Feeling the strange looks around him, Zhou Liqun's face was a little hot.

But he was mature and steady, and he had a big vision.

Of course, the leadership's majesty should not be lost!

Zhou Liqun scolded on the spot:"What are you looking at? Since I appointed Zhao Hao as the commander, everything should be done by him. You are like this, and I am no exception!"

Then he looked at Zhao Hao.

Stand at attention.


Zhou Liqun said in a loud voice:"Report to the commander-in-chief, Zhou Liqun reports to you. I am willing to obey your command unconditionally. Please give me your instructions, Captain Zhao!!!"

Oh my god!

The captain of the criminal police team obeys the orders of a small police officer in a police station?

It's wrong no matter how you think about it!

But if you think about what Zhao Hao has done since he joined the job, including what happened today, what Zhao Hao did in it, etc.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally came to their senses.

What the hell!

The captain has obeyed the order, what else do we have to hesitate about?

Then, Sun Zeyu and other members of the task force stood at attention:"Resolutely obey all the instructions of Captain Zhao!"

Fu Xuelin and other members of the Huxi Police Station were so excited.

Then they followed suit and stood at attention:"Everyone in the Huxi Police Station, please obey the command of Captain Zhao!!!"

Zhao Hao nodded with satisfaction. This is more like it. You can't give me the title of commander and then sideline me, right?

On the battlefield, there can only be one voice!

And every operation to catch a criminal is a war!

So Zhao Hao said with a serious face:"Leave four"117" brothers from the task force, and ten people from our police station. You cooperate with each other and keep a good look after these criminals!"

"After brother departments come to support us, you can bring extra police force to follow the team. During this period, if any criminal dares to escape, shoot him on the spot!"

"During this special period, we will break the legs of anyone who holds us back!"

"As for all the rest, follow me....Let’s go on foot!"


Zhao Hao quickly issued instructions one after another.

Everyone was on high alert!

Then they obeyed the orders absolutely. After a while, according to Zhao Hao's instructions, four members of the task force and ten police officers from Huxi Police Station were left at the scene.

The members of the task force were all armed. Zhao Hao said that if someone escaped, they would be shot directly. Although there was a component of intimidation, it was not entirely a joke!

At least.

If someone really escaped, as a member of the criminal police task force, they really had the right to shoot. The key was whether the bullet had eyes...

Let's get back to the point.

After everything was ready, Zhao Hao gave an order, and everyone immediately followed his footsteps.

The group then passed through the northwest area of the middle section of Zhongshan Road and detoured over an arch bridge.

Then they came to Fengbian Street.

Fengbian Street is relatively remote. It is the junction between urban and rural areas. On the left is the river, and on the right is the mountains that stretch for dozens of miles.

When the team got back on track, Zhao Hao was able to quickly follow the straight line and use his single odor recognition skills to re-lock the exact location of the murderer of the corpse case!

"There are many shanties ahead, and the terrain is complicated. Everyone slow down and follow silently!"

Zhao Hao paused and issued another order.

The smell of body odor was less than a hundred meters away.

Zhao Hao looked ahead and saw that it was the shantytown of Fengbian Street, which seemed incompatible with the prosperity of the big city.

Moreover, the complexity of the terrain of this place is no less than that of Shuitou Street.

The key is that this area is connected to the mountains, so he is worried about alerting the enemy!

After all, he can only determine the location of the murderer, but he does not know the specific situation of the location, let alone whether the murderer is alone or has many accomplices.

In short.

Under Zhao Hao's strong appearance, there is a cautious heart!

At this time

When the others saw the complicated environment in front of them, their faces became more serious.

At the same time, they also knew Zhao Hao's worries.

So in the next action, everyone acted very cautiously and really moved forward silently. After a while, everyone approached the shantytown.

And Zhao Hao's eyes were fixed on one of the large and medium-sized shantytowns near the mountains. There were bright lights there, and some noise could be heard from afar.

In addition, Zhao Hao also noticed that after approaching the shantytown, there were many luxury cars parked around, including two supercars!

The odor recognition switched to group recognition mode, and Zhao Hao smelled for a while.……

"Another casino?!"

Zhao Hao curled his lips and said,"It seems that the murderer we are looking for in the corpse case is a gambler!"

While speaking, he even had a picture in his mind.

The murderer lost money in the casino on Shuitou Street, and then played the feudal superstition, looking for a milk tea girl to get rid of bad luck, and finally came to this casino to continue his conquest!

It's so fucking outrageous!

When the others heard this, they looked at each other.

Obviously, they also thought of this level!

Many people were speechless, but they didn't dare to speak.

Because Zhao Hao made a silence gesture to them:"Don't talk, this casino has more secret sentries than the casino we found before."

"Everyone, attention, group one, at nine o'clock, under the big tree next to the public toilet, do you see anyone? Get him!"

"Second group, at 12 o'clock, did you see the shop owner? This guy is probably a secret sentry, take him down!"

"Group 3……"

Zhao Hao kept giving orders in a low voice.

With his ability to identify group odors, the people Zhao Hao wanted the police to arrest were most likely criminals.

Even if they had nothing to do with the casino, they might have committed other crimes!

Everyone heard the order without hesitation, and immediately followed Zhao Hao's instructions and acted one by one.

A few minutes later

"The first team completes the mission!"

"Team Two completes mission!"

"The third team completed the task!"


These secret guards are basically under the control of the police.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep~!~But just when the fourth group was about to report the situation, a whistle suddenly came from the fifth group!

"Report to the captain, the fifth team accidentally triggered the opponent's alarm device while approaching the target, and our whereabouts have been discovered!"

