, Li Xiaojun was not in the Empress's Palace. Only Li Xiaojun's nine daughters were discussing things inside.

"Sister Ziwei, I have almost taken all the top-grade and high-grade spirit stones in the family. If I want to collect one trillion spirit stones, I will need at least one hundred years." Dantai Feixian said to Li Ziwei.

"Me too, it may take me more than one hundred years to collect more than one trillion spirit stones."

"I am about the same!"

Others also said that it was about the same.

"It seems that we can only improve our spiritual roots once. Although the roots of the top-grade acquired demon gods are good, they consume too many spirit stones."

"I plan to ascend to the fairyland after collecting more than one trillion spirit stones. At that time, I hope that my sisters will take care of my family!"

"This is natural."

"Sisters, listen to me."

At this time, Li Ziwei said to everyone. When everyone looked at her, she spoke lightly.

"Sisters, have you noticed something? That is

The probability of giving birth to children with spiritual roots in the descendants of all our families is much higher. "

Hearing Li Ziwei's words, Qin Xue nodded.

"I have also discovered this situation. The descendants of my Qin family, especially my direct descendants, basically have spiritual roots, at least they are inferior spiritual roots, and if they are lucky, they can give birth to medium spiritual roots. "

"Yes, I have also discovered this situation. My Gongyang family is also the same. "Gongyang Muci also said.

"Everyone, why did this happen? Have you ever thought about it?" Li Ziwei asked everyone.

"Sister, do you think this matter may be related to Dad?" Li Ziyao on the side said hurriedly.

Hearing this, everyone showed a thoughtful look.

"This is really possible."

"Such a phenomenon has never appeared before, but since my father appeared, the probability of our descendants giving birth to children with spiritual roots is much higher."

"In addition to my father's special physique, I have reason to suspect that this matter is likely related to my father. ”

“And have you noticed that the descendants of the families that gave birth to spiritual roots are basically our direct descendants, while the descendants of non-direct families are almost the same as ordinary people.”

“If this situation only happened to our Gongyang family, it would be hard to say, but now, as long as your direct descendants with father’s blood have this situation, it can be confirmed that this matter is definitely related to father.”

“We will know about this matter after asking Dad.”

Li Ziwei said to everyone: “Everyone, don’t you realize how important this matter is to us?”

“What do you mean?”

“Sisters, what do we need to improve our spiritual roots? We need a lot of spiritual stones.”

“And now our direct descendants can give birth to children with spiritual roots. What does this mean? It means that the number of immortal cultivators in our Immortal Cultivation Alliance can be doubled, so we can completely speed up the pace of human expansion. "

"My plan is to let our direct descendants have more children. As long as they are well trained, it will not be a problem for the human race to expand to control 500,000 star systems within 10,000 years.

In this way, I can obtain more spiritual stone resources. By then, it will not be a dream for us to become the roots of superior acquired demon gods."

"With superior acquired demon god roots, we can cultivate to the realm of true immortals without bottlenecks. In the realm of true immortals, we can live for tens of millions of years. Do you want it?"

Hearing Li Ziwei's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Cultivating to the realm of true immortals without bottlenecks and living for tens of millions of years, who doesn't want it.

And all they need to do is to urge the children of their direct descendants to have more children.

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