Zhao Hao led the Binjiang City special case team, just like Liu Yixian and his team before, and they also took every step carefully.

They did not give the criminals any chance to fight back.

Anyone who dared to show up would be shot on the spot!!!




Liu Yixian: ???

The remaining criminals also looked at each other in bewilderment.

Alpaca, jumping from nine to five?!

Gou Jiba definitely did it on purpose!! -!

But there is no doubt that they are under greater pressure.

At this time, Zhao Hao also curled his lips and said,"Sorry, mathematics is taught by the physical education teacher!"

"Let alone the countdown, sometimes even the bonus is not clear, and the height is miscalculated!"

The criminals are going crazy!

The people in the task force were obviously full of vigilance, but they were almost amused by Zhao Hao!

But looking at Zhao Hao's various reckless behaviors since he joined the company, plus seeing him show his power with their own eyes today.

So, everyone actually believed it!

You, a group of criminals, are trying to reason with a reckless man like Team Leader Zhao?

Not convinced?

Why don't you show up and try?

I guarantee that you will die if you try!���!


Suddenly, Zhao Hao counted down to two again!

Only one number was left!

All members of the task force immediately stopped distracting and concentrated their spirits, their eyes as sharp as falcons!

In contrast, the criminals were about to collapse!

They wanted to fight back with guns, but thinking about the scene of being shot in the head as soon as they showed their heads, their scalps went numb!

After all, there were only seven of them, including Liu Yixian!

And according to their calculations, there were still five bullets in Zhao Hao's gun!

If all five bullets were fired, only two people could survive!

"Boss, what should I do?"

"what to do?"


The criminals were getting angry.

Liu Yixian gritted his teeth, his face was grim, and he was about to speak.


At this moment, Zhao Hao counted down to one!

All the criminals shuddered!

Liu Yixian also trembled!

But it happened in a split second.

Just as Zhao Hao counted down to"one", they simultaneously heard a large number of sirens outside the Future City.

The harsh sound finally broke their last psychological defense line!

"Boss, surrender!"

"Surrender, we surrender!"

"Don't shoot, we surrender!"


At Zhao Hao's signal, the members of the task force began to alternately fire at Liu Yixian and others lying on the ground behind the flower garden.

The criminals' psychological defenses collapsed, and the sound of gunfire and shrill police sirens became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

So at the same time, they threw out their weapons.

Bang, bang, bang!

Several of the weapons were destroyed by the members of the task force!

And the sound of their surrender also rang out at the same time.

In short, all this happened in a flash.

Zhao Hao's countdown of"one" put an end to the gunfight between the police and the evil forces!

Seeing that the situation was over, Liu Yixian also threw out the AK in his hand!

He didn't say a word, but his attitude was shown!

At the same time.

Zhao Hao also raised his big hand like a palm leaf fan at the right time, signaling the members of the task force to stop shooting!

Wow~! Wow~! Wow~!

After a while, the sirens on the scene rang out, and the flashing police lights also reflected the fountain in a colorful way.


Then, members of the Jiangbei City and Furong City task forces rushed to the scene and surrounded the criminals.

Before Zhao Hao could give orders, a large number of police sirens rang out from behind, and several police cars came roaring in. Bang, bang, bang!

Another large number of people filed in and surrounded Future City. The fountain was even more crowded!

Thump, thump, thump, thump!~!~

That's not all. With the sound of propellers, a helicopter soon hovered above the crowd.

A strong light from the helicopter shone down, making the entire fountain area as bright as day, and everything was in sight.

Such a lineup.

Suddenly, all the criminals were terrified!

Two of the gangsters were scared to death!

Duang~! Duang~! Duang~!

Then, they lay on the ground, listening to such huge footsteps approaching, as if they felt an earthquake.

Then, they squinted and raised their eyes quietly.

2.42m Zhao Hao, with his burly figure, directly blocked the strong light from the helicopter.

This scene, for Liu Yixian and the remaining criminals.

It was as if dark clouds covered the sky, making their world no longer have light, and everyone seemed to have entered the eternal night in a trance!

The next moment.

Liu Yixian was picked up by Zhao Hao.

He saw the light again, but his face was full of horror, and his expression was directly revealed to everyone through the strong light of the helicopter.

Zhao Hao pouted and cursed:"You guys, a bunch of country bumpkins, dare to openly challenge the authority of the police?"

"Look at it......"


Zhao Hao opened the cylinder of his revolver with a click."See? You dare not bet that there are no bullets in my gun."

