Zhao Hao looked up and saw that it was the instructor Yu Yuanzhong.

""Zhao Hao, don't just stand there, come with me!"

Yu Yuanzhong stepped forward and tried to grab Zhao Hao's hand, but he only touched a big thick leg and was confused for a moment.

Zhao Hao saw this and laughed,"Instructor, if you have anything to say, just tell me, I can run faster than a thief!"

Yu Yuanzhong resolved the embarrassment.

Then he laughed.

After a while, under the guidance of Yu Yuanzhong, Zhao Hao followed him to the large conference room in the station.

At this time, many people were already sitting in the conference room.

There was Gao Xueming, a provincial department leader whom Zhao Hao knew, and Wu Pengyi, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and many other municipal bureau leaders.

Zhao Hao couldn't recognize the few people next to the municipal bureau leaders, but thinking of the Binjiang City cars outside, these people should be from the neighboring brother departments.

The rest of the people are those with higher positions and more seniority in Huxi Police Station, such as Director Fu Xuelin, Master He Chengfu, etc.

But senior brother Fei Gan and others are not qualified to sit down.

Zhao Hao is kind, under Yu Yuanzhong's ’s arrangement, he soon sat together with the director Fu Xuelin.

Of course, Zhao Hao’s entrance immediately made him the focus of the whole audience.

Gao Xueming, the leader of the provincial department, was the first to nod to him, with no concealment of admiration in his eyes.

Then there were the leaders of the municipal bureau, and the way they looked at Zhao Hao was no different from looking at their own son!

The level of eagerness made Zhao Hao feel like sitting on pins and needles!

Then came the police officers of Binjiang City, and the way they looked at Zhao Hao, there were indescribable amazement, surprise and other emotions in their eyes.

But Zhao Hao was watching his heart and not looking away.

No matter what the situation was today, he believed that since he was allowed to sit in it, there would definitely be someone who would help him solve his doubts.

"Comrade Zhao Hao!"

Unexpectedly, just as he finished his thought, the provincial department leader Gao Xueming called out his name in a very formal tone.

Zhao Hao was stunned.

He quickly reacted, immediately stood up, and stood as straight as a pillar:"Here!"

Gao Xueming went straight to the point:"Since Comrade Zhao Hao joined the post, he has made many outstanding achievements and performed outstandingly. He has resolutely implemented the professionalism of fighting lawbreakers and criminals to the end!"

"According to our provincial department's calculations, Comrade Zhao Hao arrested a total of 84 criminals, big and small, in just two months after taking office!"

"Among them is a wanted criminal by AAA!"

"A wanted criminal 18 22!"

"56 Class B wanted criminals!"

"74 criminals who are guilty of heinous crimes and may be sentenced to life imprisonment or even death penalty!"

"There are 92 criminals serving sentences of more than ten years!"

"There are 178 criminals serving sentences of more than three years but less than ten years in prison!"

"There are 269 criminals serving fixed-term imprisonment of more than six months but less than three years!"

"Other penalties included detention for seven days or less for 396 lawbreakers and criminals!"


Compared to that thief Lin Haonan.

Gao Xueming did not count the crimes committed by these criminals when he read out these fierce achievements of Zhao Hao. Just reading out these numbers consumed a lot of his energy.

His mouth was dry and dry!

The people below were so excited!

They knew Zhao Hao was awesome!

They knew he was awesome!

But when Zhao Hao's achievements were digitized, they really understood what Zhao Hao had done in the two months since he joined the company!

1084 criminals!

My god!~!~

There are no more words to describe the shock in my heart!

Several policemen from Binjiang City came with the leaders of the provincial department. Although they were mentally prepared, they looked at each other when they heard this.

They were shocked beyond words!

However, even Zhao Hao, the person involved, was far from being as calm as he seemed.

When I heard what Lin Haonan, the thief, said a few days ago, I was not so deeply touched. Today, when I heard what the leaders of the provincial department said, I really realized the meaning.

No wonder the thieves in Jiangbei City all fled!

So I really caught you so hard that your scalp numbed?!

I caught about a thousand in two months. If I give you another six months, I will dig up all your ancestral graves?!


Zhao Hao gave himself a thumbs up in his heart!

But on the surface, he seemed calm and not arrogant!

Of course, it may also be that his emotional fluctuations were covered up by his evil temperament, so he looked so indifferent.

Gao Xueming was very satisfied with Zhao Hao's performance.

He paused.

Then he continued:"Comrade Zhao Hao, in view of your above deeds"

"After investigation by our provincial department committee, we believe that Comrade Zhao Hao is worthy of the title of patrol pioneer and has truly achieved the goal of eradicating all evil and eradicating all evil!"

"For this, our provincial department committee has already applied for credit to the higher authorities, and received the reply this morning, so I came here on behalf of the provincial department committee."

