Strings Of Domination

Chapter 4 - Chance String

"Jade Vampires? You mean the Jade Fangs?" Nash seemed startled as he knew just what kind of race the Jade Fangs were.

Jade Fangs were one of the greediest races out of the hundreds of races whilst their Legacy put fear into all beings' hearts as they could turn their victims' flesh into a jade-like substance just by a single bite!

"Yes. They ambushed us thus I was ordered to take the Skill Fluid away where they can't find it. But who would have thought..." Erys seemed helpless as she couldn't believe a human, a slave was able to consume it.

The Domination Art was simply too powerful for anyone to withstand once injected, let alone understand. Even her father wanted just to keep it in a safe place, far away from evil beings, yet his wish was destroyed in a blink!

Not only was the Domination Art obtained and learned by a mere human that everyone looked down on, but even his daughter was caught in its power, no longer able to escape!

She failed miserably, without any more chance to correct her mistake ever again! Or at least in this lifetime of hers that was sure...

Though, knowing this was not the right time to grieve about things she can't change, Erys sighed deeply and asked, "Anyway, what do you plan to do now?"

Nash thought about this problem and already thought about a solution, but he first needed to clarify a few things.

"Do you have any way to leave this planet?" with a sharp gaze Nash asked Erys, causing his power to play its role once again.

With a cold shudder, Erys flinched and she began to talk the truth without hesitancy, "No, I don't have any. I have a few Domination Arts that is capable of teleportation, but I can't leave this planet no matter what."

"I see." nodded Nash and proceeded on asking, "And do you have any means to get in touch with the outer world, for example, your race?"

However, upon this question, Erys seemed hesitant to answer, but an invisible force still appeared, forcing her to speak the truth.

"I indeed have. I have a World Grade treasure that is capable of revealing my location, no matter if I'm in the Ancient Dimension or somewhere else."

"World Grade? Such a powerful item and only the World Grade? That is the weakest one among the rest!" thought Nash but still said, "Give it to me."


Erys eyes widened with fear, but no matter how hard she tried to stop herself from moving she felt akin to a puppet that was controlled through the string without any hope to resist.

"Is it at least First Class or Fifth?" asked Nash as he took away the ring and inspected it.


"I see. How unfortunate..." sighed Nash and without hesitation crushed the ring into debris relative easily as the item was only a World Grade treasure.


"Now then..." patting his palms together to wipe the clutter off his hand, Nash turned around and walked away.

"You stay and hide here until I don't come back. If you try to escape and take more than 5 steps from where you stand, commit suicide right away."


Feeling as an itching feeling appeared in the middle of her palm and a numb sensation around her neck too, Erys' face paled, her body trembling like leaves in a cold autumn night.

She could do nothing but wait in this dark and cold cave, with the crystals the only things that illuminated this place from the darkness.

Nash obviously knew this too but didn't care, not in the slightest. Erys was from one of the many races that tortured and humiliated the Human race, demolishing their future right from the start, thus he definitely won't let her off the hook that easily.

Maybe he will even kill her once he doesn't find her useful as her Legacy can be obtained through his power.

Also, now that his understanding about this newfound power deepened a level after testing with Erys, thus he was dead sure she can't and won't leave.

As far as he could understand it, his power worked in an absolute way if he attached a Life String on his targets. Let it be a simple request or an answer he wanted to know, the individual will answer and do what he asked no matter what!

He didn't even have to say 'do it' or 'say its' as once he wants something from the other party they will have to do and act as he wishes!

"I'm curious if I can order her with a single glance or not. I will make sure to find that out once I come back." smiled Nash as he finally got the chance to take revenge on every being that enslaved and destroyed his and every human being's future for hundreds of years!

However, when he set foot outside the cave he was welcomed by a sight he wouldn't have expected to see and... Hear.

[Target's {Sadness} reached Critical Level!]

[Attaching {Life String} on target now possible!]


[Target's {Sadness} reached Critical Level!]

[Attaching {Life String} on target now possible!]


[Target's {Sadness} reached Critical Level!]

[Attaching {Life String} on target now possible!]


[Target's {Sadness} reached Critical Level!]

[Attaching {Life String} on target now possible!]



"What the... hell?" Nash watched as tons of white strong floated before him in the air, each end attached to a single individual's head in the distance.

And each of them was the humans he came here to mine with!

"This..." Nash seemed confused and hesitant first he should attach Life Strings to them, but decided not to.

"Until it is not a must, I won't influence humans. They were tortured and humiliated enough through the years, it is finally time to give them hope."

With that solid thought and a sharp flash inside his eyes, Nash shifted his gaze toward the creature in the distance and began to walk toward him.

But this time his gaze wasn't fixed on the Sky Beast but the sight above him that was his Domination Art's passive ability, the Indicator.

{Emotion Levels}

• Happiness: Neutral - 12%

• Sadness: Neutral - 7%

• Fear: Neutral - 0%

• Anger: Chance Level - 81%

As Nash saw the 81% and the word 'Chance Level' above the creature's head in the manner of a hologram, Nash frowned.

"81%? Wait, now that I think about it what is a Chance String and how can I use it?" raised a question Nash inwardly, causing the answer to appear in his line of sight once again.

[Opening context of {Passive Ability} 'Indicator'!]



° Indicator: Shows all being's feelings and emotions in a hundred meters radius. Helps Dominator to use Chance Strings with greater success!

<Dominator can use Chance Strings once the Chance Level (51%-99%) had been reached!>

{Chance String Effects}

• Happiness (51%-99%): Chance for Request Domination!

• Fear (51%-99%): Chance for Death Bid!

• Sadness (51%-99%): Chance for Emotion Alteration!

• Anger (51%-99%): Chance for Reverse Order!

<The chance for success is depending on the % of the Chance Level!>

<Warning! If Dominator failed to use a Chance String, a 1-hour cooldown will occur!>

Immediately after Nash read the information his face turned complicated, but because he reached the Sky Beast's side his face turned back to normal once again.

He even put on an exhausted facade the creature could send him back to mine twice the amount he did if he noticed he was not tired!

"Finished already?" obviously discovering his approach the creature opened his eyes, holding deep disgust in them as he stared at Nash.

"Yes..." nodded Nash and showed the number on the side of his pickaxe that was the proof about the amount of crystals he mined.

"Hmph!" standing up with a cold snort, the Sky Beast waved his hand, and soon a white portal manifested before him.

"Hand your amount in and you will have 1-hour rest. Once it's over you will be brought back here." said the creature toward Nash as he stepped to the side.

Nash however just nodded and stepped inside the portal, but before his vision could have turned black, he took a quick glance at the Sky Beast's Indicator for one last time.

But when he did, an unnoticed smile formed on his face right away, making his mood grow higher a bit than it was before.

• Anger: Chance Level - 84%

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