Strings Of Domination

Chapter 124 - Joining The Sargon Family?

On Planet Gaia, inside City Neo.

The sun was high up in the sky, enveloping the entirety of City Neo in its warm rays as the streets of the city were bustling. Hundreds of creatures, each hailing from a different race walked in and out of the buildings on the sides while in the sky, either on tamed beasts or objects creatures flew around, each doing their own business.

However, while City Neo together with Planet Gaia was usually a place that many creatures liked to visit real often as a means of either doing some trade or just simply to rest thus making it an incredibly lively area, this time it was exceptionally vibrant!

And the reason?

"L-Lord Amael... W-What brings you here today?" a humanoid creature with ears and eyes that of a rabbit stood before Amael in the middle of a huge platform that was constructed for spaceships to land, his body visibly trembling from fear.

His name was Heno, a peak Warrior Rank being from the Amule Race and the current manager of City Neo while also the highest-ranking official, so there was almost nothing on the planet he would not have known about!

Furthermore, as he was the manager of the city, or could be said the literal mayor of it, he had the job to supervise everything that happened inside and around it, thus there was no way he would not know about Amael's arrival beforehand. As a fact, he already knew about it a whole day earlier than anyone else, that is why he made sure that everything was perfect before Amael sets foot onto Planet Gaia.

However, at that time he would have not thought that the right hand of the king of the Thousand Blood Race would literally bring an entire army with him onto Planet Gaia, almost as if he wished to take control over the planet!

'With such a massive number of soldiers, even a smaller scaled war could be won under a few days, much less conquering an entire planet!' Heno swallowed nervously as the sight of Amael suddenly starting a war uncontrollably appeared in his head.

Amael stood in front of Heno, his usual cold and indifferent face looking left and right, seemingly taking in the unique scenery around him which was not an everyday sight.

"Bring me every data, every recording, and every document about the spaceship that arrived from Planet Nelea about two days ago." suddenly, Amael turned his eyes at Heno, who upon seeing the sharp and seemingly deadly crimson gaze flinched unwittingly and nodded hurriedly, almost like a chicken pecking its food.

"A-As you wish, Lord Amael. R-Right away!" with a deep bow and without asking for a reason why, Heno ran to the side where another Amule creature was standing, and after telling her something and ordering her to do her job right away he ran back to Amael.

"L-Lord Amael, I have ordered my junior and she will bring everything in a few minutes. U-Until then, maybe, do you wish to ta-"

"I don't have time to waste, so spare me from your useless questions." Amael interrupted Heno's question coldly, his eyes literally staring holes into Heno's body.

"I-I deeply apologize!" Heno quickly lowered his head in fear if he meets those crimson eyes straight on that will be his last time seeing daylight ever again!

Time passed slowly with neither Amael nor Heno talking and only the constant sound of the city from the distance was heard. However, after 15 minutes of silent waiting, finally, the Amule that was sent away by Heno finally arrived with a small device in hand.

"Good job!" Heno praised the female Amule and was ready to take the device out of her hand to hand it to Amael when suddenly Amael himself moved and took it away.

"Thank you. I don't need anything else, so you are free to go." Amael examined the cubed device in his hand and without saying anything else turned around and walked away.

Walking back to the spaceship, Amael went inside his room and after activating the device which created a huge hologram screen in front of him, he began to study everything in it.

Hours have passed with him reading every article, every data, and every little detail while also checking every recording, and without him noticing it, 4 hours have passed!

"So I have finally found you." was what Amael's first words were after 4 hours, and his eyes narrowed into a slit as his gaze filled with killing intent stared intently at the hologram that showed Nash's figure outside Argon together with two other humans, obviously being Amy and Miles.




Northeast away from City Neo, inside the Crimson Tavern.

"Well then, let's talk about your 'requirements' you have mentioned before to join my family, shall we?"

Miles and Amy looked at Nash once they heard Flake's words, waiting to hear what those 'requirements' he mentioned back on Crimson Mountain were as even they had no clue at all.

Although they have already discussed the matter of joining Flake's Family in the past right after Flake mentioned it, it was only a brief conversation with a conclusion that joining the Sargon Family was not a good choice as it was literally a double-edged sword with both benefits and disadvantages.

Naturally, the benefits would be like things such as protection from other races, especially from the Thousand Blood Race and Amael, obtaining treasures and unique Domination Arts which can help them become stronger while they can also form various connections with other creatures that could possibly help them in the future.

On the other hand, however, in exchange for all those benefits, their freedom would be limited from day one while almost every one of their moves and steps would be monitored by the Sargon Family 24/7!

Furthermore, not only was there the risk of them getting busted anytime if they decide to join the Sargon Family, but even their chance of finding Uncle Ben and the others would become literally impossible!

That is why, no matter how they looked at it, from Amy's and Miles' point of view, deciding to join Flake's Family at this very moment would be extremely foolish; or at least until if he does not have a good plan.

Nash remained silent for a brief moment as he looked into Flake's eyes, and only after waiting a few seconds did he nod and began to speak;

"As you have mentioned, your family is recruiting exceptional talents and they are looking for individuals just like the three of us. At first, to be honest, we didn't wish to accept your offer because of different reasons, but after thinking about it a little while longer I had to realize that it would be not a bad idea to accept it as both you and us can benefit from it."

"However, as I am pretty confident that there is no one else that is better in both potential, talent, and strength as the three of us, especially not on the same Rank as you have already seen it twice, I think we should get a little exception than those other recruits, which are the following."

Upon seeing that Flake's and Bane's complexion didn't change, Nash took a deep breath and continued, "First, if we join your family, we want equal freedom just like you, meaning we can come and go any place, any planet, and any dimensions as we wish. Naturally, if the Sargon Family has a mission or request for us, we will accomplish it as anyone else, but except for those, we are free to do as we want."

"Secondly, while we help the Sargon Family in any problem and crisis, we won't share any of our personal information such as Legacy, Domination Arts, origin, or things similar as that."

"Thirdly, which is also the last one, we would like to keep our masks on all the time. Of course, if the Sargon Family provides us with special uniforms or clothes we will wear them, but our masks stay on us."

Once he finished talking, Nash leaned back and crossed his arms casually before his chest before saying, "And this is all."

The whole place fell into silence after Nash spoke his final few words, and only the occasional sound of cooking coming from the room on the side could be heard. However, while this silence was slightly nerve breaking for Miles and Amy, who felt anxious about how the two Slayers before them will react or respond to the seemingly ridiculous requirements of Nash, Nash just sat where he was with a nonchalant expression on his face and waited.

'Well, at the very worst-case scenario, they will just laugh at me and act as if what I have said was a good joke. I won't lose anything with trying..' Nash thought in his heart, knowing that whether Flake will accept his requirements or not is now completely on Flake himself.

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