Strings Of Domination

Chapter 115 - A Future That Is Worth Waiting For!


With a gentle breeze that blew the colorful leaves on the tree behind Aruer and the short black hair of Nash, several items appeared out of seemingly thin air, flying before Nash and floating around his figure slowly.

There were a total of four items, each having a different shape from one another. However, out of the four, two made Nash somewhat familiar once his gaze fell on them.

'Dimensional Ring and Dimensional Orb?' Nash thought in his heart as he watched the two items that were extremely similar to the two items he has gotten way back in the Emerald Palace for completing the challenge behind the second Jade Door.

"Just as you are guessing, those two items are indeed a Spatial Ring and a Dimensional Map. Though, in contrast to the ones you have gotten from my Soul Fragment, these are of better quality." Aruer explained and pointed at the small orb and ring.

"The Dimensional Ring is a 5th Class Solar Grade item while the Dimensional Orb is a 1st Class Solar Grade item. The former has about twice as much space which you previously had while the latter is capable of not only navigating you in any dimension, even inside one where you have never been, but it can also locate others with a Dimensional Orb!"

Upon hearing the last words of Aruer Nash's ears perked up and his gaze immidieatly fell on the orb.

"Then... I can..." Nash began to ask which at Aruer nodded and continued, "Yes, you can find your Uncle with it. However, it can only locate his Dimensional Orb if you are close enough to him, 1 light-year close to being exact."

Nash's joy plummeted scarcely once he heard the following words, however, he still felt delighted as with this orb he had a greater chance to find his uncle and the rest.

'I wonder how they are doing. Hope they are safe and doing well without me.' Nash thought with bitterness in his heart as he placed the ring on his other ring finger while he placed the orb into it.

"Sigh... If I would have known I would get such an item, I wouldn't have wasted my crystals on this one..." Nash mumbled quietly as he give a glance at the Spatial Ring he has bought back in City Neo.

"And what are these?" after a brief silence, Nash glanced at the two remaining items and examined them.

One was a small circular talisman with a mixture color of gold and emerald while the other one was an emerald bracelet with 9 transparent small orb crystals embedded in its middle.

"The talisman is a permanent key. With it, you can access the Hidden Library anywhere and anytime you want, though it requires time and concentration so don't even dream about using it as a means of escape during fights." Aruer explained the use of the talisman with a calm smile before pointing at the bracelet, "As for that, it will help you find my remaining Soul Fragments and collect them."

"I see, thank you." Nash didn't stand on a ceremony and accepted the two items, especially the key into the Hidden Library. With it and the amount of vast knowledge inside it, he can literally learn as many top-tier skills and abilities as much as he could!

Furthermore, if things came to the worst, he can even use it as a place where he can hide or either cultivate without worrying about any external factors!

"Well then, it seems I have given you everything I could to help you. Also, feel free to learn whatever Domination Art you wish in the Hidden Library, they are all yours." Aruer said as he closed his eyes and lay down, enjoying the gentle breeze on his face.

"Oh, and also, if you ever wish to talk to me again, just call my name once inside the Hidden Library. You know, if you ever feel like talking or feeling bored."

"Thank you, I will definitely will." Nash nodded as he stood up, but suddenly something appeared in his head thus quickly asked, "Aruer, you said I have hit a bottleneck with my cultivation which is indeed true. Can you maybe help me or give a small hint what I should do?"

Aruer opened his eyes and glanced at Nash for a split second before he closed his eyes and said, "You try to force something which will lead you nowhere. Try to approach your problems from a different angle, maybe you should take it to step by step."

Nash felt confused when he heard the words spoken by Aruer, but just as he was about to open his mouth realization flashed in his eyes, and a smile rose onto his face.

"I see, thank you." Nash bowed with his hands clasped before his chest. He saw this movement back on the stone monument thus decided to try it out here.

"Haha, it seems you have learned a way to express your gratitude." Aruer laughed and waved his hand, "Well, your welcome. Just remember, if you need help you can find me anytime. Now go, I am sleepy."


And even without waiting for a response, Nash's body faded away almost as if he was a ghost, completely disappearing from the island without leaving behind a single trace!

"Force them on their knees... Huh? I wonder if he indeed succeeds or not. Well, both ways, I can't wait to see what the future holds." Aruer mumbled with a serene expression and soon he fell into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile, back in the Hidden Library, the moment Nash regained his consciousness the first thing he did was to check if he had everything he got from Aruer.

'They are here. What an interesting ability.' Nash thought to himself as he turned his head to the side and watched how Amy and Miles were examining the scrolls they have chosen.

'It seems about two or three minutes have passed in reality, huh?' Nash shifted his gaze back at the jade tablet in his hand and watched as words after words appeared in his line of sight.


{Treasure Information}

• Title: Sword Aura

• Grade: Higher

• Class: True Domination

° Description: A powerful ancient Domination Art created by a mighty swordsman during the Ancient Era, capable of changing one's aura to the point where one's presence can easily cut boulders!

° Requirement: Advanced knowledge of sword.


"Oh?" Nash let out a surprised gasp as he not only found the Domination Art extremely powerful and useful, but this was his first time meeting with a Domination Art that needed requirements.

"Not even the Arts inside the Mystic Hall of Mastery had any requirements. Domination Arts from the Ancient Era are indeed something else." Nash mumbled as he took a mental note about the title of the Domination Art and placed it back onto its original place.

Unfortunately, although he wished to learn it greatly, as he didn't have a basic understanding of swords much less advanced knowledge, hence this Domination Art was useless for him at the moment.

Watching as Nash placed the jade tablet back onto the bookshelf, Amy did the same with the scroll and looked at him, "It seems these Domination Arts are requiring specific skills or knowledge before we can learn them."

"Yeah, I saw it." Nash nodded and after thinking for a while he decided to tell his meeting with Aruer, explaining to them what he was told and what he got as a means of helping.

And just like how he had reacted, Miles and Amy became utterly dumbfounded, their complexions showing deep confusion almost like they just heard a riddle they tried to solve but failed whenever they began to think of a solution.

"But... This does not make any sense at all." Amy mumbled with her delicate brows firmly knitted together. Miles was the same, but soon he quickly realized there was no reason for him to solve something that not even a literal god was incapable of solving, thus he just shrugged and began to examine the rest of the Domination Arts before him.

He found studying those Arts much more interesting than finding answers to questions that no one had proper knowledge about.

"And what do you plan to do now?" after thinking for a while, Amy asked Nash calmly as she too put the matter of finding answers to her questions.

"Well, how would you react if I would tell you I wish to resurrect an ancient being while also conquering the Ancient Dimension?" Nash asked with a calm but serious face as he stared deeply into Amy's eyes.

"Well, for the first part I would say it could be feasible so okay, but for the second part... I would say you have lost all screws in your head and you have gone made insane!" Amy exclaimed her honest thoughts as she crossed her arms below her bosom.

"Well, then get prepared as we will do exactly that," Nash said with a casual smile and began to walk away to explore the Hidden Library in greater detail.

"Yeah... You have gone ma-, Wait... We? What do you mean we? When did we, especially me agree to help you? You didn't ask!" Amy's eyes widened as she asked.

"Well, I know you guys will help me so there is no reason for me to ask it. Right, Miles?" Nash asked as he continued to walk forward.

"Yep." Miles nodded and without hesitation began to follow Nash while reading a specific scroll he found a moment ago.

As for Amy, she just stood motionlessly in one place, her lips parting and closing from time to time without any sound escaping her mouth. It was pretty obvious she was struck speechless just now, particularly because of how casually Miles replied and acted, almost as if what Nash just said was nothing out of ordinary!

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