"You don't even have this much courage, and you still think you're a hero?! You're not even a dog!!!"

After the words fell, all the criminals were stunned!

Even the people in the task force couldn't help but shudder, because they, like the criminals, didn't know that Zhao Hao had no bullets in his gun!

I'm so scared!...

You have no more bullets, yet you dare to stand alone between the two sides and threaten to catch us all in one fell swoop?

And you're counting down?!

And he succeeded?!

All the criminals had the urge to curse, and they felt their IQs being pressed to the ground and rubbed hard by Zhao Hao! What right does this man have?

Why is he so awesome?

Such a shame, such a shame!!!

Liu Yixian, who was being dragged by Zhao Hao, went crazy. It might be because of the powder force, or it might be because he felt that his dignity was trampled on and made him angry.

So the horror on his face turned into madness!

"Go to hell!!!"

Liu Yixian, who had no AK, actually took out an exquisite pistol at the critical moment, which looked more beautiful and gorgeous than the standard pistol of the police.

"Team leader, be careful!"


"lay down your weapon!"


All the police officers' pupils shrank and they shouted loudly.

But Liu Yixian didn't care about so much at this time?

He knew that he would die if he was caught, and he was"humiliated" by Zhao Hao, so he had already put life and death aside!

He wanted to take someone with him before he died!

It would be best if it was this big guy!


Just when he pointed the muzzle of his gun at Zhao Hao and was about to pull the trigger!

Zhao Hao seemed to have foreseen the future. He stretched out his other big hand like a cattail leaf fan faster than him.


Liu Yixian's pistol and his hand were clenched by Zhao Hao, making it impossible for him to pull the trigger.

Then Zhao Hao stared straight into Liu Yixian's eyes, with a half-smile on his face.


Zhao Hao uttered two words softly.

Then he clenched his hand suddenly, and with another click, Liu Yixian's hand was shattered on the spot!

The exquisite pistol also changed its shape for this!

The next moment.

Zhao Hao punched Liu Yixian to a height of two or three meters. When he was about to land, Zhao Hao kicked him again. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Bang! Bang!

Liu Yixian's body, at this moment, was like a kite with a broken string, and it slammed into the huge ball in the center of the fountain.

Then he fell into the pool, and the splashing water covered the water column of the fountain!

Liu Yixian was unconscious on the spot and was dying!

But Zhao Hao didn't even look at him, but instead glanced at the criminals with cold eyes.

"A mob, vulnerable!"

Zhao Hao curled his lips, his face full of contempt and disdain.

But none of the criminals dared to say a word, they all held their heads with their hands, and even breathed carefully.

There was no way, Zhao Hao was too scary! Not only was his shooting skill godlike, but his strength was also so great!

That was a pistol? He actually gripped it to the point of deforming it?

And the end of Liu Yixian, they were horrified!

Suddenly, everyone was silent.

Trembling!!! Zhao Hao finally spat.

Then he ordered the three members of the task force:"Cuff them all!"

Everyone's face was full of excitement.

That punch and kick made them all excited!

It was so refreshing!

Team Leader Zhao is really awesome!


""Yes, team leader!!!"

From then on, the battle was truly over!

Then everyone started to get busy, cleaning up the mess at the scene, collecting evidence, etc.

About ten minutes later, the provincial department leader Liang Xuezhen and the Shuitian City Bureau leaders finally arrived at the scene.

"The Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves ahead, Comrade Zhao Hao, well done!"

The provincial department leader Liang Xuezhen stepped forward to give Zhao Hao a bear hug, but the two of them were not of proportional height.

It's impossible for him, a big leader, to hug the thigh of a police officer, right?

For a moment,

Liang Xuezhen's hands froze in place.

Seeing this, Zhao Hao quickly reached out and took the initiative to shake hands with the leader to give the other party a way out.

In this way, Liang Xuezhen looked at him with even more satisfaction.

Liang Xuezhen said:"I heard about the specific process of your action on the way here, Comrade Zhao Hao, you have made an indelible contribution to this action!"

"Thanks to you for arriving at the scene in time and single-handedly rescuing the brothers of the Binjiang City task force from danger."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous......."

The criminal organization was extremely rampant, and it openly fought with the police in the city, causing extremely bad social impact!

If Zhao Hao hadn't arrived in time, he would not only rescue the task force, but also bring all the criminals to justice.

Then, once this matter was exposed, he, the provincial department leader, would have to take responsibility!

So Liang Xuezhen was very angry while sighing!

This trip to Shuitian City really made him realize how smoky and foul this city was.

And how many days has he been here?

