
Chapter 11 - First Missions and Training.

Tendo: "Y-you should be happy, Anko. I just freed you from your shackles.

Anko: "You fool! What do you think the Curse Mark is?! It takes over your mind and body and forces you to become a pawn for that wretched man Orochimaru! Look at your skin! You probably absorbed Orochimaru's chakra that was in the mark, making you take on a bit of his appearance! Again, Are you crazy?"

Tendo: "It's not going to influence someone like me. I'll take its power and use it for myself. My will cannot be broken by such methods."

Hiruzen: "Boy! Do you know what you've just done?! Come, let me seal it so that it doesn't corrupt you!

Hiruzen flickered in front of Tendo to grab his palm and try to seal the mark but Tendo pulled his palm away before it could be touched.

Tendo: "Hokage, leave it alone. This mark will not trump my will. Whether you want it or not, this mark is staying.

Hiruzen: "Boy, it looks like your understanding of what that mark does is deep. I'm going to ask for the last time, are you sure that you have no connections to Orochimaru?!

Tendo: "I already said no."

Hiruzen: "Boy I-"

Anko: "Hokage-sama, please believe him. He doesn't seem like the type to lie.

Anko was almost steaming from her ears from anger and her eyes were filled with tears. She knew how having that Mark felt. It felt like Orochimaru was watching every movement she made and could control her at any second. Now that it was passed down to such a young boy from her, she felt like it was her responsibility to make sure this boy didn't live the life she had. She had to find a way to get the Curse Mark off of him.

Tendo: 'Alright. She's hooked! Now that she feels responsible for me, I can get any jutsu I want to learn without any problems from her. Now I just need to put on a strong act to make her think that im trying not to make her worry.'

He sat down on the bed and looked at Anko and Hiruzen, making sure to always turn away from Anko periodically to make sure she felt that there was indeed something wrong with him.

Tendo: "Trust me, im fine. I just need some rest after expending so much stamina. You can have whoever you want to watch me trail me around all day and you still wouldn't find anything wrong with me."

Anko: "Tendo I-"

Anko ran towards him and hugged him tightly as tears flowed from her eyes nonstop.

Anko: "Tendo, thank you for freeing me from this curse. But im sorry for making you carry this burden, I promise to do everything I can to free you."

Tendo: "It's fine, Anko."

Tendo: 'What a gullible woman. Well, as soon as the attack on the leaf village starts, I can leave under the guise of being missing without worrying about being followed. This woman wouldn't be an issue then.'

After a few more warnings, Anko and Hiruzen left, taking a few Anbu with them and leaving about 2 of them to watch Tendo's movements. As soon as they left, he laid down on the bed and eventually fell asleep as the exhaustion soon got to him.

In the next few days, he had learned how to activate the first stage of the curse mark. It was painful at first but it wasn't anything that he hadn't felt before. The buff to his physical power and already large chakra levels was more than he thought, and this was only the first stage. Anko had visited him a few times but when she saw him being fine with the curse mark still being inactive, she sighed in relief.

He had also managed to get her to teach him a few jutsu that he was interested in. Before, when he had trailed Naruto to have a peek at the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu scroll, he was disappointed as it didn't offer much insight into anything he hadn't figured out on his own already. From Anko, he learned things like the Body Flicker Technique, the Hidden Shadow Snake Hands, and the Summoning Jutsu.

The body flicker technique was the one he had practiced the most as he wanted to master the technique so that it could be used easily in combat. It was hard to control where he would land at first but through multiple uses every day, he eventually picked up on it. Anko was worried when she saw Tendo's version of the Hidden Snake Hands summoned White Snakes instead of the normal brown and on top of that, he had summoned much more than she could even muster at her best. But she quickly remembered that he had Orochimaru's chakra mixed with his own large chakra pool since he was a Senju so that wasn't out of the realms of possibility.

His first summoning came in the form of a building-sized giant white snake that had no name and could not speak. Anko was impressed as her first time summoning came in the form of a tiny brown snake. She even taught him how to substitute himself into snakes instead of the basic wooden log that most shinobi used.

They then started to go on missions as he had had to complete at least 8 missions to qualify for the Chunin Exams. First, he did some D ranks that included catching a few cats and gardening but when a certain C rank mission came along to escort an old man to the Land of Waves, he couldn't be happier as this mission will allow him to learn more Water Style Jutsu and steal the Ice Chakra and Jutsu of Haku. Team 7 had already taken the mission but he knew that convincing the Hokage to allow him to accompany them wasn't going to be hard as long as he tells him the benefits of the trip. The only bad part of the trip is that he would have to tag along with Team 7, with the entire team being dead weight at this point except for Kakashi and maybe Sasuke. But he thought it would be no problem as he would just use them as bait in the fight so that he could get more hits in.

Tendo: 'If you are weak, then you can only become a stepping stone of the strong. Strength is the only thing that matters.'

He had remembered what his one and only true sensei could teach him as he was in his room thinking about the mission the night before it started. He knew that from tomorrow, he could finally start gaining points in the system more efficiently as the amount of people that he would have to kill would be numerous.

Tendo: 'I wonder if I can summon Manda and offer him that 100 human sacrifice on this trip.'

Next Up: The Land Of Waves Arc.

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