Strings Of Domination

Chapter 117 - First Primordial Vein: Crimson Essence! (1)

Amy and Miles were walking around the Hidden Library while checking out different Domination Arts one by one, seeing if any one of them were to their liking and if they could perhaps learn them.

However, just like Nash, even though they had been walking around the eternal-like place for almost 10 hours straight while also checking and reading hundreds if not thousands of scrolls and books, they too were only able to learn 1 True Domination Class Art.

The Domination Art that Miles was able to learn was called Motion Separation at the Lesser Grade. Though, despite being the weakest form among True Domination Art, Motion Separation was a Domination Art that perfectly aided his Thousand Esoteric Marks in various ways!

Until so far, Miles was able to draw marks with a single finger which allowed him to draw about a hundred marks under a little less than 3 seconds. However, with this Art called Motion Separation, now he was able to draw marks and symbols with not one but all five of his fingers at the same time!

What did that mean? It meant if he masters his newly learned Domination Art to perfection, he will be able to activate 5 separate skills at the same time without fearing he will fail!

What's more, if he puts his book away he can use each of his fingers, activating 10 different attacks with lethal and destructive traits at the same time! This was such a boost to his arsenal that it was simply heaven-defying!

Though, like everything in existence, this ability had its disadvantages and unfortunately not one.

First of all, so far he almost gets completely exhausted only after activating one skill, thus using Motions Separation to activate more than one was so far impossible with his current strength. However, even if he gets more powerful and becomes strong enough to draw several hundred symbols at the same time, the toll on his body would be extremely large without question.

Lastly, Motion Separation pressured the mind. This meant he had to concentrate with all his will to separate his mind into different sections. And it was not something like drawing a circle with the right and a square with the left, no, it was much, much harder than that.

"Well... at least I was able to learn basic knowledge of this Art so I am pretty sure with practice I will be able to master it completely," Miles mumbled as he moved his fingers in different patterns, trying to draw different symbols the same time.

On the other hand, Amy's Domination Art was something that didn't strengthen her other Domination Art, but her strength instead.

Walking around the Hidden Library and reading many Domination Arts, each unique from the other, she had to realize while she had her Legacy, an extremely powerful one at that, if it was sealed she was as good as dead.

That is why, just like how Nash had his mysterious other ability or Miles who had his extremely powerful book, she too wished to learn something that boosted her overall strength without relying on either her Legacy. As for her Domination Art which surpassed other's Legacies, it was a power that was completely useless in close combat or a one-on-one fight.

And knowing all these things, Amy scrutinized through numerous scrolls, books, and tablets without rest, and after a little more than 3 hours of search, she found a Domination Art that was to her liking.


[Domination Art: Turtle Touch]

• Description: A unique Domination Art which was created during the Ancient Era by a genius martial artist who liked watching turtles. It allows to surpass and destroy enemies in close combat!

• Domination Class: True Domination


° Turtle Punch/Kick: An ability that allows the user to create a layer of shell around either their punch or kick which boosts their attack two folds and reduces the damage received on them by 30%!

° Turtle Mark: An ability that allows the user to form a mark on enemies' bodies upon a successful contact in exchange for essences! Once the mark had been formed, the movement speed of the enemy will be slowed down by 0,5%! Marks can be stacked!

<It requires 50 units of essences to activate Turtle Punch/Kick and 100 units of essences to activate Turtle Mark!>

{Passive Abilities}

° Mark Sensing: Those with a Turtle Mark can be sensed in a hundred meters radius. The more Turtle Mark is on the individual, the wider the radius becomes!

<Further abilities can be unlocked by bringing the Domination Art to a higher Class!>


The Turtle Touch was a Domination Art similar to Small Spark of Ash and only a single touch was needed to be learned.

Yet, while the Domination Art given by Miles allowed both Amy and Nash to learn just by holding the device, here, this was only possible because Amy reached the requirements which were to learn a surpassing-type Domination Art beforehand and have proper physical strength.

Luckily, she had learned Legacy Limitation as her first Art while she had a strong physique thanks to her Legacy, thus she was able to learn Turtle Touch without a problem.

However, this didn't mean she already mastered it. She just learned the abilities, but the way she can use them during a fight was completely on her. That is why once she has learned it, she didn't hesitate and began to search for a Domination Art that could teach her how to use martial art, or at least styles that used one's fist and leg.

Though, not even as she walked a few hundred meters, she found Nash sat down into a lotus position and closed his eyes, seemingly ready to cultivate.

'I wonder what is he trying to do.' Amy thought in her heart as she took a scroll into her hand and while stealing glances at Nash she read the text in it.

Meanwhile, completely oblivious that he was watched, Nash seeped his consciousness into his body and moved his essence to the red symbol which resided inside one of his Ancient Veins.

'You try using force despite it leading nowhere. Try to look at things from a different angle and do it step by step... Or was something like this that Aruer told me.' Nash thought to himself and controlled the essence in his Ancient Veins to come in contact with red symbols.



In an instant, Nash felt like he had been thrown into a sea of flames where the blaze was extremely high, making him feel as if his whole body including his interior was on fire.

His blood was boiling, his flesh and skin were scorching, and his Ancient Veins felt like they suddenly became steel that under the flames began to get heated, becoming hotter and hotter with each passing second!

However, in contrast to the previous time where he attempted the same thing, this time it was a level more bearable and he didn't have to stop pressing his essence against the symbol because he felt like being burnt alive from the inside!

No, surprisingly he was able to endure the pain despite it making him feel clearly uncomfortable!

'It worked! Haha!' Nash laughed with delight in his heart when he noticed how his whole body was getting more and more used to the warmth in his body.

Time passed in silence and an hour has passed without noticing it. And under that single hour, the previous seemingly torturous feeling vanished as Nash's body had got used to the heat completely.

'I guess I can take another step.' Nash thought and without hesitation pushed another portion of his essence against the symbol, immediately causing immense heat to fill his body.

And when his body got used to that warmth too, Nash pushed another portion against the symbol, slowly but surely making his whole amount of essence in his body get pushed against the symbol!

And exactly after 2 hours later...


A sound akin to a metal gate getting forced open resounded from inside Nash's body and almost like opening a dam the essence that until now pressed against the symbol flooded the newly opened vein in his body!


"Huh?" however, just as Nash thought this was all and he succeeded, suddenly the golden essence in his body turned crimson!

"ARgh-!" caught off guard, Nash yelled up before he forced himself to clench his teeth.

'It feels like lava is flowing through my veins!' Nash thought as his whole body was covered in sweat before it turned into steam and flew toward the sky!

"N-Nash?!" both Amy and Miles noticed the sudden change of events and ran to him, however just as they were ten meters away from him they had to stop dead in their tracks and took several steps back.

"Hot... Why is it so hot around him?" Amy raised a hand unconsciously before her face while Miles only frowned, trying to figure out how he could help Nash.

However, just as he was about to move, a sound he never heard before appeared in the sky, freezing his arm in mid-air completely!

"Leave him. He is attempting to break his bottleneck.. Your help will only harm him."

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