How long have the people of this city lived here?

Putting himself in their shoes, Liang Xuezhen's breathing became heavy.

In addition, in this operation, three outstanding police officers died heroically, and seven or eight police officers were seriously injured!

All these made Liang Xuezhen furious!

So, including him, no one thought that Zhao Hao's handling of this case was bloody and violent!

He only hated that he was not there at the time and failed to kill them all in person!

And he received recognition and praise from the provincial department leaders.

Zhao Hao didn't feel much.


Zhao Hao is devoted to Yang. In his opinion, this is the responsibility and duty that an excellent and glorious people's policeman should bear.

Even if there is no honor and reward, he will still fight all criminals to the end.......

More than an hour later, a criminal police officer from Binjiang City came running over.

"Report, we have made a preliminary summary of the actions related to this shooting case!"

At Liang Xuezhen's signal, the criminal police quickly continued

"It was found that this criminal organization headed by Liu Yixian had been entrenched in Shuitian City for more than six years and their power was deeply rooted!"

"Over the years, they have committed many crimes, involving hundreds of cases, big and small......."

Liu Yixian and his people committed numerous crimes, which are too numerous to list.

The preliminary statistical report alone, even if it was concise and focused, took nearly half an hour.

"In this operation, there were a total of 46 members of the criminal organization headed by Liu Yixian!"

"19 of them were shot dead on the spot!"

"The remaining 27 people were all arrested and none of them escaped!"

"The leader of the criminal organization, Liu Yixian, is currently seriously injured..."


Then comes the investigation and handling of stolen goods and evidence!

The three task forces worked together, and in the coming days, they collected evidence of the crimes of Liu Yixian and others, which was also eye-opening.

There were tens of millions in cash, and in the cards of their organization, there were more than 500 million in stolen money.

There were countless controlled knives, firearms, drugs, etc.!

The crimes they committed were really enough to shoot them a hundred times!

And because of their arrest and shooting, many old cases in Shuitian City were revealed.

Of course, these are all preliminary statistics.

Later, as the task force intensified its work, the crimes committed by the criminal organization headed by Liu Yixian will surely surface in detail.

In short.

After destroying such a large criminal organization, the sky of Shuitian City seems to have dissipated a lot of dark clouds.

The invisible repression was also slightly released.......

"It's really shocking!"

Liang Xuezhen took a deep breath and said:"It seems that Shuitian City must undergo a major cleansing to truly return a bright and clear world to the people!"

The provincial department leaders truly felt that this trip to Shuitian City would still be a long way to go if they wanted to completely solve the public security problems in Shuitian City!

However...Liang Xuezhen looked at Zhao Hao.

It was a relief to have such a brilliant local policeman!

This young man lived up to his reputation! He was really the nemesis of criminals. He caught criminals wherever he went, and he always caught a large group of them!

Look at the performance of their Jiangbei City task force.

Under the leadership of Zhao Hao, they took down a car-racing gang as soon as they arrived in Jiangbei City.

Then he was asked to investigate the mad dog murder case in Shuangshui Village. As a result, he not only solved the case directly, but also exceeded the task.

Then there was the operation to support Future City.

Zhao Hao performed even better. He turned the tide with his own strength, reversed the situation in an instant, and brought all criminals to justice!

Two of the three murders have been solved since then!

It seems that the decision to mobilize police forces from other places this time is definitely the most correct choice he has made since coming to Shuitian City.

Thinking of this.

Liang Xuezhen couldn't help but say,"It's late today, and the comrades have worked hard!"

"So, let's pack up first, and go back to the city bureau cafeteria later, and let the chefs prepare extra food for everyone!"

After a moment's hesitation,

"As for the missing body case that the Furong City task force is responsible for......"

Liang Xuezhen added:"Well, I still say that those who are capable should do more work, so let Comrade Zhao Hao lead the team to go with you again tomorrow!"

Who knows.

As soon as he finished speaking, all members of the Furong City special case team, including the team leader Zuo Weiqi, were stunned.

Zhao Hao couldn't help but grin.


Furong City special task force leader Zuo Weiqi coughed twice:"Well, leader...~!~"

"Since the Binjiang City task force needs urgent support, there is something we haven't had time to report to you!"

"Well, about the missing body case,...It was solved before we got here!"

"And Team Leader Zhao should be credited with the greatest credit, as he led the team here and led us to find the victim's body not long after!"

"In addition, the suspect has been captured by us, and we have sufficient evidence to convict him at any time......."

Liang Xuezhen:"?? What?".

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