
Chapter 13 - Zabuza Momochi.(1)

As they were walking, Tendo already activated his byakugan, and using his almost 360° vision, saw one of the demon brothers jump out of the puddle. As soon as the first one left the other one jumped out and they both chained ran around Kakashi with impressive speed, wrapping the chains around him and binding him.

Kakashi: "What?!"

Naruto: "What's this?!"

Sakura: "Huh?!"

????: "One down!"


The remains of Kakashi rained down as the Demon Brothers had tightened the chained around him and crushed the man to death.


????: "Two down."

As the Demon Brothers were going to strike naruto, sasuke was going to jump in and save him. But before he could even move, a shadow flew past him and kicked one of the brothers in his head with so much force that his neck was broken on impact, killing him.

????: "What physical strength!"

Tendo then grabbed the chains of the other brother to try and trap him with it, but the brother used Kawarimi to escape his grip and ran towards the bridge builder, Tazuna to finish the job.

Tendo: "Not so fast."

Tendo body flickered next to the man and grabbed onto his chains again, this time delivering a sharp blow of the gentle fist to his shoulder to disrupt his chakra flow, disabling him from using the substitution jutsu. He then wrapped the chains around the neck of the man and stomped on his knees, breaking them and forcing him to the ground.

Tendo: "What was your mission? Who were you after?"

Of course, he already knew those answers but he still had to pretend like this is all new to him.

Demon Brother: "H-how did y-you find...*cough*..out about our ambush?"

Kakashi: "Because a puddle being there in the middle of the day when it hasn't rained in days isn't normal at all."

Naruto: "Kakashi-Sensei! You're alive!"

Kakashi showed up with the other demon brother in his hands, looking at Tendo with a mysterious expression on his face.

Kakashi: "Impressive skills, Tendo. To take care of two Chunin level opponents like that at your age is definitely not something to scoff at. Now, tie him up on that tree so we cou-"


Tendo squeezed the neck of the demon brother with his chains and crushed it. Team 7 was taken aback by how easy he killed them but before they even could say anything, Tendo picked up the dead man and held him by his neck.

Tendo: 'Life steal.'

In what seemed like a few seconds, the man's previously strong body was reduced to a husk of bȧrėly visible flesh and bones. Even his full head of hair was reduced to a few gray strands. It looked like he aged a few hundred years just by Tendo touching him.

Sakura: "Kyaaa!!"

Naruto: "What the.."

Kakashi: "Why did you kill him? We could've gotten information on who he was targeting out of him. And what was the purpose of that jutsu?"

Tendo ignored his questions as he felt the new chakra flowing through him. It quickly integrated with his own and he felt the memories and skills of the brother coursing through him.

Tendo: 'What? I never knew memories and skills could be taken. But it seems like it's only a part of them. I probably have to master the technique more to get all the memories from someone. Maybe it's because in this world it's chakra being taken instead of normal life force that it reacted like this. Since chakra is basically the life force of a shinobi, of course, it would contain their experiences and skills. Hm, I wonder why it didn't happen with Orochimaru's chakra. I most likely need to absorb a lot more for his memories to come along with it.'

Turning to Kakashi, Tendo dropped the body of the first brother and pointed to the one in Kakashi's hands:

Tendo: "Give him to me. I can absorb their memories and figure out who sent them myself. I already have half of the story from the earlier one but I need this one for the rest of it."

Kakashi: "So you only get half of if huh? Absorbing the chakra of foreign shinobi might not be so much of a good idea. You don't know what kind of dangerous substances they intake regularly and what experiments they might have been through. You-"

Tendo: "Stop talking and just pass it to me. This is the reality of the Ninja world. You use everything at your disposal to get the upper hand as this is not a game. If I die, then it's my fault. You have known this all through your life, Kakashi, so a kid shouldn't have to remind you where we are and what we do."

Kakashi: "... I hope you know what you're doing."

Tendo collected the body of the other brother and absorbed his chakra, then he proceeded to tell Kakashi and the team that Zabuza had sent the Demon Brothers after them so they can get to their main target, the bridge builder Tazuna. Kakashi didn't seem to be too surprised by this and pulled the old man in a corner and started talking to him. Tendo took the bodies of the two brothers and set them next to each other. He then started searching them, taking away all their poison coated shurikens and kunai. One of them even had a few poison coated senbon on him.

Sakura: "Kyaaa, nooo, Sasuke, what is he doing?!"

Sasuke: "It looks like he's taking their weapons to use them for himself."

Sakura: "But, that's not honorable is it?"

Sasuke: "No, but who said shinobi must be honorable?"

Sakura: "...."

Tendo heard what she said but he couldn't care less as he wasn't as naive as they were. As he didn't find anything else on them, he finally turned his attention to the claws and chains on their hands. He remembered that their claws were poison coated so he wanted to use them but, using the full claw gauntlet wasn't in his fighting style. That's when he came up with the idea to disconnect the chains and claws from the gauntlets and then intertwine the claws into the chains so that they can become shredding tools instead of primarily capturing tools.

It wasn't a hard weapon to make as to cut the steel, all he did was use the principal of the gentle fist to make a chakra scalpel on his two fingers and then he used nature transformation on it to turn it into wind release. By the time Team 7 had finished deciding on their next course of action, Tendo had already finished cutting everything and had wrapped the chains around his arms. He decided to call this weapon the Claw Chains. He took a liking to this weapon as it would make for a good capture and torture weapon.

Kakashi: "Tendo, now that you're finished doing that, are you still going to continue this mission? Its rank has now risen to a B-rank or higher mission. You can go back if you want, no one will blame you."

Tendo: "I'm not going back anywhere, let's go."

Kakashi sighed at his attitude and motioned to the team that they should continue.

[A while later.]

Boatman: "Alright that's it for me, Goodbye, and good luck."

Tazuna: "Yeah. Thank you so much! Alright ninja, get me home!"

Kakashi: "Yeah, yeah.."

It wasn't long after that small exchange that something ran out of the bushes and sprang past them. All except Tendo. Snatching the thing by its neck and holding it up in the air, Tendo looked at the animal with no surprise as he knew who was behind this.

Tendo: "Hm, a snow rabbit?"

Kakashi: 'I'm surprised he knew it was a snow rabbit, but yet it's spring. What's its color? White huh? This means that it was kept in a cage and is used for body switching. They're already here huh?'

????: 'No wonder the demon brothers didn't stand a chance. Kakashi of the Sharingan huh...'

Kakashi: "Get down!"

A giant blade flew over the group as everyone ducked down, dodging the attack entirely. The blade hit a tree and got stuck on it. On the blade, a shirtless man appeared that had a mask on and exuded an abundant amount of killing intent.

Tendo: 'Zabuza Momochi.'

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