Everyone's face sank.

Liu Liqun almost cursed on the spot, but in the end, seeing that the commander-in-chief Zhao Hao remained calm, he didn't dare to say anything.

Zhao Hao was actually very unhappy.

But at this point, he had no intention of pursuing responsibility.

So he said in a deep voice:"Everyone take action immediately, attack the casino, and don't let anyone escape!"

When Zhao Hao was halfway through his words, he took the lead in launching a charge. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When his voice fell completely.

Everyone saw only his back as tall as a hill.……


Let's talk about ten minutes ago.

At the entrance of the"tea shop" den that was busted on Shuitou Street.

After receiving the request for support, the three nearby police stations immediately brought people to support, and the Hedong Police Station provided the fastest support.

The director, Liu Mingyuan, was originally responsible for Zhao Hao to watch over the three illegal and violent debt collectors in the hotel.

But more than two hours later, there was still no sign of Zhao Hao returning.

Liu Mingyuan was anxious, and he called to ask, only to find out what happened in the past two hours!

Busted a casino, a"tea shop", a total of two criminal dens?

A total of 102 criminals were arrested?!!!

Including one Class A wanted criminal, one Class B wanted criminal, and several others are still at large!

There are so many petty thieves, gamblers, milk tea girls and other small shrimps that the bus can't fit?

I'm fucking crazy...

After Liu Mingyuan heard the news, his eyes almost popped out!

Then he regretted it so much!

I should have asked someone to take over the three violent debt collectors, and then hugged Zhao Hao's thighs tightly, and followed him to eat and drink delicious food!

102 criminals!!!

Thinking of this, Liu Mingyuan trembled all over!

And before he could completely digest the news.

Then, he received a call from the command center, asking him to bring people and cars over to assist the police who were guarding the criminals and arrest all the criminals!

At this time, Liu Mingyuan and the directors of the other two police stations met at the entrance of the hotel.....

The two station chiefs were fine. Although they were shocked by what Huxi Police Station did, they were satisfied to have some soup and water.

So both of them were smiling.

But Liu Mingyuan was not convinced!

Looking at the bus full of criminals from Huxi Police Station, including one AB-level wanted criminal each... and all that was left for him and the other two station chiefs were some gamblers and milk tea girls, plus a few petty thieves! Are all the big fish on the bus of Huxi Police Station?!

Liu Mingyuan was so envious that Jill was even more envious!!!

At this time.

Fei Gan, as one of the police officers from Huxi Police Station who stayed behind, saw the brother departments coming to support, and immediately trotted forward. He simply said hello first.

Then Fei Gan said in high spirits:"Then Director Liu, Director Zheng and Director Zhou, I'll leave this to you."

"Time is short and the task is heavy, so I and my brothers from the police station and the senior brothers and sisters from the special case team will go first.……"

Liu Mingyuan immediately said sourly:"Wait, what are you doing?"

Fei Gan really wanted to look at him as if he was an idiot.

But in the end, he didn't dare to do so.

Instead, he raised his head and chest and said:"Captain Zhao and the others are still on the front line to track down the whereabouts of the real culprit of the rotten corpse case. Of course we have to go over to support them!"

Captain Zhao?!

There are also where the real culprit of the rotten corpse case is!!!

When Liu Mingyuan heard this information, his eyes widened.

The title of Captain Zhao is easy to understand, but it is shocking enough!

Captain Zhao Hao? He took over the command?!

The captain and second captain of the criminal police team are all there, and the director Fu Xuelin is also there, but Zhao Hao, a small police officer, is asked to be the commander?

Liu Mingyuan felt that his brain was not enough.

The other two directors also looked at each other, and then saw the shock in each other's eyes.……

"Director Liu, I don't have time to explain to you."

Fei Gan said again:"By the way, if you have enough police force, you can also go with us to support Captain Zhao."

"Captain Zhao said before he left,"We're not afraid of too many people, we're just afraid of not having enough people!""

Fuck, there's such a good thing?"

"Enough, it must be enough!"

"Brother, there must be enough police force. If not, I will call for more!"

"That’s right, we still have more than a dozen people in our police station ready to go!"


Liu Mingyuan and several other directors responded to the call without hesitation.

After a while

, a team of about forty or fifty people was organized at the entrance of the 3.5 Hotel, and then they set out lightly to follow the footsteps of Zhao Hao and others.

Ten minutes later, Liu Mingyuan and others rushed to Fengbian Street and found Zhao Hao and others according to the location provided by the command center.

But when they saw Zhao Hao and others, they happened to hear Zhao Hao's order to launch a strong attack!

Liu Mingyuan said in a daze:"Senior Brother Fu, what's going on?"

Fu Xuelin saw Liu Mingyuan and others coming. Although he didn't like Liu Mingyuan, now was the action period, and he certainly wouldn't get involved in personal grudges.

"Don't ask, you came at the right time, and then you will act with us, and catch all the people inside, and don't let any of them go!"

After saying that, Fu Xuelin waved his hand and called the newly arrived brothers:"Go, hurry up, follow Captain Zhao, he runs too fast, don't let him take risks alone!"


Liu Mingyuan and others didn't even understand the situation, but seeing the task force and the police from Huxi Police Station rushing forward, they had to follow them.

At the same time.

Zhao Hao had rushed to the door of the target shanty, and from a distance, he saw people running around.

And he couldn't care less!

It's better to let a few fish slip through the net than to let the real murderer of the rotten corpse case escape the law!

In any case, he must be arrested today!

He switched the odor recognition back to the single-body recognition mode, and soon, he locked the exact location of the murderer again!

The murderer of the rotten corpse case is here!!!!

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