Strings Of Domination

Chapter 22 - Ancient Particle

Once his feet touched the ground outside the spaceship, Nash glanced around with an already raised guard, while his five Souls waited for his command behind him motionlessly together with Erys on his side.

Nash's eyes moved slowly from side to side, examining the darkness around him with a sharp gaze, almost as if he tried to see through the dense fog-like darkness.

'Interesting... Even though I am here, without a weapon and armor, it didn't attack me even though I am the weakest of us.' thought Nash, his brows lowered into a deep frown.

When even minutes after nothing seemed to happen, Nash shifted his gaze at Erys as he was about to ask her a question, but it was exactly then as a cold flash appeared from the other side, targeting his neck with insane speed.


Like a ghost that manifested out of thin air, Erys appeared on Nash's side, her sword protecting his body from being sliced up into mincemeat!

"Eh? But why?" Erys seemed shocked by her actions as she didn't plan to defend Nash from the attack at all! Her body moved completely out of her control, almost as if she was abruptly possessed by someone!

Even Nash was shocked to see this as he wouldn't have thought Erys would save his life willingly as he clearly understood she hated him deeply.

[Your life is in immediate crisis! All beings attached by Lost Strings shall protect you at all cost!]

'So that's why... I almost belived she took a liking of me, but seems I was wrong.' Nash sighed, but couldn't ponder for too long as another cold flash appeared, this time from the complete opposite side!


[Your life is in immediate crisis! All beings attached by Lost Strings shall protect you at all cost!]

However, his death was prevented once again thanks to Erys, who still looked shocked by her inability of taking full control over her body!

Nash however didn't look shocked nor startled, but instead felt great joy as this was extremely great news! It seemed whenever his life was in extreme danger that he couldn't avoid, those that he had control over would jump and save him without him ordering them to do so!

It was like having several bodyguards that he could not only control in an absolute way, but they even sacrificed themselves for him just for him to remain alive!

And what was better than a bodyguard like that? An ultimate bodyguard like Erys, someone on the Warmaster Rank that could demolish planets just with her strength alone! With someone like her around, Nash had nothing to fear at all!

Hence, his eyes turned cold, and glanced in several directions before waving his hand.

"Find it."


In a blink, all five Souls behind him burst forward like lightning, each approaching a different spot in the darkness, hoping to find the one that tried to kill their dominator, Nash!

Meanwhile, Nash simply waited in one place, his gaze firmly fixed on the five strings that were attached to his fingers.

And just as he thought, a few seconds later, Nash felt as his Essence suddenly decreased a bit, while one of the black strings slightly vibrated and turned back to normal the next second.

"This way!" Nash didn't hesitate and began to run where the Soul which was attacked was, while Erys followed him closely behind.

Even the other four Souls in the far distance began to move toward his direction, even though they didn't hear nor knew where he was!

Running at full speed, which thanks to his Level 6 Legacy was exceptionally fast, almost four times faster than a normal human's, Nash reached the spot where his Soul was and watched as it was in the middle of a battle with a creature he has never seen before.

It was a beast with similar features that his Souls have killed but with the sole exception, it had six tails, each having a curved, blade-like tip that swung around the place from time to time, slicing the Soul into several pieces in seconds!

Watching this, Nash waved his hand and the very next second four shadows leaped at the beast simultaneously.


A thunderous roar resounded in the air the moment all five of Nash's Souls plunged themselves at the beast, causing its tails to move even crazier while the trees, the bushes, and the ground around it were sliced and turned into debris in no time!

Not even the five Souls were spared from this barrage of the onslaught, but because they were literally immortal thanks to Nash's essence, they could regenerate their body parts without delay and proceed on killing the beast!

However, no matter how close they got or how many angles they tried to approach it, the Souls were always pushed back, even sliced into several pieces at that time.

"Give them the weapons," Nash told Erys, who immediately followed his order and summoned three weapons, the ones that were used back on Azure Planet to kill the Sky Beasts.

The instant the three Sky Beast Souls noticed the weapons on their sides grabbed hold of their hilts and began to approach the beast once again.




The sound of metal sounded every time the beast's tails whacked into the weapons, causing the surroundings to become even more chaotic than previously!

Nash watched the fight from a safe distance, but the longer he watched the fight the deeper his frown became.

"What Rank is that beast on? It's not above the Infant Rank, yet it can compete with five Infant Rank Souls at once?" Nash asked loudly, as the sight didn't make sense for him.

"That Beast is an Evolved Creature." Erys said, and when she saw Nash's gaze she continued, "Evolved Creatures, just like their names imply, are beasts that evolved through some odd reason or simply because they were lucky enough."

She then continued, "They could have evolved by eating a mutated plant's seed or simply because the amount of Ancient Particle they have consumed at the moment the Ancient Path was opened caused their genes, their cells, and their whole body to alter and evolve into a far greater being among their species."

"Ancient Particle? What is that?" Nash raised his right brow upon hearing the unknown word, his interest piqued.

"What is an Ancient Particle?" Erys looked deep in thoughts, but in the end, just a deep sigh escaped her mouth before she shook her head.

"Not even I, nor those that try to unearth its real purpose and origin even until this very moment really knows to be honest. The only thing that is known so far is that it is a special element, a component that could be found everywhere. Let it be in the air, in the water, in space, or inside the soil, once the Ancient Path had been opened in the dimension, one will be able to find and detect it with the required tools."

Then, she glanced at the beast that was still in a heated fight with the Souls and continued, "Though, one thing was discovered indeed. Once the Ancient Path was opened, the whole dimension will be flooded with these Ancient Particles, causing the race or races in their universe to obtain their Legacy, while also making the animals and plants become fearsome beasts and creatures with unique and terrifying powers."

"However, during this 'transformation' process, where the little puppy will turn into a two meters large hound, there is this tiny chance where the number of Ancient Particles their bodies consume result in a so-called evolution or even worse, a mutation."

"Lucky for you, this beast only happened to become an Evolved Beast, if not, and it would have turned out to be a Mutated Beast, neither you nor I would breathe right now."

"I see, I somewhat understand now." Nash nodded and stared at the fight for a while before shaking his head.

"Then I guess this won't do it so go and kill it."


Erys stared at Nash with an indifferent expression, somewhat feeling slightly irritated by the way he just casually ordered her around, but alas, the power she was already used to, forced her to move, and before she realized it she was already next to the creature in the very next instant!


The beast immediately got alerted by the abrupt appearance of Erys and even swung one of its tails at her, but unfortunately, its opponent this time was far away from the level of the Souls it fought.

"Die!" Erys said coldly as she felt disgusted that such a weak creature dared to attack her and swung her sword.



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