Strings Of Domination

Chapter 26 - Four Emotions

After explaining to everyone what happened, Nash decided to go back into the practice room to further strengthen his Dimension Refining Physique with the help of Erys.




Continuous explosions resounded from the practice room while Nash's body could be seen flying from side to side with terrifying speed, crashing into the special metal walls on the sides with such scary force that shook the entire cabin!

Hours went by in a blink and with each crash, Nash felt an obvious increase in his strength, but it was still not enough. He knew that this method was no longer helping him the way it helped the first time, thus he had to find other ways.

"Let's stop here for today," Nash told to Erys calmly before he sat down and wiped the blood off from the corner of his mouth.

Silence filled the cabin for quite a while, before Nash glanced up at Erys. Seeing that she stood in one place without daring to move, he felt somewhat guilty, but once he remembered what he and the rest of humanity had to go through because of the other races, he quickly threw his 'guilt' out of the window and waved his hand.

"Go and help my uncle. I am pretty sure he needs help as he always does."

And thus, without an objection, Erys walked out of the practice room, leaving Nash finally alone.

"Well then... Let me see just how exactly I can use you." Nash mumbled and quickly asked, "Can you tell me in greater detail how the four emotions work when I use the Chance String?"

[Opening detailed context of {Passive Skill} 'Chance String!]

"Oh? There is such a thing as detailed context?" Nash looked surprised before he quickly went to read the appearing information in his line of sight.

{Chance String Effects}

• Happiness (51%-99%): Chance for Request Domination!

° Request Domination: After triggering this ability, any request from the Dominator will be fulfilled right away!

• Fear (51%-99%): Chance for Death Bid!

° Death Bid: After triggering this ability, Dominator is capable of pushing his enemies into their demise with a single word!

• Sadness (51%-99%): Chance for Emotion Alteration!

° Emotion Alteration: After triggering this ability, Dominator is capable of altering his Targets' other emotion levels to a limited amount!

• Anger (51%-99%): Chance for Reverse Order!

° Reverse Order: After triggering this ability, any order from the Dominator will be fulfilled in a reversed manner!

<The chance for triggering the ability and successfully using the Chance String is depending on the % of the Chance Level!>

<Warning! If the Dominator failed to use a Chance String, a 1-hour cooldown will occur!>


Nash examined the words in silence. It seemed things were much more interesting than he initially believed them to be. And the longer he read the information, the more Nash realized just how hard it will be for him to trigger this ability on others, especially on those he will fight in the future.

'Although now I kind of understand how each emotion work, succeeding to trigger their chances will be still a hard thing to achive.'

Out of the four emotions, Nash found anger the easiest to influence as with simple things such as irritation or annoyance he could effortlessly increase others' anger level.

However, things weren't the same when it came to sadness or fear. Both required him to do something much more complex, such as breaking his enemy's hope or intimidating them through different means.

Achieving the latter one could be said was way easier than the former one, but against beings that had steel stronger willpower, all of these meant nothing.

As for happiness, Nash knew that was the hardest thing to influence. Maybe he was able to affect the other three emotions through different means or tricks, but when things came to one's happiness he understood he had to learn what his target's desire was in a much greater depth.

Happiness was one's fruit that riped from their desire. If one obtained what they wanted then they would surely become merrier than before, but for that, knowing what they were longing for first was a must.

'Well, considering how this power can be used, particularly during fights, it is very likely that I will only use it when it's a must.'

And with that thought, Nash quickly left the training room and decided to go and check on his uncle and the rest.




Several days have passed in a blink and the black sun has yet to vanish from the sky, thus everyone was forced to remain inside the spaceship.

Even Nash had no choice but to stay on the ship and do nothing but play card games day and night with his uncle, who had yet to win a single game.

"And I won again." Nash smiled cockily as he snatched a card away from Uncle Ben's grab, leaving his uncle with only one card that had an image of a black squid.

"One more! Play with me just one more round! I will definitely beat you this time!" Uncle Ben slammed his single card onto the desk and started at Nash with a bulging vein visible on his forehead.

It was pretty obvious he was angry and could hardly contain his rage which was accumulating from game to game.

Though, Nash had no reason to look at the bulging vein to realize that his uncle was angry, as the Indicator above his head told him everything.

{Emotion Levels}

• Happiness: Neutral - 0%

• Sadness: Neutral - 6%

• Fear: Neutral - 0%

• Anger: Chance Level - 94%

Nash took a quick glance at his uncle's emotional levels with a nonchalant look before shifting his gaze back at Uncle Ben and nod.

"Sure, let's play one more. But this time, let's make a little bet. The loser has to eat Thomas' cooking for a whole day!"

Uncle Ben froze when he heard Nash and even swallowed a huge from nervousness. Out of everyone who has cooked already, Thomas was the only one who successfully created food that made numerous people sick for several days.

Not only was his cooking hell-defyingly inedible and disgusting, but it was literally poison to the human body!

Thus the reason why he was strictly prohibited from going near the kitchen area and was given another task to do instead of cooking.

"I-I'm in. There is no way in hell you will win this one too. I will crush you this time for sure!" said Uncle Ben after several minutes of hesitation and quickly collected the cards from the table.

After shuffling them together and splitting them into two portions, Uncle Ben gave one piece to him and one piece to Nash.

"Let's start it then. Remember, we will take cards from each other in turns and the one holding the Raven Squid in the end loses."

Nash nodded and after seeing he was lucky enough not to get the Raven Squid in his deck, he said, "Then I will start this time."

Nash quickly extended his arm and grabbed a card from the left side before turning it around to see which one it was. However, because it was not the Raven Squid, Nash quickly tossed it to the side and said, "Your turn."

"Tsk..." Uncle Ben clicked his tongue with dissatisfaction and quickly grabbed one of Nash's cards and tossed it to the side too without taking a single look at it.


Nash nodded and grabbed another card, but as it was not the Raven Squid this time either he just tossed it to the side and let his uncle grab one of his cards.

This exchange went on for several minutes, and soon both of them remained with only two cards, the Raven Squid still in Uncle Ben's possession.


Nash looked nonchalant but it was obvious he was nervous, as his next choice will determine everything.

Silence descended between the two and none of them talked. After thinking for a while Nash swallowed quietly and glanced up at Uncle Ben, or to be more precise above his head.

• Anger: Chance Level - 95%

Seeing as he had a 95% success rate for using his Reverse Order, Nash curved his mouth upward slightly and asked, "Can you please point at the black card in your hand?"

And right as Nash said that, a thin golden string suddenly rose from Uncle Ben's head and attached itself to one of his fingers before the familiar voice appeared in his head.

[Chance String has been successfully caught!]

[Reverse Order has been triggered!]

Right after that, Uncle Ben pointed at the card on the right, making Nash smile and grab the one on the left without a second thought.

"You have lost... again," said Nash with a calm smile and put the cards down from his hand onto the table.

Uncle Ben, however, still stared at the sole black card in his hold just to snap out of his daze shortly after and smash his fist against the table with all his might.


"This is fuck*ng bullish*t!!"

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