"The purpose is to let our heroes get the honor and rewards they deserve.……"

Below, there was thunderous applause.

Especially all the members of the Huxi Police Station, they wanted to clap their hands until they were broken!

They were so proud of it!!!

"Comrade Zhao Hao!"

Gao Xueming called out again in a formal tone.

Zhao Hao immediately responded loudly:"Here!"

Gao Xueming took a deep breath and said:"Due to Comrade Zhao Hao's outstanding performance during his tenure, with the approval of the superior headquarters, our provincial department committee will conduct verification and approval!"

"In view of Comrade Zhao Hao’s outstanding performance in the past, the headquarters meeting studied and decided, and the provincial department committee is responsible for implementation, that Comrade Zhao Hao will be awarded special merit!"

"Comrade Zhao Hao was posthumously awarded the honorary title of"Light of Police" and other medals, certificates of merit, bonuses, etc.……"

After receiving these awards, the whole place was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop!

Special Merit!!!

No one would have thought that Zhao Hao would get a special merit after just two months of joining the company!

In this day and age, first-class merit is extremely rare, and special merit is almost a legend.

I never expected that Jiangbei City would actually produce one!

And the honor of the light of the local police...

Oh my god~!~

It's really awesome!!!


Looking at Zhao Hao's performance since he joined the job, and thinking of all the deeds that Zhao Hao had done, everyone couldn't help but feel that this was natural!

1,084 criminals were captured in two months. This can be recorded in the history of the national public security system, right?!

It definitely set a new record!


After a moment of silence, the scene suddenly exploded.


Another round of thunderous applause!

Whether it was the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, the members of the Huxi Police Station, or the police officers of Binjiang City, they couldn't help but give warm applause from the bottom of their hearts to show their respect.

Gao Xueming did not express dissatisfaction with the commotion that everyone made.

Because as the leader of the provincial department, he was also proud that such a fierce policeman had appeared in their jurisdiction.

Otherwise, the provincial department would not have been so anxious to send him here to announce the news.

After everyone calmed down a little and became quieter.

Gao Xueming then smiled and said,"Comrade Zhao Hao, the medal of special merit is still being produced intensively, and some other processes also need time to complete."

"I came here early today not only to announce the good news, but also to represent the will of the provincial and ministerial committee. I am proud of your performance since you joined the company!"

"Therefore, our provincial department committee also expressed……"

Zhao Hao was stunned.

But Gao Xueming's tone became solemn again:"Comrade Zhao Hao, our provincial department committee has decided after research!"

"In view of the fact that Comrade Zhao Hao has been dedicated to his work and has made outstanding achievements during his tenure, Comrade Zhao Hao is promoted from the rank of First-Class Superintendent to the rank of Third-Class Police Inspector as an exception, and is given the title of……"

A special merit!

The honorary title of the light of the local police!

The police rank was promoted from the first-level police inspector to the third-level police supervisor!

If it were someone else, each of these three things would be a lifetime of achievements, but Zhao Hao had all three!

Let’s not talk about the first two for now, as for the promotion of police rank.

Zhao Hao had only been on the job for two months, and he had accomplished what many people would find difficult to achieve in their careers for most of their lives! The third-level police supervisor had already surpassed the rank of the director Fu Xuelin!

According to the normal process, a local police officer would have to take every step from the time he joined the job to become a trainee police officer!

To reach the third-level police supervisor, it would take at least a dozen years to pass all the assessments! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But everyone could understand Zhao Hao’s promotion!

After all, in the national public security system, how many policemen can really do what Zhao Hao did?!

"Good, good, good, good!"

"Awesome, a hero emerges from youth!"

"The Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves in front!"

"Our Jiangbei City’s public security system has truly produced a tough cop of the century!"

"So awesome!"

"It’s so awesome!"


There was a sensation at the scene.

Then there was even more enthusiastic applause.

And Zhao �� also saluted Gao Xueming, who came on behalf of the provincial department and even higher-level institutions, amidst such applause, and then accepted the honor and reward he deserved.

After doing all this, he turned around and saluted the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, the director of Huxi Police Station, and the police officers of Binhai City again! Swish!

Everyone saluted him one after another!

The awarding of honors was over.

Although the real special prize medal of honor had not yet come down, it was a done deal that Gao Xueming could come here to announce it in advance.

There was no doubt about this!

Therefore, with the end of the awarding of honors, the atmosphere at the scene reached a climax.

On this day, Huxi Police Station was as festive as the Chinese New Year!

And because of institutional factors, although it was not possible to entertain the leaders with fish and meat.

However, whether it was the leaders of the provincial department, the leaders of the municipal bureau, or the police officers of Binhai City, none of them refused the enthusiastic invitation of Huxi Police Station.

