Strings Of Domination

Chapter 85 - Arriving At Planet Gaia

Inside a relatively massive spaceship that almost could be called a battleship, Amael stood in the center of the huge control center and gazed outside the giant window, staring into the far and empty space with a rather indifferent face.

As he was standing with a firm posture on top of a small platform, suddenly one of the Thousand Bloods that controlled the spaceship and managed the panels on the front turned around and began to speak, "Lord Amael, we have finally found the current location of Torrent."

Torrent was the name of the spaceship that was sent to find the escaped humans but for some unknown reasons, just like how Nash, it too has vanished into seemingly thin air with no news about its whereabouts!

Hence, hearing that they finally found its current location which very likely could lead them to find Nash too, a glint of delight flashed through Amael's crimson eyes and immediately ordered the warrior to reveal further information.

"It seems it has landed on Planet Nelea after encountering a newborn Dimensional Creature, but strangely, after searching its interior it was found empty. No one was found present on it after it has landed." the creature read the information from the small tablet in his hand.

"No one was on it?" Amael frowned but soon a sigh escaped from his mouth and shook his head.

It was pretty obvious that those he has sent after the escapees had been all killed by that human boy. But to think he not only was able to hijack the spaceship and gain complete mastery over its control to the point where he was able to safely escape from a Dimensional Creature... Amael felt he completely underestimated Nash.

"Locate Planet Nelea, we are heading there right now," Amael said with indifference as he crossed his arms before his chest.

"Understood!" all the Thousand Bloods roared in unison and after pressing several buttons on the panels, white light engulfed the spaceship before turning the whole construction into a white flash that vanished into thin space!

And in less than an hour, they have arrived and landed on Planet Nelea with Alina and Mitah already waiting before the city's gate with a rather stiff complexion.

"Lord Amael! What a pleasure to see you again! What has brought you to this scrubby planet of ours?"

Alina was slightly surprised upon seeing Amael's sudden appearance but still bowed with respect, knowing that the one before her was the right hand of the King of the Thousand Blood Race, someone who had great fame, strength, and prestige!

"Quit the formalities. Just tell me everything you know about the spaceship tha landed on this planet about a week ago." Amael said coldly, giving zero crap he was talking to the supervisor of Planet Nelea and a Fairy.

The corner of Alina's lips twitched but knowing the difference in status between her and Amael she could only bear with it and tell everything she knew.

"Did you find them?" Amael narrowed his eyes when he heard the ones on the spaceship were hiding on this planet.

But at the same time, he also felt that something was not quite right as according to Alina, they sensed two individuals with their device. It meant that outside of Nash there was also someone else with him, even though he knew about only Nash who escaped.

'Could it be that he was able to capture someone else the same way he did with Erys? That could answer how he was able to maneuver the spaceship and escape from the Dimensional Creature without dying.' Amael pondered and said, "Tighten the security around the planet, no one can enter or leave until I say so. Also, increase the number of units scouring for those trespassers at least twice. I want to see those two before my feet as soon as possible!"

Both Alina and Mitah felt stupefied by how seriously Amael took this situation. Especially Alina as her back was currently soaked with cold sweat as she was the one who realized that the gravity of things was much greater than she has initially believed them to be!

"U-Understood! As you wish, Lord Amael!" the two bowed quickly, and without daring to waste even a single second more, both ran away to do as they were told.

Amael watched the two run away and once not even their shadows were visible in the distance he looked toward the sky, unknown what he was currently thinking.




Argon traveled through space with unprecedented speed, giving one an illusion that they were traveling an extremely thin tunnel with the planets, stars, and asteroids in the distance being stretched with seemingly no limit!

Since its departure from Planet Nelea, about two days have passed and even then there was no sign of it slowing down. Of course, it could have chosen to use space jump to reach Planet Gaia instantly, but then the possibility of crossing paths with a terrifying Dimensional Creature or entering a Danger Zone accidentally would increase dramatically without a question!

But although two days seemed a long time, in truth, it passed rather quickly in the eyes of the three that currently sat in a lotus position at the bottom of the spaceship, inside one of its storage rooms.

While Amy was unlocking her Ancient Veins with an obviously slower pace than Miles or Nash until then the two boys sat motionlessly next to each other, their faces contorting into painful grimaces from time to time. Miles even threw up a small amount of blood rarely when he failed to resist the pain any longer.

"Damn... This is freaking hard..." Miles opened his eyes and leaned back while his chest moved up and down in a rapid manner! Furthermore, his whole body covered in sweat while his skin was also as crimson as a shrimp's!

Nash looked the same as him, but he at least had a slightly better complexion than Miles; it was obvious he had been attempting to unlock the first seal way longer than Miles who just became an Ascender.


As Miles was trying to recollect his breath, suddenly a gentle ripple swept through the storage room and Amy opened her eyes, revealing a pair of charming silver eyes.

"Twelfth Ancient Vein unlocked... Fifty-two more to go," she murmured quietly under her breath and was ready to close her eyes back when suddenly the spaceship shook gently, indicating they were finally slowing down.

Nash, who all this time was silently cultivating finally opened his eyes and stood up.

"We have arrived," Nash said calmly and looked outside through the small circular window on the side, watching as they were slowly but surely approaching and entering the atmosphere of a small planet.

'So this is Planet Gaia?' Nash wondered as he watched how completely different this planet was from the rest he has ever seen before.

The planet was small but at the same time beautiful, completely different from what he was used to. Almost its whole surface was covered with the color of blue, giving it a rather deep blue color, but the rest of it which seemingly were the continents of it was covered in the mixture of brown, green, and white with the latter only appearing at the two opposite sides of it.

Furthermore, it even had one small silver moon drifting around it. Although many artificial cities were constructed on it that seemingly were inhabited by many creatures, it was definitely a moon.

As the three were inspecting the planet that was surrounded by hundreds of spaceships and even a single massive interstellar spaceship, suddenly the microphones on the walls began to speak.

"We have arrived at Planet Gaia. We will land about in 2 minutes."

* * * * *

A/N: Hope you liked it! <3

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