Strings Of Domination

Chapter 55 - A Second Jade Door Emerges!


A great explosion broke out the moment the Sky Sealing Needle crashed into Uncle Ben's temple, sending a somewhat powerful ripple to all directions with his body as its epicenter!

"Uncle!" Nash cried out with horror when he saw his uncle's body fall back onto the ground and without hesitation dashed over, appearing next to his uncle's falling body and catching him in a split second!

"U-Uncle Ben? Come on, open your eyes, you old geezer!" Nash said in a shaky voice as he held his uncle's body and watched as crimson blood trickled down from the small spot on his forehead where the Sky Sealing Needle pierced him.

And to make things even worse than they already were, the Sky Sealing Needle was almost completely buried deep inside the middle of his head, only a few millimeters visible from its end out of the whole needle! It was pretty obvious his brain had been stabbed by the needle, hence why he was not reacting.

"Fuck!" Nash cursed out loud when he saw no reaction from his uncle, feeling as if he was currently inside the worst nightmare he currently could dream of.

Clenching his teeth in both anger and self-blame, Nash felt the urge to pull the needle out of his uncle's forehead and break it into thousands of pieces, but just as he could have moved or said anything else, the needle inside his uncle's head suddenly lit up with an even brighter blue light than before and slowly but surely it began to push itself out!

"Argh... Damn... That hurt, you little rascal!" suddenly Uncle Ben groaned out loud as he sat up slowly and massaged his forehead with a painful grimace and glanced at Nash on his side with a rather angry stare.

"Did you want to kill me or what? I thought I was done for there just now!"

Nash seeing as his uncle had no problem moving nor talking and was still breathing, a deep sigh of relief escaped his mouth before he stood up and extended his arm forward.

"My bad. Hope it didn't hurt that much." Nash said as he helped his uncle up and asked, "Anyways, did it work or not?"

Hearing his nephew's apology, Uncle Ben just shook his head helplessly before he showed a wide grin and without saying anything, he threw out a quick and powerful punch to the side.



"So? What do you think?" Uncle Ben asked with a somewhat arrogant smile as he watched the air vibrating in front of him in a small area, giving a sideways glance at Nash who watched everything in silence.

"So it worked, huh? And it seems you have currently at Level 5 of the Mortal Stage." Nash said calmly as he inspected his uncle's punch and its results, but if one looked close to his eye, one would realize he was currently feeling an immense amount of excitement.

Like, why wouldn't he? He just happened to find out that his Sky Sealing Needle indeed had the ability to unseal the Legacy of all the humans and without any aftereffects at that! The strange thing currently would be if he wouldn't be feeling any joy or happiness!

"Oh? How did you know I was at Level 5?" Uncle Ben raised a brow with piqued curiosity as he asked.

Nash, however, just shrugged casually and said, "Dunno, it was just a strong hunch that I got when I have looked at you and felt your aura."

"Felt my aura?" Uncle Ben touched his chin as he narrowed his eyes and examined Nash's figure in front of him.

"Yeah, now that you say it, I can feel your aura too, but it is much denser though. This must be because you have already reached the next Rank, right?"

"Must be because of that, yeah." Nash nodded and picked up the needle from the ground before he said with a smile, "Let's gather everyone. It is finally time for their Legacy to be unsealed!"

"Wait!" watching as Nash was about to leave, Uncle Ben suddenly called out, stopping Nash from walking any further than he did.

"What?" Nash turned to look at his uncle with a rather confused gaze, pondering what he wanted to say. However, when he saw his somewhat troubled look, he knew something must be bothering him hence said calmly, "Just say whatever is in your mind."

Uncle Ben looked at Nash in silence, and after thinking for a while his face turned serious and asked, "Don't you think we should unseal only a few people's Legacy at first and only when they have reached higher Levels will we unseal the rest? Like that, we can avoid the current balance to suddenly collapse if someone decides to abuse their powers on the rest."

Upon hearing his uncle's words, Nash looked surprised before his face turned serious too and began to ponder.

Indeed, if he were to choose to unseal everyone's Legacy at the same time, there was the risk that those that suddenly gain strength and reach higher Levels faster than the rest will use their powers to abuse the ones below them.

Naturally, they have already created rules that stated such things were prohibited from happening and anyone that tries to do such a thing will be executed without a question. But Nash must admit that there was still the possibility of such a thing to occur, especially during the time when he was not around.

However, when Nash thought about it a little bit more in-depth, he just shook his head calmly and said, "No, such a thing will never happen."

"Huh? But..." Uncle Ben looked shocked when he heard Nash's answer and didn't know how he should react.

Nash, on the other hand, just showed a confident smile and asked, "Did you maybe forget? I have the power to control those that I want to, including the souls of those that have been killed too! And I already have 7 under my control, two out of them are also terrifying beings, so I have more than enough to keep the possibility of something such as abuse of power out of question!"

When Uncle Ben heard Nash's words he shut his mouth and swallowed back the words he wished to say next while a small amount of disappointment flashed in his eyes that was hard not to notice.

Unfortunately, what Nash said was the truth and he indeed forgot about the fact that his nephew possessed the ability to control several immortal Souls that couldn't be destroyed even if one cut their limbs and head off. Furthermore, he even had Erys under his control, a Warmaster Rank being who alone was capable of killing every one of them with a single wave of her hand!

Hence, his previous idea, in the end, seemed to be completely meaningless and useless.

"Anyways, you don't have to worry about those kinds of things as I am pretty sure my Souls and I will be able to take care of things if someone tries to cause a mess. No, I am one hundred percent confident in that!" Nash said with a confident smile and was about to walk toward the entrance when suddenly the whole hall began to shake like crazy.

"What is happening? An earthquake?" Nash looked alerted when he felt the ground below his feet quaver abruptly, even having a strange thought that maybe they have been found by the Sky Beasts after hiding for such a long time.

"Eh? Look over there! The wall is moving on its own!" just as Nash was about to dash out and see for himself if they have been indeed been found or not, suddenly Uncle Ben's voice appeared from the side, making him follow his uncle's finger where it was pointing at.

And just as Uncle Ben said, behind the three small pillars where Nash acquired his three items, the wall split into two in the middle and each of its sides moved gradually to the left and right, revealing a white gate with a similar appearance to the first one that Nash has already opened!

It was another Jade Door!

* * * * *

A/N: Hope you liked it! Vote for more chaps! <3

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