Strings Of Domination

Chapter 101 - Grand Library (1)

The very moment the Diamond Beast has collapsed and shook the whole earth below and around its massive body with a great tremor, everyone around fell into complete silence.

The soldiers on the sides widened their eyes from utter disbelief, some even having their jaws dropped down to their knees while the two Warmaster Rank Slayers in the distance stared at Emerald's figure with a solemn expression.

While the soldiers did not know what happened and only saw how a single attack sliced through the mutated Diamond Beast's body until then the two leaders perfectly understood what occurred just now as they were pretty familiar with Ancient Treasures and several other types of attacks.

"Was that... Was that a Soul Assault?" Flake mumbled as his usually calm face now showed seriousness while his eyes gazed at the sword in Nash's hand.

"Although it truly felt like Soul Assault, it was not," Bane replied, his complexion similar to his youngest brother's, "Though, it was definitely something similar to Soul Assault."

Flake closed his mouth shut when he heard his brother's words and began to ponder.

As far as he knew it, Soul Assault was a powerful Domination Art that only a few could master and even less could use it as it required one to have not only a strong body but also an unshakable soul!

While every being had a soul as it was already a proven fact until then the density and solidity of their soul differed from one another and that is the real reason why there were beings that could learn Soul Assault as easily as taking a deep breath while others struggled to learn it throughout their lives only to end up failing to master it before dying!

Naturally, Flake was also one who tried to master it but even after practicing it for a whole year with at least two hours a day, he failed to learn it. This, of course, didn't mean he would give up as many legendary herbs could strengthen his soul, but deep inside he already knew it was only a dream.

After all, learning Soul Assault required less than half a year...

"There is no question about it now, we will recruit them into our family," Flake said to his brother before he walked toward Emerald, his face now holding a calm smile.

Meanwhile, Nash stood before the Diamond Beast's body with a slightly exhausted complexion, feeling a tiny bit weak after losing 1/4 of his total essence in a single flash. Naturally, he knew it was only temporary and he needed a few moments to recover his strength so he was not worried at all.

"Are you guys feeling okay?" watching as Amy and Miles walked to his side Nash asked in a low voice, knowing despite not seeing their complexions that they were more exhausted than him.

"I am fine, I just need to recover a few thousand units and that is all..." Miles nodded as he showed a thumbs up.

"I feel okay too, but my body feels numb and weak. I think I will need to rest for at least a few hours before I can use my skill again." Amy sighed weakly, her complexion rather pale at the moment under her mask.

As Nash examined the two before him in silence, suddenly he noticed as Flake and Bane appeared on his side, both of them examining the huge body of the Diamond Beast in front of them.

The three watched silently as the two examined the beast's corpse before both of them shifted their gazes at them, one holding a solemn face while the other one just simply smiled at them.

"You all did great work, I will make sure all of your requested items will be delivered to you as soon as I can get my hands on them," Flake said with a smile and watched as Nash put his sword away into his space ring.

After exchanging a few words to make sure everyone was alright, Flake went and scooped out the core of the Mutated Diamond Beast which was a yellow orb that shone with a gentle golden light.

"I still can hardly believe this." Flake and Bane stared with widened eyes at the core, looking like ones that have fallen under a dazzling spell, one from where they could not escape.

Naturally, it was because they knew perfectly well what kind of price did the small core in their hold possessed.

While Normal Beast cores could be sold at a normal price from which one could live for a few days until then an Evolved Beast core could be sold for a price where a single individual can live almost for an entire month without fearing if they will starve to death or not!

As for a core that came from a Mutated Beast... It was meaningless to say it was a priceless item, one that had many usages except for selling it at astronomical prices!

For instance, if one was lucky enough to hunt down a Mutated Beast and acquire its core while also deciding not to sell it, with an expert blacksmith one could craft weapons out of it or even use the core to create powerful pills with the help of a master alchemist!

Naturally, these were only two examples and there were way too many uses a core could be used.

After staring at the yellow core which had a size of at least a human baby, Flake placed it gently into a separate pouch and made it vanish into one of his rings which seemed to have similar usages as Nash's Space Ring.

"Let's go back. It was a long day, we should head back to Planet Gaia." Bane said and after gesturing toward his men with his only arm, he began to walk toward the east where the spaceship was.

Walking for almost an hour straight without meeting any danger or creatures, the group finally reached their spaceship and boarded it before flying away into space.

"Haah... That was tough!" Miles let out a deep sigh as he walked out of the spaceship after traveling for several hours and looked at the familiar scenery of Planet Gaia.

Nash and Amy followed him from behind without saying a word while Flake and Bane walked and watched the three from the side too.

"What are your plans now?" Flake asked, his question obviously directed toward the three.

Nash glanced at Flake and after pondering for a while he said, "We plan to stay on Planet Gaia as we have a few things to do here. After that, we don't really know."

When Flake heard Nash's first few words his ears perked with curiosity but when he heard what he said next his eyes lit up and smiled, "I see, then would you like to come back with us to the Ancient Dimension? My family is recruiting potential talents just like the three of you. Naturally, if you do decide to join, you can get many benefits, much greater than the ones you could get after today's help."

The three fell silent upon hearing the question, Amy and Miles even glancing at Nash for response with eyes that held complex emotions.

Nash naturally understood their worries. He was not a fool to decide on important things such as this that could possibly influence their future so rashly, thus after humming in a low voice he replied, "I will consider your offer but right now, as I said, we have more important things to do."

"You don't need to answer me instantly. You can always give me a reply any moment." Flake said with the same smile he always had on his handsome face and took out a small black token with a sword engraved on its surface.

"This is my family's communication token. With this, we can reach each other whether you are inside this or another dimension. You just need to press the hilt of the blade on it." Flake explained as he handed the token to Nash, which in fact was a device.

"I see." Nash nodded and after inspecting the token for a while tossed it into his Space Ring.

"Perfect. Then once I have your items, I will get in touch with you through that." Flake smiled and after waving at the three he walked away with Bane and his men.

"Will we accept their offer?" once the Slayers were out of sight, Miles decided to ask, his worry in his voice as clear as day.

"Although it is not a bad thing to accept it, it is neither a good choice. It is like a double-edged sword." Nash said and after sighing, he said, "Furthermore, we still have to find my uncle and the rest. Joining another race will definitely limit our freedom so for the time being it is a definite no."

"But anyways, first and foremost we have something way more important to do on this planet than finding my uncle or either consider whether we should join others or not!"

"And that is?" both Amy and Miles felt puzzled but also curious to know what was more important than finding the others.

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