After more than a year, the battle for territory between the human race and the demon race finally ended.

In order to compete for a lot of territory and resources, the human race invested more manpower and resources than the demon race.

So in the end, the territory occupied by the human race was one-third more than that of the demon race.

After the battle, Li Xiaojun's cultivation also broke through to the late stage of fusion.

It can be seen from this that many people died in this battle.

In more than a year, a lot of things happened on Li Xiaojun's side.

First, it was Li Xiaojun's eldest daughter Li Yuting. After absorbing the spirit of more than a dozen immortal grasses, she finally broke through to the earthly immortal realm.

After breaking through to the earthly immortal realm, her mining speed was more than ten times faster than before.

However, she looked like an ordinary late-stage human immortal in the eyes of the demon people.

Therefore, she only needed to pay one-tenth of the ore she dug every day, and the rest could be hidden.

In this way, she could hide millions of immortal stones every month, and tens of millions of immortal stones in a year.

Although he exchanged more than two million for immortal grass, there were still seven or eight million left.

So many immortal stones made Li Xiaojun very jealous. But he couldn't think of a good way to get these immortal stones from his daughter.

Forcing or stealing is definitely not okay, because doing so would probably hurt the relationship between father and daughter.

Unfortunately, the number of immortal grasses on Liu Qingping's side is limited, otherwise he wouldn't have to worry.

Li Xiaojun also found other daughters.

If he could contact other daughters, he might be able to act as a middleman to cheat all the immortal stones of the eldest daughter.

But in this year, Li Xiaojun "requested a call" from his daughters almost every day, but his daughter always disagreed.

A few months later.

On this day, Emperor Ziwei Li Ziwei and Emperor Ziyao Li Ziyao returned to Qiuyu Star.

Upon learning that Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Ziyao had returned, the entire Qiuyu Star was decorated with lights and colors, welcoming the return of the human emperor and the hero of the human race.

The human race and the demon race were competing for the life planet, and the Xiuxian Alliance did not hide it from the people.

So, when they learned that the human race had seized more territory. They celebrated it with great fanfare.

Now that the two emperors have returned to Qiuyu Star, the people are celebrating spontaneously to welcome and greet the return of the two emperors.


"Dad, I miss you so much."

After Li Ziwei and Li Ziyao returned to Qiuyu Star, the first thing they did was to come to see Li Xiaojun, their father.

Li Ziyao even held Li Xiaojun's hand as soon as he came back, and shouted that he missed him so much as his father.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

Li Xiaojun was still very happy that his two daughters were back.

That day, Li Xiaojun cooked the meal himself and had a meal with his two daughters.

"Dad, I miss my mother." After dinner, Li Ziyao said with some sadness.

After hearing his daughter's words, Li Xiaojun thought about it and took out Wang Qiuyu's coffin from the system space.

Seeing Wang Qiuyu's coffin, Li Ziyao immediately rushed over and told her words of missing her.

And Li Ziwei, who was standing aside, might have thought of something when she saw Wang Qiuyu's crystal coffin, but her face looked a little unnatural.


"Ziwei, I have something to tell you, see if you can help me think of a solution."

That day, Li Xiaojun found Li Ziwei and said.

"What's the matter?" Li Ziwei asked with a smile.

"It's like this..."

Then, Li Xiaojun told her about wanting to contact her sisters who had ascended, but was refused to communicate.

"I have no other options now. They don't respond to me at all. I can't even contact them." Li Xiaojun said to Li Ziwei with a wry smile.

"So can you help me think of a way to get them to agree to communicate with me?"

Li Ziwei fell silent after hearing what Li Xiaojun and Wang Fang said.

After a while, she said to Li Xiaojun: "Dad, why don't you improve their spiritual roots and try again?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaojun's eyes lit up.

Yes, why didn't he think of it?

"Then I'll try."

Then, in front of Li Ziwei, Li Xiaojun tried it.

He still tried to contact his daughter Li Yufei first.

At the same time, he also strengthened the spiritual roots of his second daughter, allowing her fairy spiritual roots to directly evolve to the lower level of acquired demon god roots.


A hidden human settlement, Li Yufei, who was practicing, suddenly

She felt her spiritual roots were changing.

After a careful feeling, she found that her spiritual roots were strengthening.

This situation surprised and delighted her.

At this moment, she felt the will of the unknown again.

This time, Li Yufei did not refuse immediately, but fell into thinking.

At this moment, she really suspected that the person who wanted to contact her was her father.

Because she had experienced the sudden improvement of her spiritual roots once 100,000 years ago, when her father died.

But according to her investigation at that time, she found that after her father died, not only her, but also the daughters of other fathers had their spiritual roots greatly improved.

Now, her spiritual roots have improved again. Could this situation really be related to her father?

But her father died 100,000 years ago.

Li Yufei was a little entangled.

She wanted to agree to the other party's "call" request, but she was afraid that this was a conspiracy of the demon clan, the purpose of which was to find out their whereabouts and then wipe them out in one fell swoop.

It doesn't matter if she gets into trouble, but she is afraid that it will affect her master and fellow disciples.

While Li Yufei was thinking, her spiritual roots were still strengthening.

In this way, a few days later, her spiritual roots were completely strengthened.

After her spiritual roots were strengthened, she felt that the bottleneck of breaking through the earthly fairyland had loosened a lot.

In this case, I believe that it won't be long before she can break through the earthly fairyland.

On the other side, in the world of cultivating immortals.

Li Xiaojun saw that his daughter did not directly refuse the call this time, so he was not anxious and was also waiting.

He knew that it would take a few days to evolve from immortal spiritual roots to acquired demon god roots.

Let's see if his daughter will agree in a few days.

A few days later.

A beautiful face suddenly appeared in Li Xiaojun's mind.

From this face, Li Xiaojun can still see a familiar look.

Yes, this is Li Xiaojun's second daughter, Li Yufei!

In the fairy world, after hesitating for a while, Li Yufei decided to agree to Li Xiaojun's "call" request.

"Fei Fei!"

Seeing Li Yufei, Li Xiaojun burst into tears.


In the fairy world, Li Yufei was also shocked.

Because she saw that the person opposite was really her old father.

"Fei Fei, you, are you doing well in the fairy world!" Li Xiaojun asked Li Yufei.

"Are you really my father? Didn't my father die?" Li Yufei still couldn't believe it.

"Of course I am your father, I am dead, but I am resurrected..."

Li Xiaojun repeated what he said to his eldest daughter Li Yuting to Li Yufei.

"Fei Fei, I just improved your spiritual roots, didn't you feel it? You should know that only your father can improve your spiritual roots."

"You were just ordinary earth spiritual roots before, and I improved you to fairy spiritual roots before I died, otherwise how could you cultivate to become a fairy..."

Hearing Li Xiaojun's words, Li Yufei finally had no doubts about Li Xiaojun's identity at this moment.

Only her sisters and parents knew about the spiritual root improvement.

If Li Xiaojun was a demon in disguise, it would be impossible for him to know such a secret of hers.

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