Strings Of Domination

Chapter 69 - Using Reverse Order During Battle!

About ten minutes earlier...

"Go and order every team to unite into squads and raise their guards," Amael ordered coldly, turning the atmosphere around him rather chilly and heavy all of a sudden.

"U-Understood!" Crimson Wing nodded and not daring to waste a single second set out into the distance with a powerful flap with his wings.


Flying through the sky with great speed that created slightly powerful currents behind his wake, Crimson Wings went from location to location as he handed Amael's news over to the teams scattered throughout everywhere, trying to find Nash's and the rest's location.

"To think such a massacre took place without Lord Amael's notice. That human is way more terrifying than we have believed. Huh?" Crimson Wings muttered under his breath when suddenly his eyes caught sight of something.

Right below him, a group of Sky Beasts was fighting with a single creature whose body was formed out of some strange black matter akin to solidified black smoke. However, despite having the advantage in numbers, the Sky Beasts failed to overwhelm and kill the creature.

What's more, they have not only failed to kill it, but the ones getting slain were not the creature but the Sky Beasts instead! Before every swing of its claws, the creature the armor of the Sky Beasts' shattered like glass before the flesh below it would be ripped apart, revealing the bones and organs in a split instant!

Upon seeing this sight, Crimson Wings' complexion changed drastically and without a single hesitation flashed before the creature and swung his fist.



With a punch that carried a great amount of strength capable of shattering boulders, Crimson Wing's punch connected with the beast's head and blasted it into pieces!

"You all are really pathetic. Not being able to deal with a single creature..." Crimson Wings turned to look at the Sky Beasts on his side with eyes holding contempt.

"Lord Crimson! Watch out!" one of the Sky Beast that was supporting himself against a tree's trunk on the side shouted, his widened eyes gazing at the sight behind Crimson Wings.

"Watch out for wha-, huh?" Crimson Wings followed his subordinate's gaze and turned around, but when he saw that the creature he just 'killed' a second ago was safe and sound and was already swinging its claws at him, his face stiffened and quickly jumped backward.



The ground below the attack shattered to a small degree while four claw marks as deep as a human arm remained at the spot where Crimson Wings stood just a few moments ago!

"What? But I swear I have seen its head explode!" Crimson Wings said with utter shock as he stared at the beast with wide eyes. But soon, a great realization hit him like a truck, turning his face darker than it already was.

"It's one of his puppets! The one that cannot be killed no matter how many times you kill it!" remembering the sight at the records he saw not once but at least a hundred, Crimson Wings immidieatly broke out in cold sweat and turned toward the ones on his side.

However, even before he could have spoken, he watched with terror as all the Sky Beasts around him fell onto the ground, their heads rolling into the distance with shock still present on their faces!

"W-What happened?" Crimson Wings stuttered and turned to glance at the creature in front of him, but found it with surprise that it has vanished into thin air who knows when!

"Looking for me?" suddenly, as he was looking around in the hope to find the creature, a calm voice appeared in his ear forcing him to turn his head toward the source of the voice and watch as a young man walked toward him with a cold smile.

"So you have finally decided to hand yourself over, slave." Crimson Wings said coldly, his eyes turning sharp like blades as he watched Nash's approach.

Ignoring that Crimson Wings' Happiness and Anger Level increased dramatically, Nash stopped walking, his eyes disappearing from his face. What replaced it was a serious and threatening complexion that held a tingle of killing intent too!

"Huh? Wait... Something is not right! How could this be possible?" Crimson Wings felt alarmed as the human in front of him began to emit a small amount of aura, clearly showing his Legacy had been unsealed and even reached the Warrior Rank!

"Oh? It seems someone is scared." this time, Nash showed a mocking grin when he watched as the crimson Sky Beast's Fear Level in front of him began to grow slightly.

• Anger: Chance Level - 56% --> 69%

"Scared? Your mother is scared!" Crimson Wings blurted out with increasing anger and without hesitation appeared before Nash with a raised hand, ready to slam his fist right into Nash's face and blast his brain right out of his skull!