So that night, everyone had dinner in the cafeteria of Huxi Police Station!

The food was not that rich!

But the atmosphere was the main thing!!!

As the protagonist of this banquet, Zhao Hao naturally became the focus of the whole audience, and the chicken drumstick in his bowl was almost full.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao was big and had a good appetite!

He ate everything up, and resolutely did not waste any grain of food, which attracted everyone's applause...

In the following days.

Zhao Hao still did not forget his original intention!

Even though his police rank was higher than that of the director, he was still conscientious, but after patrolling for several consecutive days, he still did not gain anything.

It cannot be said that no thief was caught, but most of them were not presentable characters!

Therefore, unknowingly, due to Zhao Hao's existence, the overall crime rate in Jiangbei City has dropped sharply!

This point is not only felt by the Jiangbei Public Security System, but also by ordinary people. It is obvious that the quality of public security in the entire city has been greatly improved!

And there is no wall that is impenetrable in the world!

Everyone soon learned through various channels that the reason for such a grand scene was that a legendary police officer like Zhao Hao appeared in the public security system of Jiangbei City!

The leaders of the municipal bureau were all very happy!

It seems that in the performance evaluation of the public security bureaus in major cities across the country this year, the Jiangbei Public Security Bureau will really be famous throughout the country and stand out from the crowd!


Ordinary people can't help but feel fortunate and proud of being citizens of Jiangbei City from the bottom of their hearts!

Of course, as the one who caused this result, Zhao Hao naturally became well-known, and the people even privately praised him as the"Guardian of Jiangbei"!

Zhao Hao himself, however, knew nothing about this.

Since he couldn't catch the thief, he couldn't choose to lie down, so when he was free, Zhao Hao would look for opportunities to improve his strength.

The first thing is to receive the system reward.

Since Zhongzhai Village took down the super-large criminal group, he has arrested hundreds of thieves, including the bank robbers behind, and he hasn't received the reward yet!

It was pouring rain outside today, and Zhao Hao was able to steal half a day of leisure!

So I stayed at Huxi Police Station.���In the rest room,

Zhao Hao silently said to himself,"Get the reward"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 680 thieves, reward temperament +0.1】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for capturing a Class B wanted criminal. The range of the identity recognition skill is increased by 5m.】


As always, Zhao Hao's head started to buzz again!

But he was very satisfied!

After receiving one reward after another, his own abilities were partially supplemented, and his skills also absorbed a lot of nutrients.

After about a few dozen seconds, the rewards were all received.

Zhao Hao immediately looked at his personal information in the system panel.

【Name: Zhao Hao】

【Height: 2.3m】

【Weight: 200kg】

【Strength: 38.6】

【Speed: 39.1】

【Temperament: 82.3】

【Auxiliary skills: Identity recognition, radius 100m (upgradeable); Smell recognition, group recognition, radius 120m; Single recognition, radius 1200m (upgradeable)】

【Physical skills: Golden Bell Cover, experience value 92/100 (intermediate); Mixed Martial Arts 79/100 (beginner); Sprint, experience value 72/100 (beginner); Clairvoyance, experience value 34/100 (beginner)】

【Extended skills: Firearms, experience value 25/100 (advanced); Driving, experience value 42/100 (advanced)】


Feeling great.

I gained another two pounds... I've reached 400 pounds!

But it's no big deal!!!

My strength and speed are almost four times that of an average person, and my temperament is even more ferocious!

The scope of the two skills of identity recognition and odor recognition has been extended again!

The experience points of the Golden Bell Cover, mixed martial arts, sprinting, firearms and driving have all been greatly improved!

Finally, the new skills!

Primary Clairvoyance: After the skill is activated, it can increase the host's vision tenfold!

Simple and crude, ten times the vision!

After Zhao Hao activated the skill, he looked outside, and many scenes that were previously blurry in his sight were instantly visible.

It's like carrying an invisible telescope with you.……

"OK, OK, it's even better!"

Zhao Hao was very satisfied, because the skill of clairvoyance was definitely another awesome aid in his police career!

In this way, the depression of not catching thieves during this period was also dissipated. In addition

, Zhao Hao would exercise in his spare time!

The system's empowerment is important, but one must not slack off!

It's just that during the exercise, he always attracted onlookers, which was the only flaw!

Fortunately, everyone was just amazed, but very few dared to come forward and talk to him!

The main reason was that his temperament was too scary, and most people didn't dare to get close to him. Even at a distance, they had to be very careful, for fear that Zhao Hao would cause trouble for them.

And such days lasted for about half a month.

Finally, on this day, after Zhao Hao finished his morning run, a call from the Municipal Bureau made him embark on the journey again!

"Comrade Zhao Hao, time is short and the task is heavy. I will give you 20 minutes to report to the Municipal Public Security Bureau!!!"

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