Strings Of Domination

Chapter 113 - Decision

Time was flowing in silence as Aruer waited for Nash to consume the seemingly vast and huge amount of information he had just given him under a few hours of speech.

Naturally, Aruer clearly understood it won't take Nash a few minutes to understand and accept what he just said, and that is why he leaned against the tree's trunk behind him in a relaxed manner and closed his eyes to take a small nap.

After all, it was not like he just told Nash a little tale before going to bed that one could accept or refuse to believe but was the harsh reality. It was only natural that someone who was not long ago a typical human and even a slave under other races was rethinking what he just heard from time to time and even feeling deeply confused about many things.

Like, how would Aruer, a being that lived for millions of years actually hope that a human no older than 20 years old would understand the depths of mysteries of the past only after a few hours? Even he, the past leader of the Human Race failed to completely understand the reasons behind all the things that happened as he missed several key pieces from his puzzle to see the full picture.

Thus, it was not a huge surprise that Nash was seemingly puzzled and had many questions he visible wished to ask but didn't know where to start as there were just too many!

"Just take your time. You don't have to understand everything instantly. Time flows differently here so even if you remain here for an entire week without doing anything but thinking, only a few minutes will pass in the real world." Aruer's calm voice appeared in the air, causing Nash to nod and take a deep breath.

Once he exhaled deeply and his mind was calm, Nash looked at Aruer and said, "I won't ask things that I know even you can't answer because of many obvious reasons, but let me ask you this... Where are these Alphas now? Are they still alive somewhere in the Ancient Dimension or did they die already?"

Aruer was glad when he heard Nash's first few words and praised him secretly once again, but when he heard his question his eyes opened slightly wide before a chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Do you really think, if I was able to find a way to remain alive until so long then they have really died?" Aruer asked with a small smile on his handsome face.

"But your 'body' is only a Soul Fragment," Nash said calmly as he pointed at Aruer.

"Oh?" Aruer seemed to realize something and after thinking for a brief moment, he said, "Well, while time indeed does not affect me entirely as I am a Soul Fragment, hence allowing me to live much longer than those with a physical and natural body, all of those bastards have reached the apex of the Ancient Dimension. I am pretty sure that while maybe not all of them, at least half of them are still alive in one way or another somewhere in the Ancient Dimension."

"Is that so..." Nash mumbled, but then again another question appeared in his mind and asked, "But if you are so sure they are still alive and if they are really that strong, why is that I have never heard about them. I mean, of course, there are several individuals out there that reached the apex of the Ancient Dimension, the Pure Legacy Holder Rank, but neither of them has the strength to 'demolish dimensions' like the Alphas as you mentioned."

"Wait, what did you just say?" this time, Aruer suddenly sat up with widened eyes, taking Nash by surprise.

"Wh-What?" Nash asked, not knowing which part did Aruer wish to hear again.

Understanding why Nash was confused Aruer frowned and asked, "Did you just say that the strongest individual inside the Ancient Dimension was only at the Pure Legacy Holder Rank?"

"Only?" Nash frowned but still nodded.

"Are you for real?" as if he just heard something unbelievable, Aruer's eyes widened before he touched his chin and fell into deep thoughts.

"No, something is definitely not right here... It makes no sense! Did something happen afterward?"

Nash watched silently as Aruer talked to himself and couldn't help but ask, "Is... Is that a problem?"

"Huh? Problem? No, it is not A problem. It's a HUGE problem!" Aruer said and quickly explained, "When I was still in the Ancient Dimension, the Pure Legacy Holder Rank was at the bottom of the Ranks and not at the apex!"


"Yeah. Those that held that Rank was considered as ants and weaklings!" Aruer nodded when he saw how shocked Nash was behind his mask and frowned, "Something must have happened after we were separated from the Ancient Dimension. But what?"

This time, it was Aruer's time to be confused and think about many things while Nash just watched him from the side.

Time then slowly began to flow just like that but in contrast to when Nash was thinking for close to half an hour, Aruer just needed a few minutes to calm down.

"Whatever... It seems those bastards did something that must have fucked everything up. Well, it is not like I have anything to do with it. Instead, it is much better than I have thought." a calm smile appeared on Aruer's face as he leaned back against the tree's trunk.

"Anyways, it's time for me to tell you the real reason why I wanted you to come here, which is to give you a choice."

"A choice?" Nash asked, for some reason feeling slightly tense when he saw how solemn Aruer was.

"Yes." Aruer nodded and without beating around the bush said, "I want you to go to the Ancient Dimension and collect the remaining fragments of my soul. Nine to be exact."

"Naturally, you can refuse this request of mine as what I ask from you is extremely dangerous, but then nothing will change. Humans will remain slaves, the past mystery that brought ruin over your and everyone else's lives will never be revealed, and you will never be able to leave peacefully."

"But I have the Sky Sealing Needle that you have given to me. I can easily unseal all the humans I want." Nash quickly said.

"That is true, but just how many years... No, decades would it take for you to achieve that goal? Furthermore, do you really think the other races will just simply sit idly and watch as you roam all the dimensions to free every human?" Aruer asked with a small smile that seemed as if he found Nash's words kind of amusing.

"Then I will just have to become strong enough," Nash replied calmly.

Aruer this time remained silent, but soon he broke up, filling the whole island with his laughter that, if there would have been other, would definitely make them start laughing too!

Nash watched with a puzzled complexion as Aruer held his stomach as he laughed, and didn't know how he should react. Did he really say something that funny?

"Hahaha! I'm... I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself." Aruer continued to laugh loudly, and only when he calmed down a bit and wiped the tear away from the corner of his eyes did he sigh and said, "Although what you have just said, is again, indeed true, I, unfortunately, need to disappoint you. Even if you reach the current 'apex' of the Ancient Dimension, you will fail without a question."

"Why?" Nash asked, now with a small frown on his face.

"Why... You ask?" Aruer mumbled and said, "Because even if you reach a level equal to the Pure Legacy Holder Rank, against hundreds of other beings on the same Rank you will stand no chance at all. Maybe you will be able to take many of their lives, but in the end, you will be crushed too."


The frown on Nash's face gradually began to vanish and what replaced it was solemnity.

Indeed, if he were to try to go against the hundreds of races that now inhabited the Ancient Dimension, while he had his Strings of Domination's power backing him, one that seemed heaven-defying to the point where it can dominate entire races if given the time, against several hundreds of races and thousands of armies it still was still useless.

However, if he were to accept Aruer's request and collect all of his Soul Fragments, he could help him regain his past body and with his help change everything, including the rotten fate of the Human Race!

After all, he was an existence that once lived during the Ancient Era, and even now that he was just a shadow of his past self was stronger than the strongest being in the Ancient Dimension! With his help, everything could change tp the better with ease!

"So? What is your answer? Will you accept my request and help me give every human what they truly deserve, or reject and allow everything to proceed on as they currently are?"

The silence after Aruer's question was heavy and long, but surprisingly not as long as one would believe it to be as Nash only needed 5 minutes to raise his head and reply;


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