Strings Of Domination

Chapter 65 - A Hard Decesion

"What did you just say?!" Uncle Ben yelled up with widened eyes, his hands subconsciously going and getting a firm hold on David's shoulders.

"W-What you have just heard. They have found us!" David said with a pale face, cold sweat with the size of beans oozing out of his forehead uncontrollably.

"Are you sure it was the Sky Beast and the Thousand Blood Race and not just some space wanderers?" Uncle Ben asked, still hoping what David just said was a lie and nothing else.

"I am one hundred percent sure the ones I have seen were not space wanderers nor some random explorers! If you don't believe me, go and ask the rest! We were doing our usual exploring in the vicinity, drawing maps as Lord Nash ordered us when suddenly a huge spaceship entered the orbit and landed not far away from our spaceship! Sky Beasts and Thousand Bloods departed the ship too in great numbers!" David explained hastily, his Fear Level growing with each spoken word.

Upon seeing this, Nash's complexion became deadly serious, and asked, "How many did you see?"

"Around a hundred, but I don't know the exact number." David answered as he shifted his gaze at Nash and added, "We came back here in the very instant we noticed that it was the Sky Beasts, so we didn't really have time to examine and count their numbers."

"Did they notice you?"

"Luckily, not. We made sure to leave their vicinity as stealthily as we could. We even went on a detour just to make sure if they somehow find our tracks then they will start their search toward the opposite direction." David said quickly.

"I see. Great job." Nash nodded and without saying anything else walked toward the exit.

"Where are you going?" seeing as Nash began to walk away, Uncle Ben asked while following him closely from behind.

"Idiot, where do you think he would go? He is obviously going to take care of them." Amy scoffed at Uncle Ben coldly, which at the latter halted his steps and looked at her threateningly.

"Brat, although I have ignored your audacity last time, I won't do the same thing again. Know your place and the difference in our position or I will teach you a lesson or two that you will never cease to forget!"

Amy stopped walking too, and narrowing her small eyes at Uncle Ben, she sneered coldly and asked, "Position? What kind of position are you talking about exactly? Not only do you not do a single thing except for eating and sleeping, but you haven't even joined a single Branch to help and make everyone else's lives here easier! If you ask me, the one who should know his place should be you, old fart!"

"What did you just say you little sh-"

"That is enough already."

Suddenly, Nash's calm but rather cold voice appeared from the side, causing the temperature to seemingly fall a few degrees in mere instants!

"This is not the right time for your argle-bargle. We have way more important things to take care of at the moment." Nash said with a sharp gaze, forcing both Amy and Uncle Ben to fall into deep silence without daring to mutter a single word.

Seeing this, Nash nodded, and without saying anything else he turned back around and continued to walk toward the exit.

"You are pathetic," Amy muttered those words with a tone just enough to make Uncle Ben hear it and without saying anything else, she began to follow Nash together with David on her side.

"You...!" Uncle Ben clenched his fingers into tight fists as he stared at Amy's back with a gaze filled with hatred.

Right now, if Nash would decide to turn around, he would see with surprise that his uncle's Anger Level was currently way above the 70% mark, something which was quite a rare sight to see.

But alas, he didn't, hence he was completely oblivious of the change of emotions that were currently taking place inside his uncle.

However, Nash didn't really need to see it to know that the relationship between his uncle and everyone else, particularly with Amy, was akin to hell and heaven; they literally despised each other to the core even if they showed they were not before him.

And how does Nash knows that? The answer was very simple; because of his ability to see others' emotions.

With the help of his Indicator, he is able to see and examine everyone's emotional levels, hence there is hardly anything he cannot understand when seeing one's Indicator.

For instance, whenever he was talking in a gathering or simply was meeting with someone among the people, their Happiness Level would skyrocket instantly! However, if it was his uncle who they met with, almost everyone's level of happiness would decline, and what would grow instead was their anger together with a little bit of fear!

Nash has already asked around several people about the matter regarding his uncle, especially the ones during his time when he has chosen the leaders for each Branch, but strangely, none of them answered his question honestly as each of their replies were the same; they had no problem with him.

This made him rather confused, but as he had no time to care about it nor did he think it was anything severe, he just let the matter slide and think time will heal the seemingly open wounds; but it seems he was wrong and they didn't only not get healed but became even bigger than they were before!

'Whatever. Let's just hope they won't do anything stupid while I will take care of the matter outside.' Nash thought in his heart and once he was in front of the cave entrance, he asked his uncle, "Have you succeeded in creating the second path I have asked you?"

"Yes. Although it was a rather hard process and caused a few headaches, we were able to build a second path exactly where you have asked it." Uncle Ben nodded, which at Amy just rolled her eyes as she clearly knew Nash's uncle did not do a single thing to say it was hard work.

The ones who should be saying those words should be the ones that really worked and gave their best, and not him.

"Perfect." Nash nodded, ignoring Amy's change in complexion, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Then gather everyone there and wait for my signal."

"Huh? No, I will come with you. I have my Legacy too, so I can help y-"

"I said you gather everyone there and wait for my signal," Nash said with a slightly louder voice, his tone holding no room for objection or bargain.

Seeing that his uncle remained silent, Nash waved his hand gently, and in the very next second, seven figures appeared behind his back almost simultaneously.

"Erys, how many presences can you sense above?"

Erys, who felt confused about the question, closed her eyes and activated one of her Domination Arts, only to snap her eyes wide open, revealing an excited glint in her ruby eyes!

'They are here! Dad finally found me! Haha!' thought Erys excitedly but despite feeling excitement, she still was under the control of the human in front of him, hence she had no choice but to answer him immediately, "There are a little bit less than a hundred presences above us, seemingly searching for our location."

"Their Ranks?" Nash asked calmly.

"More than half are Infant Rank, but there are a handful of Warriors in their numbers too. Also, there is a single one that is at the peak of the Warmaster Rank."

"A smaller army, huh..." Nash sighed deeply and after pondering for a while, he took down the Dimensional Ring from his finger before handing it over to his uncle.

"A ring? Why do you give this to me?" Uncle Ben asked with a slight frown, examining the small ring with confusion.

"That is a Dimensional Ring. You can access the things inside it with your essence." Nash said and quickly added, "Although I am confident in my ability to take care of the ones on the Infant and Warrior Rank, that peak Warmaster expert is another question."

He then placed the ring into his uncle's palm and said, "I will make sure you guys can escape from this planet safely, so once you hear my signal, don't hesitate."

"Wait, don't tell me you are planning to-" Amy was about to say something when suddenly Uncle Ben took a step forward and grinned.

"Okay, understood. You can leave this to me."

"H-Hey! Are you kidding me? Do you really let him fight with a hundred enemies all alone? That is suicide! He will die!" Amy said loudly with widened eyes, feeling as though she just misheard things.

However, Nash didn't say anything and after nodding at his uncle and giving one final glance at Amy, he turned around and began to walk away, quickly vanishing inside the cave's darkness together with the seven figures on his sides.

A/N: Hi guys, hope you liked it!

So, what do you think will happen? Curious about your opinions!

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