Strings Of Domination

Chapter 104 - Stormlight

Nash, Amy, and Miles flinched scarcely upon hearing the sudden voice of an unfamiliar figure before the three of them turned around and looked at a woman who stood behind them with a charming smile on her face.

Her hair was short and silver, skin as white as snow, and eyes azure like two pieces of sapphire. She had a petite body with her curves showing even through her silver battle armor on while her face held a typical innocent but charming smile that could easily capture any male's attention and could even steal their heart away!

Though, Nash was not the type of individual to fall head over heels over someone just because they smiled slightly more beautiful than others, especially if that someone was from another creature and not a human!

No, he would instead get more cautious and suspicious than ever before. Furthermore, even if he would trust the woman, the fact that she was able to get behind them without any one of them noticing her just showed she had more to her than what she showed.

'What is she trying to do?' Nash narrowed his eyes and only when he saw the woman had no weapon or showed any type of hostility which would immediately appear on her Indicator, did he ask, "You know, before you try to approach someone you should introduce yourself first. Or did they not teach you that?"

The woman's eyes widened when he heard Nash word's and although she showed surprise her Anger Level increased, something that was simply impossibly to go unnoticed under Nash's eyes.

'55%, huh?' Nash thought in his heart and waited patiently for what the woman will reply.

Before coming into the Grand Library and reaching this pillar they were currently on, Nash made sure to ask Calin about the rules they must know and learned that any form of ruckus, let it be shouting, fighting, or accidentally damaging the property of the Grand Library will be punished severely with either money or they won't be allowed to enter the library ever again!

Therefore, although he saw that the woman began to become angry and her eyes even held a hint of hostility, he was not nervous as he knew she can't cause a ruckus inside here.

Nor outside, as she was on the same Rank as him and he was pretty sure anyone on the same Rank stood no chance against him in a one against one clash.

Silence filled the air between the two. No one talked for a long while and just as Nash thought the woman will walk away, fuming in anger and even considering how she should take her revenge, suddenly her Happiness Leve skyrocketed all the way to 79% and a beaming smile emerge onto her face once again.

"Haha, you are right. I totally forgot to introduce myself." the woman laughed and even hit the side of her head gently, "My name is Stormlight, a simple peddler who goes from city to city helping others in need and even selling things. And you are...?"

"Emerald." Nash said nonchalantly and after crossing his arms before his chest asked, "You said you could help us get to Crimson Mountain safer and faster than others. Is that true?"

Stormlight's eyes lit up and her smile widened while her happiness increased further.

"If I tell you I can do it, then I can do it! But, of course, if you pay me the price I stated previously."

"Sure, but before we pay the 50 crystals, I have a few questions." Amy suddenly stepped forward and asked, "First, why should we trust you? We didn't even meet you before and could be very likely you try to bring us harm. Second, what if we indeed meet with a beast on our journey? Will we get compensated? You said the path you will take us has no beasts on. Lastly, will anyone else come with us?"

The questions from Amy's mouth were like bullets from a rifle, bombarding Stormlight with one question after another and only coming to an end when she crossed her arms before herself in the same manner as Nash.

Miles, who stood behind seeing her act thought about something and stepped forward nodded, and crossed his arms too.

'This guy...' Nash felt his brow twitch and had the urge to smack him in the back, but resisted the desire and waited patiently.

Stormlight stared at the three in front of her and was unable to not think they somewhat looked like three unmovable mountains, each possessing this invisible aura on themselves that pressed down on her from above.

Though that was only a feeling and nothing real, thus Stormlight quickly regained herself and with the same smile glanced at Amy, "Let's see, for your first question I think this will be more than enough."

With those words, Stormlight took out a small emblem from her pocket and showed it to the three.

The emblem was circular and small, about the size of a palm but on its very middle, a symbol was carved something the three recognized in a mere instant; it was the symbol of the Legendary Owl, a far and wide known merchant organization that was at the very top even inside the Ancient Dimension!

However, although it was on the top, only a few individuals were selected to be merchants for the Legendary Owl, but those that were chosen were always top-tier merchants with top-tier items to sell!

Furthermore, the emblem was a part of the merchants' souls. This meant it could not be taken away from them not even after they died as the emblem would gradually turn into nothing but ash!

"To think you were one from the Legendary Owl..." Nash and the three on his side lowered their hands as they were now more than convinced Stormlight was someone they could trust.

Stormlight felt satisfied by the reactions her emblem earned her and after putting it away she said, "For your second question if we meet even a single beast let it be a weak or terrifyingly scary one, I will not only make sure no harm will fall on you but give you back the full price you paid three folds! And as for the last one, no. Only the four of us will go."

The words Stormlight spoke were firm and not even the slightest lie could be detected on her face, thus Nash nodded and once he took out 50 Space Jade Crystals from his pouch he handed it over.

"When will we go?"

Stormlight inspected each crystal with care and only when she showed a delighted smile and put them away did she clap her hands and say, "Whenever you are ready. Naturally, the sooner we start going the sooner we get there."

"Then we can go right away." Nash nodded as neither he nor his friends had anything else to do. They have already found what they come for so there was no reason for them the stay here any longer.

'Though, slowly we should find ways to get crystals. Although we still have plenty left, it is only a matter of time before we stay with nothing.' taking a mental note about what he should do in the future once they found the Hidden Library, Nash began to follow Stormlight out of the Grand Library with Amy and Miles following him closely from behind.




Planet Gaia, just like every other planet after the opening of the Ancient Path became a world filled with dangers and regions where one could easily lose their lives if they were not careful enough.

The once inanimate objects such as plants and trees underwent great evolution where they gained consciousness and now were capable of hunting for prey while the various domains changed too; leaves and grass became steel sharp, the earth became almost metal solid while the various type of beasts that lurked in the wild had numbers in the four digits with strengths differing from one another!

And to make it worst, the weather itself changed too, becoming the greatest nightmare of every living being let it be beast or creatures hailing from different races!


The sound of a small and thin tree branch cracking into two sounded somewhere in a dense forest. Naturally, this fragile-looking branch could easily injure any being at the bottom of the Infant Rank and was only broken as the being stepping on it was at the Warrior Rank.

"What did you say, how long before we reach Crimson Mountain?" glancing at the small tree branch he stepped on before proceeding to follow Stormlight, Nash asked coolly while his eyes scanned their surroundings.

"About another five hours. We still need to walk through this forest then cross the Abandoned Bridge first and only then will we reach the northern region. From there, Crimson Mountain will be only a few miles walk." Stormlight said as she led the way, walking as though she was taking a stroll in a park.

"Another five hours?" Nash mumbled quietly and raised his gaze toward the sky above, letting out a deep sigh that only he could hear.

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