Strings Of Domination

Chapter 132 - Questions That Remained Unanswered

Inside the Hidden Library on the huge floating island, below the colorful tree's shade, Aruer lay in a relaxed manner with his head supported by his hands and eyes closed, seemingly sleeping silently.

Gentle wind blew continuously from all directions as it made the leaves on the tree and the smooth hair on Aruer's head sway from side to side, giving a rather soothing picture to anyone that was looking from the side.

However, this seemingly eternal scenery that was able to alleviate anyone's mind just by simply glancing at it soon changed as Aruer snapped his eyes wide open and a hint of killing intent flashed in his eyes. At that very moment, time seemed to freeze and space seemed to crack as the air around Aruer literally solidified and the island below his body began to shake, almost as if it was on the verge of collapsing!

"You bastard... So you have finally decided to reveal yourself." Aruer's voice was akin to ice-cold water which was capable of freezing anyone's blood that heard it while his eyes which currently stared into a specific direction emitted such intense bloodlust that no words were able to describe it!

His bloodlust which he contained all this time in the deepest part of his heart right now broke to the surface and gushed out of him like an unstoppable current! At this moment, if there would have been any beast or creature in his proximity, it was very likely they would have been killed in a fraction of a second without the slightest chance of uttering a single sound much less put up a fight!

Somewhere in an unknown space and inside an unknown location, the Ancient One who sat on the throne and stared at Nash coldly suddenly directed his gaze in a specific direction while his eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Although I can't feel precisely from where your presence comes from, at least after several hundreds of millennia you have finally decided to reveal yourself, Chaperone of Souls!"

Nash watching as coldness flashed in the golden eyes of the Ancient One while deep wrath enveloped his whole body which gave him a presence akin to the devil, was forced back several steps while his complexion behind his mask paled.

'This... Just a simple change of emotion could force and create such chaos?' Nash thought in his heart with a hint of fear and shifted his gaze above the Ancient One's head to see if he had any Indicator or not.

However, to his greatest shock, while he was able to see the Ancient One's level of emotions, it was nothing he had expected to see at all!


{Emotion Levels}

• Happiness: Neutral - 23%

• Sadness: Neutral - 25%

• Fear: Neutral - 25%

• Anger: Neutral - 27%


'Impossible!' Nash's eyes widened like saucers when he saw the numbers next to each emotion, feeling as if he was hallucinating.

27% Anger with such dense killing intent and visible rage? No, more importantly, how was that possible that it was ONLY 27%? Furthermore, how was that even feasible that the Ancient One felt other emotions despite showing just fury and thirst for blood?

Although he still didn't know fully what kind of potential did his Strings of Domination had or what kind of strength will it be able to grant him once he makes it reach higher Classes, he was pretty sure that he knew quite well what the current abilities of his Domination Art were capable of doing.

That is why, he was well aware that while his Indicator showed only four basic emotions which also contained smaller ones, it perfectly displayed how each existence currently felt without any error or mistake!

For instance, if one was delighted and satisfied, one's Happiness Level would increase and it would only increase even further if that emotion of delight and satisfaction deepened too!

Naturally, this meant getting closer to the Critical Level was extremely hard by normal means as that meant Nash had to make that specific emotion overtake the individual's body and mind, causing the individual to feel nothing except that emotion!

However, moments where an individual showed deep emotions from the same category of level, yet the percentage of that level didn't grow, never happened in the past at all!

'This makes no sense at all!' Nash cried inwardly when he realized all this and felt deeply confused about how the Ancient One was able to show and emit such dense anger which should have made his Anger Level reach a Critical Level!

'Is he using some kind of powerful Domination Art which allows him to control his emotions to such degree? No, is there even such ability to begin with?' Nash pondered silently as he took another few steps backward because of the continuous ripples in the air that broke out of the Ancient One's body and hit his body!

'I will get you out of there.' suddenly, a familiar voice that was filled with coldness sounded in Nash's ear before an emerald green glow began to envelop his body and turn his body transparent!

'Aruer? What is happ-' Nash was confused about the sudden change of events and was ready to ask what was happening when suddenly his words stuck in his throat and his complexion paled into a color which was even whiter than a sheet of paper!

"And where do you think you are taking him?" the Ancient One, who all of a sudden appeared a single meter away from him without any sign of appearing asked out loud while his hand covered in golden gloves extended toward Nash's neck with a speed that was literally impossible to follow!

"Huh? So this is the power you have used that time?" the chilling voice of the Ancient One resounded in Nash's ear who watched with stupefied expression as a hand that glowed with a slightly golden hue and was about to clench his throat passed through his body!

It was almost as if his body suddenly became that of a ghost and no matter what one tried, it was simply impossible for normal physical attacks and assaults to touch his body much less hurt him!

"You... will... pay... for... the... what... you... have... done..." a quiet and almost unperceivable, a voice resounded in the huge hall as the Ancient One pulled his hand back and watched as Nash's body vanished into thin air right before his very eye.

"Quite the bold words for someone who is hiding like a coward instead of showing his worth!" the Ancient One sneered coldly before he smiled and said, "But don't worry. As it seems things have finally started to get on the move, I am pretty sure you will have no choice but to show yourself sooner and later. And once you do, I will make sure to finish what I failed to do last time."

Once those words were said, silence descended on the hall as the Ancient One stood in one place without moving, his eyes that glowed with a bright golden color stared into a specific point, almost as if he was staring through the walls of the hall and attempted to find something.

Meanwhile, inside the Hidden Library Aruer closed his eyes as he forced his emotions back to the deepest part of his heart, and only when he was calm once again did he re-open his eyelids and sighed.

"At least I was able to act in time or else that bastard would have killed him after getting all the answers he wanted." Aruer sat back down as he previously was standing and closed his eyes, letting out another deep sigh.

"Nash... Now that bastard has set his eyes on you, you have to be twice... No, five times as careful as you would have initially been!" as Aruer said those words he waited for a few seconds before he gently waved his hand.


A breeze that was slightly different from the one that blew around the Hidden Library arose in the surroundings as a small emerald egg appeared above Aruer's palm out of thin air.

"From now on, your job is to prevent that bastard to find him. Go." with those words, Aruer moved his hand and with a motion that was akin to a swing threw the emerald egg off the island into the distance.

At the same time, inside the Ancient Dimension on top of the massive mountain and before the great and enormous Ancient Path, Nash's figure appeared out of thin air, allowing Flake and the rest that was searching for him to quickly spot him and run toward him.

However, they didn't even take a few steps when an emerald glow appeared in the sky and like a falling star descended toward the ground with great speed before crashing into Nash's head from above, knocking him unconscious in a blink!


* * * * *

A/N: What do you guys think the emerald egg is and also any thoughts about the Ancient One?

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