"Slow." Nash, however, was not fazed at all even when facing such a fast strike and casually tilted his head to the side, barely avoiding the lethal strike from killing him!

• Anger: Chance Level - 69% --> 77%

"You bitch!" Crimson Wings became even angrier when he saw Nash's indifferent face and arrogant words. He didn't hesitate to pull his hand back and at the same time kick at Nash's waist like an ax, hoping to chop him into two pieces horizontally!


"H-He jumped? But how?" Crimson Wings' eyes widened when he saw his kick getting avoided even from such a close distance and watched as Nash's figure was descending from the sky at the spot from where he just jumped up.

'Chance!' noticing as Nash was not trying to attack, Crimson Wings' eyes lit up, and once both his legs were on the ground leaped into the air, his fist targeting Nash's stomach from below!

"How about this? This is slow too?" Crimson Wings asked loudly with a cocky smile as his fist blurred for a moment and appeared only an inch away from Nash's abdomen!

Crimson Wings already imagined the bloody sight where his fist pierces Nash's stomach, but strangely, it was not what happened. Just before his fist could have come into contact with the human's body, Nash's body twisted to the side, barely avoiding the attack of his once again!

Tap... Tap...

Landing on the ground gently, Nash corrected his clothing and after looking at Crimson Wings who landed a little bit further away from him he nodded and said, "Yeah, it was pretty slow too."

• Anger: Chance Level - 77% --> 86%

"You!!!" Crimson Wings clenched his fingers into tight fists, veins appearing on his forehead from the anger he was feeling.

Seeing his complexion together with the changing Anger Level, Nash could almost not contain himself from blooming a wide grin. But as he wished to try something he resisted to urge and while picking up a shocked face, he asked, "Woah, look at you! Scary! Can't you just calm down?"

[Chance String has been successfully caught!]

[Reverse Order has been triggered!]

Watching as a golden string appeared and attached itself onto one of his fingers and Crimson Wings' head, Nash felt delighted and watched as the Anger Level rose abruptly.

• Anger: Chance Level - 86% --> 99%

"Calm down? I won't fucking calm down! I will break your skull open instead! " Crimson Wings roared with bloodshot eyes and dashed forward, throwing out a punch at Nash, who although watched his attack seemed to be pondering.

'99%? Can it be that Chance String is incapable of rising one's emotion to the critical level?' Nash thought in his heart, but as he saw the fist ready to crash into him he just shrugged and threw out a punch too.




A tremendous amount of force exploded out of Nash's fist the moment it got into contact with Crimson Wings', shattering not only the ground below his feet but even the bones in Crimson Wings' hand and half the armor on his body!


Crimson Wings' body was blasted into the distance as his blood and crashed armor flew everywhere, his body only stopping when it crashed into a thick tree which as a result cracked and fell down heavily that shook the ground gently.

"AARRGH!!!" clenching his deformed arm that sent unimaginable pain throughout his entire body, Crimson Wings felt as a tight grip appeared on his neck that felt almost suffocating and watched as Nash lifted his body as if he weighed nothing!

"What a crybaby," Nash muttered quietly and without saying anything else slammed Crimson Wings' body powerfully into the ground!


"Bleargh!" coughing up a huge amount of blood from the impact, Crimson Wings opened his eyes and wished to say something, when suddenly noticed Amael's figure on the side, causing his eyes to immediately lit up.

"L-Lord Amael... Please help m-"



'And all quite again.' Nash thought indifferently as he slammed his feet into Crimson Wings' head, splattering his skull and brain matter everywhere on the ground.

After killing Crimson Wings, Nash remained silent for a while before turning his now serious and cold gaze at Amael on the side and saying, "For a being at the Warmaster Rank, you are pretty slow."

At that very instant, the surrounding air dropped a few degrees in temperature and everything turned silent, exactly like before an approaching storm ready to break out at any given moment!

* * * * *

A/N: Hope you liked it! Stay safe! <3

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